• 2007 AAR League

    What do you usually do with Norway as Germany?
    I am not sure how to defend it and Karelia because it seems to be a standard landing place so is it even worth it to defend it and instead just pushing troops into Karelia because I find it hard getting infantry to the front lines as Germany to defend. Usually Germany has some pretty big stacks in Karelia, Belorussia, and Ukraine but not as big as Russia’s in Caucasus, West Russia, and a smaller one in Archangel just to prevent blitz. As Germany you can’t take Archangelsk because it’s right next to Moscow and if you take it that is another territory to defend because West Russia still borders Karelia. And with UK and US building up in the West you have to think about some defense in W Eur. and Russian infantry is on the front faster then German. How do you usually break the stalemate in Russia as Germany? Another kinda crazy question … Would it be safe to not take Egypt on G1 and instead attacking the UK BB with the German BB so that UK brings its Indian Fleet into the Med thus taking it away from Japan and then Germany moving an inf and tank into Libya on G1 and then another inf and tank into Africa on G2 to attack a more powerful Egypt? Germany would be able to use a sub, BB, loaded trans, multiple fighters (and a bomber? depending how powerful Egypt is) because it will wipe out the British fleet and it might cost Germany a transport and the sub but who realy plays with a strategy assuming that sub survives against the UK BB so you just rebuild the transport and you basically have a weakened India and empty Middle East. Japan now doesn’t have to worry about the Indian Ocean so it can take India relatively easier and Africa can be Axis within 3 - 4 turns. Germany can then send its Med Fleet to link with Baltic since Africa is nicely garrisoned and the new German Fleet can protect against an early US landing. So thats maybe an 8 IPC cost to rebuild the lost Med transport with little money taken away from Russia.
    Oh yea I also build an AC on G1 in Baltic just so you know if that affects your Norway actions.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Nah.  You could kill off landing parties for the first round or two, but at the expense of units you could use to decimate Russian infantrmen in a valiant effort to make it easier for Japan to conquer.

    Personally, I leave 1 guy there to force England/America to actually use something to take it.  The other 2 can be used to hit Karelia.

  • 2007 AAR League

    With 1 guy there a bombardment could wipe him out … which is why I usually empty it into Karelia on G1  :|

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Yes, but now they ahve to use the BB for the landing, not on seomthing else AND it might miss, so they’d still probably need 2 infantry to ensure they get the land.

  • Here’s one option- build a carrier on G1. Build a transport on both G2 and G3. Stack in E Europe as much as possible. When you are able to gain numerical superiority, move your E Europe stack to Karelia along with 6 infantry from Germany/ W Europe. You can now hold the north of the board, and you control and/ or threaten Norway/ Karelia/ Archangel and threaten the Red Army in W Russia. Until the US or Britain brings a credible threat to your Baltic fleet, you can continually reclaim Norway if the Allies are landing there. If Norway becomes an Allied meat grinder then Russia is being asked to deal with Japan by itself, which is a tall order when an Allied KGF strat and logistically competent Japanese play are combined.

    This is just one of many paths; it has been employed against me with success and I have used it with success.

    The key to this move is that it dictates the pace of the game to the Allies until they are able to overcome the Baltic fleet. By that point the Japanese are seriously eating into the backside of Russia, and reinforcements from the UK and US have been chewed up perpetually in the German northern meat grinder. The idea isn’t for Germany to become a massive force, but for it to take the brunt of the war and chew up units while Japan builds the forces necessary to topple Moscow.

    Expect to eventually lose the Kriegsmarine and go into full turtle mode with Germany. If you’ve been playing Japan well you’ll have a legitimate shot at killing the Russian Bear.

  • @88:

    If you’ve been playing Japan well you’ll have a legitimate shot at killing the Russian Bear.

    You saying that Russia is a bear gave me a mental picture of a bear wearing that furry hat that russians usually wear while drinking vodka and doing that silly ruskie dance.  It made me laugh. :)

  • Heres an idea…what if you REINFORCE Norway…take Karelia. Than on NCM move the ARM from eastern into Norway.  Also bridge over a second ARM  and a 4th INF.  Then land 3 FIGS there as well.

    Benefits: Uk doesnt get its 3 IPC boost.
                                                              Fighters are still in range of SZ 12 and Russian terroritories.
                                                              As a staging point Noway is just as close to West Russia as Eastern is.
    Any thoughts?

  • 2007 AAR League

    Unless you reinforce your baltic fleet on G1 you might as well write off Norway for the rest of the game.

  • Have to agree with JSP.

    And if you start spending major money on fleet, you are in serious trouble versus Russia, which you are already weak against staging that many units in Norway.

    Norway can too easilly be cut off by the Allies, and US and UK can hit it HARD in Turn 2, killing lots of valuable German units in the process.

  • Norway isn’t worth squat in my mind…

    …if I have a transport left in the Baltic, and there’s only one Allied unit there, I’ll usually take it back, but I’ve never committed anything to try and actually maintain a hold on it, and I can’t imagine that I ever will.

  • The “traditional” buy of 1 ACC on G1 (then reinforce Norway) allows you keep 3 IPC’s away from UK’s economy and you dont have to spend units to take it back on G2. Besides,  you can always move out the same way you moved in. VIA trns for INF and through Kariela with ARM.

  • Norway is like a useless appendage that, once it has fulfilled its purpose, should probably be given up. So yeah, once Norway is in Allied hands, unless I’m desperate for cash, they can have it.  Unless they take it and then take away their guys, in which case i’ll just throw in an inf to mess with them.

  • I notice that most of you “trash-talk” Norway. I would like to state for the record that Norway rocks!

    For anyone who disagrees I’m willing to crack yer hoopla in a game of AAR here on the boards.


  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator


    Norway is like a useless appendage that, once it has fulfilled its purpose, should probably be given up. So yeah, once Norway is in Allied hands, unless I’m desperate for cash, they can have it.  Unless they take it and then take away their guys, in which case i’ll just throw in an inf to mess with them.

    Great, until America takes it and puts up an IC there.

  • The longer it’s feasible to hold Norway the better it is for Axis(an abvious point)

  • Sankt, I will take you up on your offer on a game.  Name the time and place and let’s git it on! Or PM me with all the details, whichever works.

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