Let me make a couple of detailed illustrations using 2 of your recent games as examples. First, let’s look at India’s income through turn 8:
Karl: 10 + 10 + 6 + 6 + 7 + 6 + (-4) + 4 = 45
oysteilo: 10 + 7 + (-6) + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 = 11
stooges: 14 + 11 + 10 + 11 + 14 + 14 + 14 + 14 = 102
This doesn’t account for the effect on Japan’s income, other than the amount they steal (the negatives above). It also doesn’t count the +8/ turn for recapturing Kwangtung at some point. That’s a big total difference that will only grow each turn.
Next, let’s look at US Atlantic builds through turn 8:
Karl: 8 + 38 + 20 + 26 + 50 + 32 + 81 + 34 = 289
oysteilo: 22 + 22 + 40 + 32 + 20 + 27 + 9 + 26 = 198
stooges: 0 + 0 + 0 + 64 + 64 + 64 + 64 + 64 = 320
This assumes the US spends all the US3 income keeping Japan down - thanks for teaching me a lesson the hard way. After that, it spends 18 in the Pacific per turn. The stoogely method has already more than caught up by turn 8. Without Japan to worry about, this difference should continue to grow.
@andrewaagamer said in A Nameless but Effective China Strategy:
I am not sure that is as much the strategy as it is throwing everything at the Japanese including the kitchen sink. I don’t think that there is any disagreement that if the Allies focus on Japan then Japan cannot win the game. The issue is how much can the Allies throw at Japan and still win on the Europe side of the board?
Agreed. To take it another step, we both think the Allies need a bid - I did use $6 in the Pacific. Our real disagreement is on how much of a bid, and I really don’t know the answer that gives an equal chance of winning to both sides.
We have not played it out but the situation is dire on the Europe board.
Probably, but isn’t that usually the case? It really comes down to the bid.
Also back to the kitchen sink. A good bit will survive to move back to fight Germany. In our example it’s the SA subs, the Brazilian boats, and all but 2 Russian units. Other times, there is a full British fleet moving to the eastern Med or an extra set of boats for the US in the Atlantic. It just depends on what forces were needed to KJF.
- Russia is down at least 6 infantry and up 1 armor if we assume the two extra Russian fighters came from the Bid. Otherwise it is worse than that. They are also down 2 mechanized for a total of 7 units down in the defense of Moscow. None of the eastern Soviets came home so Moscow is most likely going to fall on G6; G7 is a certainty. Plus with all those fast movers in China, Germany overran Russia’s money easily and turtled Moscow without even breaking a sweat.
There was no bid used in Russia. While a good many units went into China, all but 2 trucks can get back to Moscow before G6, so Russia is down $8. Agreed about the far east troops, but you need to account for the effect on both Russia & Japan’s incomes.
We are getting into end-game Russian tactics here. It’s impossible to project the specific situation. I also think it’s beyond this conversation. In general - (1) I think Germany, if it wants to, will take Moscow by G7, unless the Allies go to ends I’m not willing to go to. (2) I’ve been known, in certain specific situations, to make my stand in Caucasus.
- The Med is a mess. UK pulled out its entire Med Fleet plus all the Med planes plus the bomber from London. Italy is wreaking havoc in the Med. How much is unknown but it is a certainty that UK is not sending enough fighters to Moscow to stave off the German hordes.
This completely depends on the bid. To be consistent with the game comparisons above, here is my response with a $60 bid: govz-alliedopener-60bid.tsvg I’m not worried about the Med with that bid.
The US contributed exactly nothing on the Europe side of the board for Turns 1 and 2. In fact, the transport and cruiser abandoned Europe as did every single plane. That means Italy again is going hog wild and Germany has felt zero pressure on their Western Front.
Because of this the US, with a Turn 3 build, will move off Africa on Turn 4 and then to The Atlantic Wall on Turn 5. This means Germany will be able to focus 100% of their Turn 1, 2, 3 and 4 builds against Russia. That is a disaster. Starting with G5 Germany will be able to build units in captured Moscow industrial complexes and spend the rest of their money defending the Western Front which means there will be zero advancement by the Allies against Germany.
This was an interesting exercise. I think you could have done better by focusing on ships instead of bombers with the US. Taking the UK Med Fleet and planes out of the Med and sending them against the Japanese is a losing play. You should try your strategy without doing that.
I covered the US contribution to the Atlantic at the top. Also my projections were a turn off because I’m spending US3 fully shutting down Japan.
This thing falls apart without the Med boats and I while I don’t know if it’s a winning play, the current Allied thinking isn’t producing many wins anyway.
I’m not claiming to be able to stop Germany, but I do think this method gives the Allies a better chance.