• guest-dude - that was beautiful.

  • @F_alk:

    The one country that once more has defied the UN / human rights ( a guy in texas was killed/ capital punished, for a murder that he did/ would have done when he was 17 ! That is against internatiopnal law!).

    What are you talking about? Please explain this Texas situation so we can understand it.

  • Deviant scripter,



    Two reasons:
    (1) Because they are no terrorists before they attack …. you cannot punish a crime not yet done.
    (2) If you have punished a crime once, you don’t punish it twice.

    Correct me if I’m wrong, but hasn’t Saddam already broken UN Sanctions that were set at the end of Desert Storm? That should be reason enough for punishment.



    The one country that once more has defied the UN / human rights ( a guy in texas was killed/ capital punished, for a murder that he did/ would have done when he was 17 ! That is against internatiopnal law!).

    What are you talking about? Please explain this Texas situation so we can understand it.

    It’s not that difficult.
    You say: Let’s attack the Iraq, as they have broken UN rules.
    I say: Who are you to judge, if you do the same and as frequently?

    For the dude: look up the last 5 (just to be sure) dudes who were killed by the Texas government. Have a look how old they were when they committed the crimes they died for. Have a look at the rules of the UN about capital punishment.

  • He’s talking about the UN international law against executing people under 18.

    And that guest was The-Admiral if you guys were wondering, and I agree with him 100%.

    The US owes millions of dollars in dues to the UN. The US arrogantly violates UN rules. The US could care less if the UN existed or not.

  • Yanny said:

    The US could care less if the UN existed or not.

    THANK YOU YANNY! The day the U.N. is gone I am going to dance a jig. I am tired of a bunch of 3rd world mobsters condeming American and Israeli actions as they try to take my 2nd amendment rights.

    We should all be thankful that the U.N. has no real power. The day they get real power is the day the 3rd world dictators have mor power than us.

  • F_alk, your information is mis-leading. Here are the actual facts. You fail to mention that those last 5 “juveniles” executed in Texas were not executed when they were under-age. Here are the facts:

    Name: T.J. Jones
    Executed: 8/8/02
    State: Texas
    Race: Black
    Age Convicted: 17
    Age Executed: 25
    Name: Napoleon Beazley
    Executed: 5/28/02
    State: Texas
    Race: Black
    Age Convicted: 17
    Age Executed: 25

    Name: Gerald Mitchell
    Executed: 10/22/01
    State: Texas
    Race: Black
    Age Convicted: 17
    Age Executed: 33

    Name: Shaka Sankofa (Gary Graham)
    Executed: 6/22/00
    State: Texas
    Race: Black
    Age Convicted: 17
    Age Executed: 36

    Name: Glen McGinnis
    Executed: 1/25/00
    State: Texas
    Race: Black
    Age Convicted: 17
    Age Executed: 27

  • Can’t help but notice a common theme in those inmates.

  • It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see the common theme running through those last five people. The more reasonable approach, however, would be to look at the crimes that they committed. I’m willing to bet that they’re not your casual shoplifter.

  • @Jazz:

    The US will not be afraid to bomb civilian shields. It just won’t make the news.

    LOL. That was a good one Yanny my man. To think that the Media wont cover civilian deaths is to think that the sky isnt blue. If an Iraq civilian gets a hangnail from U.S. bombing CNN will have 24 hour coverage for a week.

    And to think that the U.S. Military holds no regard for civilian life is appauling. Did i spell appauling right?

    In support of Yanny, one might check out this story filled by a Canadian reporter. I think that our news tends to be quite objective from most respects (especially the CBC) and is regarded quite highly, as are its journalists.

  • @Deviant:Scripter:

    F_alk, your information is mis-leading. Here are the actual facts. You fail to mention that those last 5 “juveniles” executed in Texas were not executed when they were under-age. Here are the facts:

    Name: T.J. Jones
    Age Convicted: 17
    Name: Napoleon Beazley
    Age Convicted: 17

    Name: Gerald Mitchell
    Age Convicted: 17

    Name: Shaka Sankofa (Gary Graham)
    Age Convicted: 17

    Name: Glen McGinnis
    Age Convicted: 17

    My information is misleading?

    No, you can’t read.



    ( a guy in texas was killed/ capital punished, for a murder that he did/ would have done when he was 17 ! That is against internatiopnal law!).

    I never claimed that they were executed while underage, but executed for crimes they have committed when underage. That alone is against international laws.

    Or ask CC to help you with your language, as he is eager to help us germans :) :)

    Did anyone of you notice that the mexican president will not visit Texas in August because of the constant crimes Texas does?

  • @Jazz:

    Yanny said:

    The US could care less if the UN existed or not.

    THANK YOU YANNY! I am tired of a bunch of 3rd world mobsters condeming American and Israeli actions as they try to take my 2nd amendment rights.

    We should all be thankful that the U.N. has no real power. The day they get real power is the day the 3rd world dictators have mor power than us.


    when i said…… “US independace day… who cares?” i got massively attacked here…

    and this stands uncommented?

    The day the USA is gone I am going to dance a jig.

    should be enough… even though it’s not totally true…

  • @F_alk:

    Or ask CC to help you with your language, as he is eager to help us germans :) :)

    not true.
    willing to help - true.
    eager - false.

  • F_alk said:

    and this stands uncommented?

    Yup, looks like it. I would think there would be people on this board who agree with me.

    F_alk said:
    The day the USA is gone I am going to dance a jig.

    Now i find that mean and disturbing. I dont have a problem with the nations of the world. Just the United Nations the organization. I dont wish the countries to no longer be.

    I do suppose that is the difference between conservatism and socialism or liberalism. We actually care.

  • I think the UN was a great idea, it just needs to be updated a bit. For example, update the Security council.

  • @Jazz:

    Yanny said:

    The US could care less if the UN existed or not.

    THANK YOU YANNY! I am tired of a bunch of 3rd world mobsters condeming American and Israeli actions as they try to take my 2nd amendment rights.

    We should all be thankful that the U.N. has no real power. The day they get real power is the day the 3rd world dictators have mor power than us.

    I don’t think I’ll comment on this; I can’t change conservative’s minds, they are beyond my help. And we all know what that means: Yes! the world is doomed!

  • Well to be fair I dont think that i represent all the conservatives when i said what i did about the U.N. Although I like to think that there are those who would agree with me.

    But Bossk, to say the world is doomed just because of one crazy guys opinion (i.e. me lol) is just plain cookie.

    But i do enjoy talking on the forums. Good form all.

  • I don’t like the U.N. the U.N. hates my religion and my country. It conducts “emergency mettings” to discuss the situation in Israel. God forbid that it condut an emergency meeting to discuss the Chinese occupations of Sinkiang, Tibet and Manchuria. That would mean that it’s a fair body, and that can’t be rue.

  • Thats the style emu. Glad to know I am not alone.

  • Yes, funny how they claim that Israel’s occupation of the West Bank and Gaza are the longest in history, that’s 35 years when China has been occupying tibet for at least 50. Russia is currently occupying Chechnya, and the U.N. doesn’t seem to care. Nor do they seem to care about Morocco occupying Western Sahara. It’s Israel that matters because it’s the Jewish state.

  • @EmuGod:

    Yes, funny how they claim that Israel’s occupation of the West Bank and Gaza are the longest in history, that’s 35 years when China has been occupying tibet for at least 50. Russia is currently occupying Chechnya, and the U.N. doesn’t seem to care. Nor do they seem to care about Morocco occupying Western Sahara. It’s Israel that matters because it’s the Jewish state.

    I agree with you, but i take it another step further. Not only has the western world looked the other way on China and Russia, however it bombed Serbia for its acts within its borders. Although i am strongly against the regime Molosovich had established, the western world acts as school-yard bullies in dealing with countries like Iraq and Serbia. These are relatively small countries that may be pushed around when it is in the interests of the US and Canada and much of Europe (Serbia - stability, Iraq - oil concerns), and yet China and Russia who practice daily acts of terrorism on other what-should-be sovereign nations are catered too in order to curry trading “favor” while their own outrageous acts are ignored. And yes Emugod - i agree that the UN overstepped its mandate in the meeting you are referring too (was it in South Africa? i can not remember the precise connection).
    that’s enough of a rant for me.
    my point - we try a little too often in the west to impose our “morality” which is too often a thinly veiled, often hypocritical way of pushing our weight around in our own best interests.

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