@bratcher You must right click the transport, then right click the units you want to load, then right click the sea zone you want the transports to move to, then right click the territory you want to unload units into. Hope it works for you.
Fatal Technical Error
My current game is stuck in a never ending loop from which there seems no escape. America launched an invasion of Manchuria, and had to beat Japan’s submarine fleet in order to land the invasion force, but was repelled by some very fortunately timed hits from Japan’s defending subs. Now the invasion fleet is forced to retreat, but the only available sea zone to retreat to is the sea zone still occupied by Japan’s last remaining sub. The American Navy has found itself at a true impasse. They can’t retreat, and they can’t launch the invasion.
Error Message:
Unhandled Rejection “Error in GameControllerAdapter.retreatFromEncounter(sea_zone) GameController rejected this message: TypeError: Soft reload currently disabled: Original error: Cannot read property ‘secondary’ of null”
@JuliusBorisovBeamdog - please take a look.
@alaskabeachboy Hello! Please tell me your Commander Name, ID, and the match (game) title.
@juliusborisovbeamdog Alaskabeachboy, #2119, Dirkstir’s Game.
I have the same problem. A German sub in SZ 8, I cannot play with England anymore.Game keeps reloading. It is a ranked game,
the game is called " Gangster Croquet", Luna ( me) against player Electron. Can you look into it? Thanks in forward! -
ID is #4214
JuliusBorisovBeamdoglast edited by JuliusBorisovBeamdog May 24, 2024, 5:01 PM May 24, 2024, 4:59 PM
@Luna All good. I found the game and deleted it. Thanks for reporting!
@JuliusBorisovBeamdog Thanks so much!
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