Hello everyone, with the new year and a new support drive beginning, @mikawagunichi and I have decided to sweeten the pot a bit and generate some interest for our favorite league game variant. For any player who has never played PTV or whose most recent PTV league game was completed in 2023 or earlier, we will pay for a Gold badge for any player who completes 3 PTV League games this year. For players who pay for their own badge, we will still make an equivalent dollar amount donation to the forum. Limited to the first 5 sign ups, please DM if interested, thank you!
VictoryFirst (Germany) vs. Kwas (Allies) | Original Europe, Game 3
sure, same bid? I’ll do 4 inf belo
Lol can’t upvote you anymore. Yeah I will do same bid. Sounds good 😀
To be more accurate, this was (a whopping) 12.5 points in Russia’s favor. One thing that helps to not get carried away by MARTI and the limitations of low luck calculations is to compare raw end results surviving units to what the battle calculator said would survive. In this case, the battle was 99.9% in favor of Germany so we are more interested piece count at the END of the battle (highlighted above).
1914 does not suffer from issues of low luck calculations for two reasons: First, everything but defending tanks hit at 2, 3 or 4 and second, land battles are a single round of combat each turn. This means that low luck and real luck will be very similar in that game.
In this particular case, there was near perfect certainty that Russia was doomed no matter the outcome. The ‘fireworks’ of extra casualties for the Germans wouldn’t have any consequence on the game. Still neat though and quite a swing!
I think it also illustrates how important “where” the dice swings…I really needed the dice to swing in previous parts of the game lol. At this point, it was pretty much irrelevant. But I’m not the dice expert of course.
@kwaspek104 100%. This game was over somewhere before this battle…