Thanks for see the game.
I actualized the game to the version 2.0
There is very much changes, scenarios, pieces, tutorial, etc.
I hope you like it.
Hello! I’m new to these AAM forums~
I was wondering what were some of your fun builds for units (any pt value) and
some of your more competitive builds (if any) with the strategies (if any :-D) behind them:
Unfortunately I mostly play alone and end up with the same army builds for nations and was wondering what else I could do with my units~
I’ve honestly been a little busy to play too many games and try out the new units to give you proper builds, but if you want a quick solo game here’s one for you:
Here’s a solitaire game if you’re interested:
It’s using Japanese units, but you could easily replaced them with European/Axis units (and the Americans/British with SV units).
Very nice DL, I may try that out next week.
all artillery/tank battle? has anyone everdone this?
all artillery/tank battle? has anyone everdone this?
That would probably not be as fun as it may sound. A fun game would be paras vs paras.