@meyott Hey there! I haven’t been able to bust the game out in a while, so I’m maybe a bit rusty here, but I believe these should answer your questions.
- When Greek Alignment happens would depend on at what point in the game Turkey is Aligned too. If the Axis win Influence over Greece before they’re at war with anyone, then Turkey would not be Aligned with the Axis just yet, and so Greece would not be able to become Aligned with the Allies right away. If the Axis was at war with the Allies, then Greece would become Allied Aligned immediately.
There’s seemingly a bit of contradiction between the Turkey At War Expansion rules, and the Turkey Reference sheet though.
The Reference Sheet states that “If Turkey becomes Axis Aligned (i.e. its at war with the Same Major Power as Germany Japan or Italy), Greece will immediately become Allied Aligned”.
The Expansion rules at 1.5© and 1.6 state:
“1.5© Declaration of War: Even if Turkey becomes Aligned to a Major Power an independent run Turkey is not forced to declare war and can remain neutral until it wishes to. Other nations can declare war on Turkey as per Global War Rules”;
“1.6 Greece: If Turkey becomes Axis Aligned, Greece will immediately become Allied Aligned”.
So to me, the Reference sheet is saying that Greece becomes Aligned with the Allies when Turkey is at war with the same Major power as the Axis, but the Expansion rules at 1.6 just say Greece becomes Allied Aligned the moment Turkey becomes Axis Aligned, seemingly regardless of Turkey’s belligerent status.
I know that’s not me really answering the question, haha. We’ve played based on what the Expansion Rules say though and not the Reference sheet, meaning that once Turkey becomes Axis Aligned, Greece will become Allied Aligned, regardless of Turkish war status.
- Good point on Home Country here. I guess I’d refer to the rulebook for “Home Country”:
“Each nation has a group of land zones that comprise their Home Country as defined on the National Reference Sheet. For a Minor Power the Home Country includes the primary nation but not its colonies, islands or conquered land zones”.