• here is a small idea.  please provide feed back.  first buy with the good old U.S.S.r is 2 tanks 2 art 2 inft.  next attack with all avalible units to w. russia.  then pull the 6 inft to the east of the russian capital there.  then place 2 tanks 2 art 1 inft in russia.  one in caucuse so germany does not take several territories.  this will provide the USSR with with a huge central force able to attack any german threat.  i believe this will provide the USSR with enough time for the other allies to get to europe.

  • @darkangel:

    here is a small idea.  please provide feed back.  first buy with the good old U.S.S.r is 2 tanks 2 art 2 inft.  next attack with all avalible units to w. russia.  then pull the 6 inft to the east of the russian capital there.  then place 2 tanks 2 art 1 inft in russia.  one in caucuse so germany does not take several territories.  this will provide the USSR with with a huge central force able to attack any german threat.  i believe this will provide the USSR with enough time for the other allies to get to europe.Â

    I see you said “extra conservative”. Yet you bought two tanks.

    For clarification, a 4I/3A buy beats a 2/2/2 buy.

    4/3 attacking 2/2/2 = 53% win for Attacker
    2/2/2 attacking 4/3 = 55% win for Defender

    8/6 attacking 4/4/4 = 55% win attacker
    4/4/4 attacking 8/6 = 59% win Defender

    12/9 vs 6 each = 57% win Attacker
    6 each vs 12/9 = 62% win Defender

    For conservative buys, artillery is better. For multiple round buys, artillery is better. Tanks are for mobility, or if you are limited by IC buys (India, Kwang, etc.)


    BTW, I vote for WR only

  • I voted for both Belo and WRus, but I’m very new to Revised, so I have no idea.  Until I have my head handed to me by a good Axis player I will stick with 8inf R1.  From what I can tell, much of the advice I’m getting on how to play Germany says “leave this or that undefended” or with 1inf, so on the other side of the coin as Russia I can trade territory with as little as 2inf 1ftr.  I’m not risking my art or arm.  Therefore, I don’t think taking Belo is necessarily at odds with my buy, because I use minimal forces to take it, and I need all the IPCs I can get, and an extra 2 or 3 IPCs here and there will later buy me an art instead of inf for more offense.  Force Germany to take back ground; that slows their progress.  My 2 cents…

  • 2007 AAR League

    I like hitting Belo and Westrussia, builds 3 Inf, 3 Arm any day with Russia.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Bad poll, dear.  You did not list Ukraine, which is my PRIMARY target with Russia.

    Also, you did not list E. Europe, another good target, if you are going b.alls to the wall after Germany.

    Hit E. Europe, W. Russia and Ukraine, kill two German fighters, have England hit FIC and kill a Japanese fighter, now the Axis are short fighters, BIG time.  Of course, Russia’s effectively castrated too, but it’s still fun!

  • @Nix:

    I like hitting Belo and Westrussia, builds 3 Inf, 3 Arm any day with Russia.

    3/3 means you plan on attacking.

    3/3 attacking 4/3 = 61% win for Defender.


  • 2007 AAR League

    Need arm for my mobilitys sake, usually uses them to reinforce Sinkiang and to quickly shift fronts between Japs and Germans.

    And i like playing agressive with Russia, if your to concervative you get whacked (imho).

  • @Nix:

    Need arm for my mobilitys sake, usually uses them to reinforce Sinkiang and to quickly shift fronts between Japs and Germans.

    This part I agree with.


  • I usually attack West Russia only.  I like the largest stack possible there to stall the german offensive.  I usually purchase 4 inf and 2 arm and save a couple bucks on R1.

  • Ukraine MUST be included
    Eastern, Manch and Norway should also be on the list

  • Is it possible to take Manchuria on Russia 1??

  • 2007 AAR League

    If you want to attack 2 Inf and a Fig with 2 Inf …

  • @AJGundam:

    If you want to attack 2 Inf and a Fig with 2 Inf …

    Sure. Can I use 1-sided dice?  :lol:

  • It is still a POSSIBLE attack, and all possible attacks should be listed in such a poll… if for no other reason than to get people thinking :-)

  • @Jennifer:

    Bad poll, dear.  You did not list Ukraine, which is my PRIMARY target with Russia.

    Also, you did not list E. Europe, another good target, if you are going b.alls to the wall after Germany.

    Hit E. Europe, W. Russia and Ukraine, kill two German fighters, have England hit FIC and kill a Japanese fighter, now the Axis are short fighters, BIG time.  Of course, Russia’s effectively castrated too, but it’s still fun!

    And they say I’m a maniac!

    Where’s my crack pipe?!

  • It’s not a “bad” poll, newpaintbrush, if taken at face value.  It’s just limited to the choices you gave.  Your poll, your question. :-)  Now, I agree another poll with all those other options would be good, too, but that’s different.  No limit on topics around here. :wink:

    The reason I like taking Belo in addition to WRus is I like that buffer zone between my big stack and the enemy.  Also, the game is about maximizing IPCs, isn’t it?  If it’s there for minimal losses, take it.  I don’t see the advantage of not taking Belo.

  • Okay, a few things.

    1.  Ukraine is a viable target.  I personally do not like attacking West Russia/Ukraine.  Doesn’t mean it isn’t viable, though.

    2.  When you can trade Russian infantry for German infantry, do it.  Especially when you can trade LESS Russian infantry for MORE German infantry and grab a territory to boot.  (i.e. 3 inf 2 fig into Belorussia on Russia1)

    3.  The OP (original post) stated put 1 inf in Caucasus, 1 inf 2 art 2 tanks in Russia at the end of Russia1.  I disagree.  I believe 2 inf 2 art go in Caucasus, and 2 tanks in Russia.  That offers a better earlier take and hold threat against Ukraine.  But because of that, this is usually combined with a West Russia/Ukraine attack.  If Russia attacks West Russia/Belorussia, beefing up the Caucasus offers the Germany a chance to do Kitchen Sink attack.

    4.  Also, I would not take the 6 inf east of Russia into Russia.  At most, I would pull 4 inf into Russia and 2 into Caucasus, so you have 4 inf 2 art 2 fighter in Caucasus.  (Remember, that is ONLY if you attack West Russia AND Ukraine; 4 inf 2 art 2 fighter is usually plenty to hold off the Germans).  With that position, if Germany attacks Archangel on G1, you can counter with 2 inf 1 fighter to kill that German tank, and you also threaten West Russia + Caucasus forces to Ukraine on Russia2.  The Russian position is not really weakened by having only 4 inf 2 arm on Russia at the end of the Russian turn; that’s plenty to counter the worst Germany can threaten with by the end of G1 (that is, 1 tank at Archangel).  Even in the event that Germany stacks Karelia, Russia always has the option of fortifying West Russia.

  • @goldenbearflyer:

    It’s not a “bad” poll, newpaintbrush, if taken at face value.  It’s just limited to the choices you gave.  Your poll, your question. :-)  Now, I agree another poll with all those other options would be good, too, but that’s different.  No limit on topics around here. :wink:

    The reason I like taking Belo in addition to WRus is I like that buffer zone between my big stack and the enemy.  Also, the game is about maximizing IPCs, isn’t it?  If it’s there for minimal losses, take it.  I don’t see the advantage of not taking Belo.

    1.  Not my poll.  Rly.  You can’t prove anything.  (cookie crumbs around mouth)

    2.  It was a bad poll.  BAD POLL.  BAD!

    3.  I think a Russia1 attack on West Russia, Ukraine, and E. Europe is insane.  Don’t get me wrong, I like freaky insane chicks.  But even I have limits.  (roar of laughter in the background)

    4.  For the record, I think West Russia/Belorussia is the best combat move on Russia1.  I haven’t ever done really extensive analysis, but preliminary reports indicate that the move is sound.  PLUS my astrologer says it’s the right move, and you know you can’t mess with your astrologer.

  • @newpaintbrush:


    It’s not a “bad” poll, newpaintbrush, if taken at face value.  It’s just limited to the choices you gave.  Your poll, your question. :-)  Now, I agree another poll with all those other options would be good, too, but that’s different.  No limit on topics around here. :wink:

    The reason I like taking Belo in addition to WRus is I like that buffer zone between my big stack and the enemy.  Also, the game is about maximizing IPCs, isn’t it?  If it’s there for minimal losses, take it.  I don’t see the advantage of not taking Belo.

    1. Not my poll. Rly. You can’t prove anything. (cookie crumbs around mouth)

    2. It was a bad poll. BAD POLL. BAD!

    3. I think a Russia1 attack on West Russia, Ukraine, and E. Europe is insane. Don’t get me wrong, I like freaky insane chicks. But even I have limits. (roar of laughter in the background)

    4. For the record, I think West Russia/Belorussia is the best combat move on Russia1. I haven’t ever done really extensive analysis, but preliminary reports indicate that the move is sound. PLUS my astrologer says it’s the right move, and you know you can’t mess with your astrologer.

    Oops, you’re right, I lost track of the OP.  Funny, where did darkangel go?


    Okay, a few things.

    1.  Ukraine is a viable target.  I personally do not like attacking West Russia/Ukraine.  Doesn’t mean it isn’t viable, though.

    2.  When you can trade Russian infantry for German infantry, do it.  Especially when you can trade LESS Russian infantry for MORE German infantry and grab a territory to boot.  (i.e. 3 inf 2 fig into Belorussia on Russia1)

    3.  The OP (original post) stated put 1 inf in Caucasus, 1 inf 2 art 2 tanks in Russia at the end of Russia1.  I disagree.  I believe 2 inf 2 art go in Caucasus, and 2 tanks in Russia.  That offers a better earlier take and hold threat against Ukraine.  But because of that, this is usually combined with a West Russia/Ukraine attack.  If Russia attacks West Russia/Belorussia, beefing up the Caucasus offers the Germany a chance to do Kitchen Sink attack.

    4.  Also, I would not take the 6 inf east of Russia into Russia.  At most, I would pull 4 inf into Russia and 2 into Caucasus, so you have 4 inf 2 art 2 fighter in Caucasus.  (Remember, that is ONLY if you attack West Russia AND Ukraine; 4 inf 2 art 2 fighter is usually plenty to hold off the Germans).  With that position, if Germany attacks Archangel on G1, you can counter with 2 inf 1 fighter to kill that German tank, and you also threaten West Russia + Caucasus forces to Ukraine on Russia2.  The Russian position is not really weakened by having only 4 inf 2 arm on Russia at the end of the Russian turn; that’s plenty to counter the worst Germany can threaten with by the end of G1 (that is, 1 tank at Archangel).  Even in the event that Germany stacks Karelia, Russia always has the option of fortifying West Russia.

    I totally agree with your analysis, newpaintbrush, down to the details like what to do with the 6inf east of Russia.  Wouldn’t want to face your R with my G.

  • Hmmm…. covering old ground, here, but W Rus/ Ukraine does the trick for me. Do it with 2 armor in each. Kill the German fighter and suddenly some of Germany’s battles on G1 become more dicey- for example a sub and 3 fighters vs the Brit Battleship can mean a lost fighter for Germany, whereas the sub and 4 fighters is a bit more comforting. That’s just one example. It also helps the Allied fleets to move around more comfortably in the Atlantic with a smaller Luftwaffe, which means (potentially) more immediate help for Russia in exchange for their R1 expenditure of armor in the Ukraine. 5 German fighters and a Bomber allows an 8+ unit Allied landing in Algeria without much fear on Turn 1 (assuming a standard G1 attack on Egypt using Med fleet).

    Purchase 5/1/1, for maximum versatility.

    6 Inf to Buryatia, 2 go to Russia, 2 go to Caucasus, 2 go to Sinkiang in case Japan has J1 misfortune in China.

    For me this purchase + combat/ noncombat combo gives the best versatility to respond to any axis strategy, while inflicting a serious opening wound on Germany, and still maintaining some offensive punch for Germany’s counter.

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