Calm down. I’m not flogging babies in the street.
Yes, as I said, we’d pass a LAW to make it illegal to live in the basin in New Orleans. Hence the term, it would be illegal to live there. We could make it a national park, wouldn’t that be grand? Meanwhile, the people too stupid to figure out they’re living in the bottom of a cereal bowl, would be forced to live in safer (at least from nature) areas. Win/Win/Win (sicne the eco-freaks would get another park!)
It’s not like we’re talking about moving the city. We’re talking about not rebuilding it in the flood plains, but rather up on the hills. How many times you gunna build that sand castle at the edge of the water during low tide and expect it to be standing the next day???
Common, you gotta use common sense. Stop building strawmen, take a look at what’s really being said, not what you perceive is being said, run it through the machine of your brain and then see if you have a valid arguement against it.
I mean really, would you prefer letting them build the city where we know, beyond a doubt, that it will get flooded out again? I mean, I view the average person as a compassionate individual willing to help out his or her fellow man, I never said I thought they were intelligent or had common sense! (if they had either, there would be no governments!)