They come pre-painted and ready to rock but feel free to paint away. All expansion pieces come painted as well. Easy game to learn but made to play as a stand alone game, not recomended for the board games. Although you can use the infantry pieces.
Just for Fun
I decided to try a game with my son last night. He’s not quite 8 and probably not quite ready for this level of a game. But, I figured he would enjoy the time and if I gave him a good advantage it would be good practice. It turns out it was a bit frustrating for me because his attention span is a little short, but it was still fun and I’ll probably do it some more.
I set up a “mad dash / take and hold the city” scenario and stacked his build accordingly:
3xPanzer IV Ausf. G-90
1xsIG 33-15
2xSd Kfz 222-16
4xSd Kfz 251-56
2xSS Hauptsturmführer-14
2xMG42 Machine-Gun Team-10Total = 221
When I chose my build I didn’t look at values and just pulled similar units and numbers obviously shorting myself to make it tougher on me:
1xChurchill Crocodile-35
2xM5 Stuart-30
2xHumber Scout Car-16
2xInspiring Lieutenant-20
2xVickers Machine-Gun Team-16
4xSMLE No.4 Rifle-12Total = 140
I’ll just note that I got creamed by my 7 year old. Of course I was giving him advise and pushing him to be more aggressive but with these builds it wasn’t that tough for him.
Note: I use a house rule that Half-tracks can carry two Inf. and allow stacking limits to change accordingly.
you are fostering a nazi for a son. you should of made him america. russia or japan would have been better. but germany? i hope he didn’t pick germany. (just kidding but still a little distrubing)
you are fostering a nazi for a son. you should of made him america. russia or japan would have been better. but germany? i hope he didn’t pick germany. (just kidding but still a little distrubing)
I find that inappropriate, even as a joke.
I gave him German because that is what I have the best units for. WTF does this game have to do with political view points?
lol no need for anyone to get all ansy in their pantsy.
lol no need for anyone to get all ansy in their pantsy.
yes i agree i was kidding. but congrats to your son for winning his first game. :-)