• The allies HAVE to help each other to win… this is not always true for the Axis.

    When you play the Axis, do you make it a goal to help your team mate?
    Japan is usually in the better position to help Germany (than vice-versa) 
    To what extent and how do they do it, if at all?

  • Moderator

    I think the easiest and least costly way is to send some fighter help in round 3,4, or 5 since you start with 6 ftrs and could possibly have all 6 after J1.

    Later in the game I think landings in Ala/Wcan or in Afr can help, but this really depends on how Germany is doing.

    If they are holding their own pretty well (with just ftr support), it is probably best to just focus on getting to Mos, but if they get run out of Afr early or had some set backs in Europe, you might need to land some J troops somewhere to get the Allies to divert resources.

  • Japan Can Help Germany:
    Attack Russia as much as possible.  Bomb them too!
    Try to get Japan troops marching across lower Asia to seal off Africa.
    Occupy American West coast fleet so it can’t pull around to Europe so quickly.

    Germany Can Help Japan:

  • Japan takes Russian and British IPC’s which means less troops heading towards Germany.  If Germany is in trouble Japan can invade Africa and/or Alaska/W. Can.  The Axis don’t have to have a grand plan like the allies do but they do help each other.

  • 2007 AAR League

    Moving fighters to help defend Germany is a last resort. It eliminates their offensive potential except against lightly defended allied transports. And using units to help defend German African territories is risky since once germany falls Japan can’t collect on them. I prefer to let the allies claim African IPC’s from Germany so Japan can retake them.

    I voted “other” because my answer is only half of the “sending the Japanese fleet to help Germany” choice. Going through Panama takes far too long to be effective as a quick assist. If I get a chance, I will send the japanese fleet through the Suez since, in most cases, my Japanese fleet is positioned in sz34 to take advantage of the BB’s bombardment on allied units going through North Africa. If the Allies don’t contest Africa I will absolutely send the fleet into the Med to use the BB’s and landings to force the allies to divert units from Germany. And as a last resort, in addition to the fighter’s going to Germany you can also make direct landings into Southern.

  • Really depends on what germany needs most, but Id say pressure russia.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Honestly, I don’t think Japan can count on having 6 fighters after J1.  You have good odds of losing a fighter in FIC to England 1 combat and another good chance of losing 1 in SZ 52.  Not saying it’s 100%, but it’s a good chance in both cases.

    Other then that, the easiest way to help Germany is to take out Russia.

    Second is to send fighters to be anchors for German defensive positions to allow German fighters to move to the front.

    Third is invade W. USA heavy and thus remove America from the war.

    However, one I didnt see listed was take England’s territories.  India, Persia, T-J, Madagascar, Australia and New Zealand alone is 9 IPC.  If Germany took Egypt, FEQ, FWA, Kenya, Congo, It. Africa and S. Africa that’s 9 more.  18 out of 30 IPC gone for England.  That’s almost enough to effectively make England non-existant.

  • The Axis powers have to help one another.

    You won’t see the amount of direct reinforcement as you would with, say, an Allied fleet in the Atlantic.  But Japan has to do quite a bit.

    1.  Rob the Allies of IPCs.
    2.  Pressure Russia.  If Japan can secure Novosibirsk in force, Russian forces must retreat from West Russia to Moscow (to defend), allowing Germany in turn to secure a more forward position.
    3.  Japanese fighters to Ukraine or Caucasus on J3 or J4 can be decisive.
    4.  Kitchen sink attack using immediate German and Japanese mass tank builds with industrial bombing requires BOTH countries.  (It also really requires an over-aggressive Russia on R1)

    Adapt, adapt, adapt.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    And if you are going Kill Russia First, resist the temptation to invade N. America. :P  It’ll hurt you more then America. hehe

  • Invading US / West Canada with Japan forces the US to slow down their attack on Africa and Germany.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Slow, but only for two rounds, and you don’t STOP America.

    I would never recommend it in the first 5 rounds of play, not unless you have lost no units with Japan and have moved as far as Japan normally moves in 5 rounds.  Even then, I’d still lean towards pressing Russia.

    After round 10 when you have Russia pushed back to Moscow and N. Asia and Caucasus is in German hands with a large German army and Novo is in Japanese hands iwth a Large Japanese army, sure.  Now you have the resources to get into a pissing for distance contest with North America.

  • HAHAHAHA>…pissing for distance?  I love it.!

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator


    HAHAHAHA>…pissing for distance?  I love it.!

    My other favorite is “hosing the deck with testosterone”

  • ahaha, also amazing!!! :lol:

  • Invasion of West Canada is a disruption move, not an invasion move.

  • 2007 AAR League


    Invasion of West Canada is a disruption move, not an invasion move.

    What if you reeeeaaaaalllyyy want Vancouver?

  • Then you better have 8 TRNs as Japan, plus fleet defense capital ships :-D

    And it is a LOT easier to do if you have already taken Moscow  :mrgreen:

  • I’ve honestly NEVER had the axis powers work in conjunction with one another.  Other then one being the aggressor and taking preassure off the other.

  • @zosima:

    I’ve honestly NEVER had the axis powers work in conjunction with one another.  Other then one being the aggressor and taking preassure off the other.

    Well you might be missing some opportunities there.  Especially when Germany pushes deep into Eastern Europe and then Japan covers with fighters (preventing a USSR counter)

    My favorite is Japanese planes stationed either in AES or sz34 a/c(s).  These can respond to a two pronged allied attack on Germany (Western Europe, Germany, Eastern Europe) to help out.

  • @axis_roll:


    I’ve honestly NEVER had the axis powers work in conjunction with one another.  Other then one being the aggressor and taking preassure off the other.

    Well you might be missing some opportunities there.  Especially when Germany pushes deep into Eastern Europe and then Japan covers with fighters (preventing a USSR counter)

    My favorite is Japanese planes stationed either in AES or sz34 a/c(s).  These can respond to a two pronged allied attack on Germany (Western Europe, Germany, Eastern Europe) to help out.

    Perhaps, but I’d rather have those fighters in japanese space to keep russian infantry on russia’s eastern front against japan.

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