There IS a trade off for the quick UK kill. It is the Russian Front and Africa.
OK, London falls G1. Germany gets uber money for G2. Say +2 for Karelia, + 8 for UK, -2 for West Russia, +30 for UK bankroll. Net +38, so $78. )Germany can;t afford Egypt in this case because of the Gibraltar BB)
Now I am going to assume that Germany was out the Ukraine FIG, since it is a pretty common R1 open to take Ukraine.
The AVERAGE is that UK falls with Germany having 2 FIGs, 1 ARM left. They lose 1 INF, 3 FIG, 1 BOM in the battle ($48 IPC of units). So already they come out BEHIND with $10 fewer IPC’s than they need just to replace losses from the attack.
But what else?
Only 2 FIGs to use in Central Europe on G2.
Royal Navy INTACT. If Germany sends EVERYTHING after the BB off Gibraltar, they can kill it, but that means giving up Egypt and THAT means threat to Germany from Ukraine to Western and total loss of Africa for the game. If they don;t sink that BB, UK is liberated by the US, and UK has an uber-navy to which Germany has NO counter force since the Luftwaffe is GONE.
US Liberates, and takes out somemore Kreigsmarine units.
On T2, Germany is back down to being EVEN at the start of Russia’s turn, then they lose some combination of Ukraine, Belo, Karelia to Russia, Libya to UK, Norway to USA.
But here is the other kicker…
1 ARM from ECan, possible TWIN BB shots. 94% chance to liberate.
That means UK BUILDS on UK 2.
And that means 2 TRNs and land units.
So on UK3, UK is hitting Europe jsut as hard as they would have if London had not fallen (except for the AF units).
But their fleet is untouchable, and Rusia was able to picket and trade against the massive G2 build, and now it is a battle for Europe, same as it ever was, except that the Luftwaffe is already dead.