Especially want one that can be used with just Pacific Edition 1940 2nd edition please:)
Frood AACalc Dicey / Sim / Odds Calculator: Updates and Opinions
Don’t get me wrong–I’m a huge fan of the efforts you have made to provide free tools for A&A style gaming. I also appreciate all the effort you put into parsing user entries for battles in your new calculator.
I’m just saying, it became like staring at a system prompt, rather than a GUI. Many people wouldn’t have a clue what to do if they had a system prompt staring them in the face. Now, is a GUI superior to a system prompt? Not if you’re trying to add a prefix or suffix to several hundred file names in a given directory! While it may not be nearly as powerful, a GUI is generally considered friendlier (but some GUIs are actually counter-intuitive and pretty yucky). You just happened to migrate from a no-questions-asked interface to one where people need to figure out how things work–at first glance, people have no idea how forgiving your input field was–it’s only by playing with it that people discover the speedier entry of attack/defend units. (I’m still not sure yet how one would have changed the OOL for attack vs defense, since I wasn’t looking to spend time figuring that part out)
Attack vs Defence OOL - the attacking units are killed in the order they are listed, and the defending units are killed in the order they are listed.
Yep, you will need some instructions for the new one so that folks other than those who have been active in this thread can use it.
There were/are instructions right on the page…
Don;t get down Dan.
Give it time for folks to get used to it.
And if you do implement the fully customizable OOL that folks have discussed above, you will ahve a far superior dicey to anythign else out there (which means beating your own current dicey, since it is already superior to DAAK, AAMC, etc.)
Some abbreviatioons to make sure they are coded for the new dicey…
SS = Super Sub
DST = DestroyerAlso, does it automatically pair INF/ART if both are present to boost the INF attack? Or is there a seperate coding type for ART supported INF?
Looks like it automatically pairs inf and art. Try a sample combat
4 inf 4 art v. 6 arm
compare to
8 art v. 6 arm
both results are the same (and they should be!) If it wasn’t automatically pairing, you would have different results for the two above combats.
Just asking :-D
Yeah, the Inf/Art thing is supported by the underlying code - I’ve only made changes to how the actual units are entered. Once entered they are handled the same as before.
Just out of curiosity, what is the attack value of a Zombie?
2 Zombies on 2 INF is an 82% Zombie win… I am guessing they are 4’s on attack?
And I am guessing they defend on 6’s, since even against 2 HB attacking, they still win 75% of the time
And also just curious… which nation gets Zombies? Haiti would seem to be the natural source, and since the USA controls Haiti is that a new US NA? :mrgreen:
Grrr… very grumpy. Not feeling very impressed with the human race tonight…
Sorry Dan. Did not intend to sound ungrateful. I really do appreciate your dicey and the effort you put into it.
To be honest, it is the only one I keep a bookmarked link to. I can find the others if I have to but since they are nowhere near as user friendly with stats, breakdowns of various sims and the like, I don’t even go to them.
We will figure out how to deal with the added complexity of having to think (oh no!!!) about our OOL as we enter them.
I was thinking (ow, ow, ow, get me some aspirin!!!) about how we post our moves and I might start listing the units in each of my territories in the OOL so it is a simple cut and paste for the opponent.
Now I feel bad - I really was sleep deprived last night. It’s clear though that the new version needs a little more work yet before I can justify replacing the old one. I think once I add NAs and multiple unit groupings for OOL people will see past the “change” from the familiar.
Also, just adding better documentation ABOVE the form so you can’t help but see it I think will also ease the transition
Eh, won;t be the first time that someone posted late at night and regretted their posts the next day.
At least yours was not in a GAME though :roll:
Eh, won;t be the first time that someone posted late at night and regretted their posts the next day.
At least yours was not in a GAME though :roll:
LOL…Been there, done that. :roll: :roll: :roll:
Dan, I echo Baghdaddy’s comments. Not only do we use your site for combat roles, it’s an invaluable tool for planning combat. Having to type in the forces and then try and order them by OOL is a NON-STARTER. Glad to see the old system back.
The thing is, the intent behind it was to make it easier. Here’s how:
You are already typing your battles in to your forum post. This was designed so that you could copy and paste your battle description. Within reason, it accommodates a wide array of formats: with/without spaces, different abbreviations for the same unit types eg. Fig Ftrs Ftr F, uppercase or lower case, and will even ignore extra data stuck in there like (2 from Kwa, 2 from Man.).
So the idea was that you could just type your move in for your forum post, and then copy and paste it into AACalc rather than having to click and enter each unit total separately.
I think it was just too advanced - like showing a cell-phone to a caveman :wink: . People just don’t see the convenience, or can’t think of a different, easier way that would require them to change their style.
Anyhow, the plan is that I will incorporate multiple unit group OOLs - eg 4 Inf then 2 Art then 2 other Inf then 1 Bom then 3 more Art, or whatever. To do that you will have to enter a total unit listing anyway, so the individual unit boxes become redundant. Once that is in place I’ll probably make the new one the default again.
People will learn. It just takes more typing, less mouse clicking. Not even typing if you copy and paste. And less moving between keyboard and mouse.
Okay, I think I have a plan that should satisfy everyone, including me ;) :
I will work from the old form. I will add above it a “Quick load” form where you can enter the units you have typed in to your post, or a list of the units you are planning to use. Click submit on that form, and it will add up all the units and populate the regular form.
Then, beneath the individual unit fields, there will be rows where custom OOLs can be entered. These will be blank by default, and if blank a default OOL will be followed, which will be posted somewhere. If however you wish to deviate from the standard OOL, you can enter what units you want killed first, in separate groupings eg 1 inf 1 art then 1 inf. Once those units are used up (if not all are accounted for) the default OOL is followed for any remaining units.
I like the plan, Dan.
Then, beneath the individual unit fields, there will be rows where custom OOLs can be entered. These will be blank by default, and if blank a default OOL will be followed, which will be posted somewhere. If however you wish to deviate from the standard OOL, you can enter what units you want killed first, in separate groupings eg 1 inf 1 art then 1 inf. Once those units are used up (if not all are accounted for) the default OOL is followed for any remaining units.
Maybe even better than this would be just a radial button that you can change from use standard OOL (default) to use the “Quick Load” field OOL. If that is selected it will kill units in the order they are posted in the quick load field.
That should save some additional typing too. Just a thought.
The one issue with the “copy and paste” as being faster…
Some folks still use you as a sim, and thus have not typed a battle to copy and paste in.
Just something to consider…
The one issue with the “copy and paste” as being faster…
Some folks still use you as a sim, and thus have not typed a battle to copy and paste in.
Just something to consider…
It seems that people are quite attached to the individual fields, so I will have to leave those it seems.
But Switch, you can type in the units for sim purposes just as easily as you can click on different fields. But whatever - I’ll leave both as an option. And the OOL field will be a separate fields will be separate from the “quick load” field.
Now, allowing these custom OOLs will take some significant reworking of the combat engine, so don’t hold your breath… Fortunately the work I did on the text-based input is also what I needed to do to parse the custom OOL field. So no work has been wasted (which is what makes me happy with the plan.)
I look forward to testing the fully customized OOL in the Beta version…
Froodnet is not sending battle results to the e-mail address inputted. Grrrrrr…. :x :x :x :x :x
I just ran a test battle to my e-mail address and got nothing.
Honestly, before you make changes to an “Approved” dice roller you should vet it with the board first, it’s BS that everyone here has to spend all this time trying to figure out what’s going on, and then try and accommodate your changes.
A very Annoyed Customer