Anyone else getting tired of the same people demanding ungodly amounts of proof over and over again instead of just posting their own arguements? It’s almost like a concerted effort to discredit a person through incessent demands for proof instead of through facts and sources of their own.
Just seems a little redundant lately. No matter what you post, 3 people (the same three every time) will demand you cough up 30 sources they cannot impeach and then they’ll just say “you’re wrong” without posting a why they THINK you are wrong.
After all, who cares about the truth when all you have to do is say “you’re wrong, I’m right, and if you don’t think so, find a dozen sources to support your claim” then when they do, you tell them the sources are faulty and make them find sources to support their sources as not being faulty. This can go on forever without a counter statement from the people saying you are wrong.
So is that how you win debates now? You just keep demanding unreasonable demands until the person - who is correct - just tells you to blow it out your nose? That how some people feel superior so they can sleep at night? Does that take away the disgrace of being absolutely, and totally wrong in your ideology so you don’t cringe when you look in the mirror?
Hmm, if that’s so, I feel sorry for you. Anyway, I don’t feel the need to post multiple sources for everything anymore. I think one source is all I’ll be posting. Spending way too much time on this with multiple sources being checked in quadruplicate. I actually got less then a 100% on my last math quiz. REALLY irked me. And it was something COMPLETELY stupid too. (I forgot the polarity on a variable. A mistake everyone has made at least once in their life to my knowledge. And no, I won’t provide a source for that unqualified statement.)