I decided to try a game with my son last night. He’s not quite 8 and probably not quite ready for this level of a game. But, I figured he would enjoy the time and if I gave him a good advantage it would be good practice. It turns out it was a bit frustrating for me because his attention span is a little short, but it was still fun and I’ll probably do it some more.
I set up a “mad dash / take and hold the city” scenario and stacked his build accordingly:
3xPanzer IV Ausf. G-90
1xsIG 33-15
2xSd Kfz 222-16
4xSd Kfz 251-56
2xSS Hauptsturmführer-14
2xMG42 Machine-Gun Team-10
Total = 221
When I chose my build I didn’t look at values and just pulled similar units and numbers obviously shorting myself to make it tougher on me:
1xChurchill Crocodile-35
2xM5 Stuart-30
2xHumber Scout Car-16
2xInspiring Lieutenant-20
2xVickers Machine-Gun Team-16
4xSMLE No.4 Rifle-12
Total = 140
I’ll just note that I got creamed by my 7 year old. Of course I was giving him advise and pushing him to be more aggressive but with these builds it wasn’t that tough for him.
Note: I use a house rule that Half-tracks can carry two Inf. and allow stacking limits to change accordingly.