• repost of rules. i wanted them on top of the page not the bottom

    current rules:
    victory: test for 10 or 11
    Victory cities:
    Allies : 7
    US: 3
    DC ( EUS)
    Los angles (WUS)
    Mecca ( saudia arabia)

    Europe: 2
    London ( UK)
    Berlin ( Germany)

    Japan: 2
    Tokoyo ( japan)
    Seoul ( south korea)

    Axis: 7
    China: 4
    Beijing (manchuria)
    Shanghia (Kwantung)
    Urumqi (Sinkiang)
    Jakarta (Boreno)

    Russia: 3
    Moscow ( Russia)
    St. Petersburg (karelia)
    Tehran (Persia)

    Dog Fighting Air unit’s fire in opening-fire step always.
    While both sides have air units these air units fight with dog fighting values(2/2).
    Air units hits must be first allocated on air units. the only exemption to this rule is that Bombers attack ground units at 3 or less(if there is a dog fight going on)but can still be hit by air units. when only one side has air units the units fight with normal combat value.

    They defend on a 1 during all combat including dog fighting. Bombers can not participate in a dog fight as the attacker. During strategic bombing bombers may be escorted (see more at scramble against bombers). Bombers can carry 2 units in the non-combat move phase. they can be upto 1 inf plus 1 inf, 1art or 1 tank. If so the bomber cannot attack during this turn.

    Scramble (against bombers)
    Fighters may defend against bombers(s) at a 2 or less. The attacker may escort the bomber(s) with fighters. If the attacker chooses do this it becomes just like a dog fight but only lasts for 1 round and the defender is not restricted to how many fighters will scramble. If a dog fight is occurring in the territory the bomber(s) stop at, they just tag along. They leave after the first round (when they strategic bomb) of combat and do not count towards the dog fight count.

    Missile Strike
    AA guns fire 1 missile at 3 spaces or less and can target IPCs. AA guns in a territory defend as appropriate.

    Cruise missiles Battleships can now fire 1 cruise missiles up to 2 spaces If cruise missiles are used, the battleship cannot take part in combat. A cruise missile can attack IPC production. AA guns in a territory defend as appropriate.

    http://rs158.rapidshare.com/files/48241899/economy2.xls  ( go to sheet 1)

  • Come to think of it both US and Russia only has 2 VC. Maybe China can be reduced to 2 as well.

    Maybe we could have a Malaysian VC instead of Sinkiang?

    Beijing is not geographically located in Manchuria, so maybe put that in China instead.

    Would it be better to call Allies and Axis as US and China instead?

  • proposed victory cities. Jakarta was already victory city for china. but I’ve been some reviewing and Indonesia would be a lot closer to Russia/Iran than china. so i moved it from china.    your right Beijing is like on the border of Manchuria and china. I have to fix the excel chart now so hold up a second. i have a problem though. china(the territory) is not really industrialized so should i put the IC in china or Manchuria?

    Allies : 7
    US: 3
    DC ( EUS)
    Los angles (WUS)
    Mecca ( saudia arabia)

    Europe: 2
    London ( UK)
    Berlin ( Germany)

    Japan: 2
    Tokoyo ( japan)
    Seoul ( south korea)

    Axis: 7
    China: 3
    Beijing (China)
    Shanghia (Kwantung)
    Urumqi (Sinkiang)

    Russia: 4
    Moscow ( Russia)
    St. Petersburg (karelia)
    Jakarta (East Indies)
    Tehran (Persia)

  • China should have one by its sea port and others in the interior. probably about 2-3 total

  • @Imperious:

    China should have one by its sea port and others in the interior. probably about 2-3 total

    oaky 1 in  manchuria, 1 in china. that sounds fair. 1 sound go in kwantwang but don’t want to over populate it. so i’ll make those quick changes to the exel chart upload it and post. then i’ll  do my italian turn hopefully. start/finish my essay for school that starts this monday. ( hate summer assignments) then i’ll finally work on IL"s AARME. alot to do in one day eh?

  • just try and stick with the set up. work on making sure the balances at borders dont spell disaster for either side and remember the Soviet bloc starts first… give them a few easy shots but nothing but a few. we want slugfest.

  • 8/11/07 current rules. check the excel chart i moved some navy units around.

    victory: test for 10 or 11
    Allies : 7
    US: 3
    DC ( EUS)
    Los angles (WUS)
    Mecca ( saudia arabia)

    Europe: 2
    London ( UK)
    Berlin ( Germany)

    Japan: 2
    Tokoyo ( japan)
    Seoul ( south korea)

    Axis: 7
    China: 3
    Beijing (China)
    Shanghia (Kwantung)
    Urumqi (Sinkiang)

    Russia: 4
    Moscow ( Russia)
    St. Petersburg (karelia)
    Jakarta (East Indies)
    Tehran (Persia)

    Dog Fighting Air unit’s fire in opening-fire step always.
    While both sides have air units these air units fight with dog fighting values(2/2).
    Air units hits must be first allocated on air units. the only exemption to this rule is that Bombers attack ground units at 3 or less(if there is a dog fight going on)but can still be hit by air units. when only one side has air units the units fight with normal combat value.

    They defend on a 1 during all combat including dog fighting. Bombers can not participate in a dog fight as the attacker. During strategic bombing bombers may be escorted (see more at scramble against bombers). Bombers can carry 2 units in the non-combat move phase. they can be upto 1 inf plus 1 inf, 1art or 1 tank. If so the bomber cannot attack during this turn.

    Scramble (against bombers)
    Fighters may defend against bombers(s) at a 2 or less. The attacker may escort the bomber(s) with fighters. If the attacker chooses do this it becomes just like a dog fight but only lasts for 1 round and the defender is not restricted to how many fighters will scramble. If a dog fight is occurring in the territory the bomber(s) stop at, they just tag along. They leave after the first round (when they strategic bomb) of combat and do not count towards the dog fight count.

    Missile Strike
    AA guns fire 1 missile at 3 spaces or less and can target IPCs. AA guns in a territory defend as appropriate.

    Cruise missiles Battleships can now fire 1 cruise missiles up to 2 spaces If cruise missiles are used, the battleship cannot take part in combat. A cruise missile can attack IPC production. AA guns in a territory defend as appropriate.

    http://rapidshare.com/files/48367544/economy2.xls.html ( 8/11/07)

    hopefully that will be the last update for like a week. that for the feed back

    Acknowledgment’s: ( no order)
    Imperius leader
    Rune Blade
    Sabre Von Manteuffel
    Larry for the map and units
    any play testers.

  • anymore suggestons before it is play tested. anyone want to play test with me? i’ll be any player.

    1. Soviet Union/Warsaw Pact
    2. United States/United Kingdom
    3. NATO ( neutral or allied to American player)
    4. China ( neutral or allied to Russian player)

    Your sheets are not organized in a manner where each block is separate so its difficult to see who is what to make setup balancing issues easier.

  • @Imperious:

    1. Soviet Union/Warsaw Pact
    2. United States/United Kingdom
    3. NATO ( neutral or allied to American player)
    4. China ( neutral or allied to Russian player)

    Your sheets are not organized in a manner where each block is separate so its difficult to see who is what to make setup balancing issues easier.

    better. if it is not to hard to see I’ll use this link instead.  but this is my game not yours. its modern not 60’s so no USSR.


  • oh woops. im confusing this with AAMRE. MN. sorry.

  • @cyan:

    anyone want to play test with me? i’ll be any player.

    cough cough hint hint.  :wink: no on want to play?  :cry: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bDBcGzHAt5Q

  • LOL a perfect link for your sentiments!!! brilliant!!!

  • looks like i’m going to test it out.  :-D :-D

  • AARe is the best rule set out there.

  • @AxisRoll:

    AARe is the best rule set out there.

    wtf?? I’m sorry but can u please explian better.

  • I don’t agree with the AARe (Axis and Allies Revised Enhanced) philosophy.
    But to be fair, it is the most playtested house rule.

    Don’t know what if he means though.
    Maybe he sugguests you to use that rule set with the modern axis and allies setup.

  • @tekkyy:

    I don’t agree with the AARe (Axis and Allies Revised Enhanced) philosophy.
    But to be fair, it is the most playtested house rule.

    Don’t know what if he means though.
    Maybe he sugguests you to use that rule set with the modern axis and allies setup.

    Ill look at them if someone says where I can find the rules. thanks

  • @cyan:


    I don’t agree with the AARe (Axis and Allies Revised Enhanced) philosophy.
    But to be fair, it is the most playtested house rule.

    Don’t know what if he means though.
    Maybe he sugguests you to use that rule set with the modern axis and allies setup.

    Ill look at them if someone says where I can find the rules. thanks

    updated 11/10/07

  • I’m a huge fan of A&A and few years ago…about ten. I used to play every weekend. Long story short I  came accross some Fortress America parts. We simply colored the tops of some of the vehicles and tweeked the values and we easily set up for WWIII. There’s an easier way of doing it now though buy buying expansion pieces from a company called Table Top Games. I just ordered a set and am chomping at the bit in anticipation. So any veterans out there that want to beef up your game should check them out.

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