This seems interesting. I’ll try it out.
[Global 40] Grand Strategy Game Mode
Remove all units on the map (keep facilities) and give every nation 4 rounds to build up their forces. All national objectives are disabled. Round 5 is when the peace period is over and now every country can go to war with each other. There is some diplomacy to this because you don’t start off at war or aligned with any power. All axis, allied neutrals are independent and can be invaded (without the others joining against you.)
Japan gets a free minor industrial complex in Kiangsu on round 1
China will start with 9 infantry and 1 fighter in round 4 to place wherever they want. They do not get to do anything in the peace period.
Mongolian rules do not apply
I’ll try that some time. Sounds fun! Any starting unit changes? It’ll be weird if Germany is in the middle of conquering France then everything stops.
By the way, how neutral are the powers? Can any powers share territories with each other (for example, can the UK move units to France)?
@superbattleshipyamato I already said the starting unit changes… The neutrals are individual powers not played by anyone and be invaded individually. Countries can share units with eachother if they delcare they are allies. I guess it makes sense then to add a rule where if you are allied with someone, you have 1 turn of peace between each other (if you wish to declare war) so that you can’t randomly declare war on your ally and take all their unguarded territories.
I can see Germany being stuck in France but they do have a bigger economy making them be able to produce the units they need in 4 tounds if they decide to all move into Paris round 5. As Germany I would ally with France though because the EUK would be a very strong threat as the German army tries to recover. Planes will be a rarity and I can only really see those being viable in the middle to endgame.
So a total free for all. Exciting!
By the way, what are the winning conditions?
@superbattleshipyamato Not sure XD I think it’s up to the players to decide
So alliances are quite fluid, more like Diplomacy than normal Axis and Allies?
I have some ideas for certain blocs (this assumes that they don’t turn on each other):
Also, if you’re playing single player (AI or against yourself) here are some cool ideas:
Stresa Front and company vs Moltov Ribbentrop Pact and company:
Stresa Front and company: Italy, Japan, UK, ANZAC, and France.
Molotov Ribbentrop Pact and company: Soviet Union, Germany, China, and US.
Continental Alliances:
Europe: UK, France, Italy, and Germany.
Asia: China and Japan.
North America: US.
Oceania (merge this with Asia if you’ll like): ANZAC.
The Soviet Union is by itself, doing their own thing. Could help turn the tide on either side.
Third War of American Independence (I did a smaller version here https://www.axisandallies.org/forums/topic/39433/war-plan-orange-red/7 by myself, with extra rules):
British bloc: UK, ANZAC, Japan, and Germany.
American bloc: Soviet Union, US, France, and China.
Italy’s a wild car in this one.
Overall, my main critique is that the shifting alliances and free for all idea requires a large amount of players, which I don’t have.
One more:
Armies vs navies!
Armies: France, Germany, Soviet Union, and China.
Navies: UK, Italy, Japan, US, and ANZAC.
The top armies in the world against the top 3 navies. Exciting!
@superbattleshipyamato The armies team would absolutely crush the navy team
Don’t so be sure! :)
The navy team have superior incomes, navies, and air forces. Can’t wait to try it out.
By the way, do the US and Japanese neutral rules still apply? As in the rules prohibiting the US to park ships near Japanese territory or the rules prohibiting Japan to move ships within a certain amount of sea zones to the continental US.
Can nations remain neutral if they want to?