What the hell is wrong with you amaricans!

  • First your national guard kills 4 of are men in Afganastan and then you have the tinasity to boo are national anthum at sports games. what the f**k is wrong with you people!!
    for starters why the hell is the national guard in afganistan to begin with! it was my understanding that this was going to be an elite operation.
    now the canadian army might be small but what we do have is vary vary well trianed, are reserves are just as well trained as your ragulars. and we sent our best unit to afganistan and your sending bloody miltia!!
    and what do you get off booing O’Canada, don’t you red necks have any repect for anything besides your insesint stupidy.
    plese inlighten me on what the hell were you thinking.


  • '19 Moderator

    Hey guy I’m a 12 year veteran of the National Guard and I’m a redneck. If you want to explain what you’re talking about and discuss it I’d be happy to oblige.

    Otherwise BITE ME!

  • As a fellow Canadian i can relate to the thread’s poster’s anger (although it seems a little misdirected here). Basically around 1000 Candian troops are serving under U.S. command in Afghanistan. An American militia pilot bombed a Canadian exercise killing 4 and wounding 8 of our troops (3 from my hometown). This “friendly fire” incident has touched a lot of people here - particularly given that we are doing everything necessary to show solidarity with our American neighbours (some of us believe in the war against terror, some of us believe that it’s another American exercise that we should not be participating in). Regardless, within days of the incident, American sports fans have boo’d our national anthem (and we counter-boo’d theirs in Vancouver). My politics on this one is simple. We need to be there for our neighbours, many of which have shown shown generosity of spirit and kind words in light of our loss, and all the “booing jerks” need to be more polite, regardless of their nationality. I hope this clears things up.

  • Agreed. There will always be yahoos on both sides of the fence. Unfortunately in war, friendly troops (your own and allied) get killed by mistakes made in the field. Canada and the US are strong, long time allies. Our interests in North America are similar. I understand why some will get upset and angry. Try to keep the faith…

  • '19 Moderator

    Well now that is something I can respond to.

    First of all the military structure here is probably not what you think it is. National guard pilots are pilots who were full time pilot but got out of the full time military, usually to make more money as commercial or private pilots. So I assure you that the fact that the pilot was a National Guard pilot had very little if anything to do with what was obviously a terrible accident. The reality is that in modern conflict we tend to loose as many if not more troops to accidents and friendly fire that to enemy fire.

    As for the sports fans, most of them like me probably had no idea that this incident happened. So they were acting like sports fans.

    That doesn’t mean we don’t care about the situation I’m sure that anyone who has heard about this incident like me is saddened for your loss.

  • thanks crypt i’m a little colmer now.
    but do you mean to tell me that your media did not tell you of this acident. i’m surprised. i’m for the war on tarror. but for this operation i think the states needs to rethink it’s long time stratagy of “more is better” i think viatnam proved that more is better does not work whan fighting a gurrila war.

    and one last point your media probalby did not tell you this either but 75% of all colition casuiltys in afganistan have been from amarican friandly fire.

    I will not kill myself for that Bohemion Cpl.

    • Field Marshal Friedrich Paulus (speeking of Hitler the day before his serender of the 6th army at Stallingrad)

    “Ware my horse trots no grass gorws”
    -Atila the Hun

    [ This Message was edited by: mini_phreek on 2002-05-04 06:28 ]

  • and that fact that we’ve killed upwards of 3,000 (conservative confirmed kills) afghani civilians……oh yes, most americans are rednecks, espcecially following september 11th, we think we are the most important nation on the earth…but still, there are some that are down to earth and trying to be open-minded. As for the national anthem? Canadians boo ours at hockey games so i’m not sure what you’re talking about…it really shouldn’t be going on either side of the border but, as i said, there will be rednecks in america as well as canada.

  • mini_phreek

    Its not that the media doesn’t tell us things, if I wanted to know about the war in Afghanistan I would check. The truth is if it doesn’t affect me I usually don’t hear about it for a while. I am well aware of the fact that we kill more of our troops than the enemy does in conflicts these days, but that is more of a reflection of how well we protect our selves. I used to go to annual exercises at the national training center for the US military. In two to three weeks it was not uncommon for one or more soldiers to be killed in accidents. If you throw in live ammunition you can compound this. It is not the training that is the problem. War is a dangerous business and as long as humans are involved there will me mistakes made. When I make a mistake typing a letter on my computer I can backspace and fix it, when your controlling explosives and ammunition, somebody dies.

    I’m not trying to down play your tragedy. However, it is important to realize that this is an unfortunate part of armed conflict.


    “most americans are rednecks, espcecially following september 11th, we think we are the most important nation on the earth….but still, there are some that are down to earth and trying to be open-minded.”

    The problem I have with this statement is that you seem to be inferring that Redneck is the opposite of “down to earth and open minded”

    As a Redneck, let me explain to you what that means. A redneck is some one who wants to go about having a simple happy life, without having some self-righteous busy body telling them what they should be doing. We think that people should fix things in there own backyard before they start looking in ours. A Redneck can be a farmer of a doctor. A Redneck can be ignorant or a genius. Redneck is a state of mind that says mind your own business and I’ll keep minding mine.

  • '19 Moderator

    Sorry a bout the Annon, that was me.

  • you have the tenacity to spell America wrong? Too many canadians are pompous a**holes…like americans…like everyone! So don’t blame america for a bunch of drunk sports fans.

    You see me saying “What is with Arizonans” because their baseball team chants “Yankees suck.” Mini-phreek, you are freaking out too much.

  • ummm . . . HortenFlyingWing, i think that miniphreak was more alarmed at the timing of the booing. Don’t get me wrong - i’m a fairly vicious sports fan myself sometimes. It just seemed a little inappropriate that at a time when Canadians solders are being (accidently) gunned down by the people that they are trying to help, our national anthem is being boo’d and our flag being burned by Americans. I would be appalled at a fellow Canadian who would display this kind of behaiviour - i think that was miniphreak’s point. Obviously, being Canadian, we would be more ravenous hockey fans then Americans . . . :smile:

  • how about the chinese american hostage crisis? But europeans had no problem mooning bush.

    the timing wrong? yes. is it right? hell no, have respect for those catchy tunes. does it mean all america is bad? no, it just showns how much prejudice and anger min-phreek has.

  • Prejudice? no. Anger? fk yeah. I’m a Canadian citizen and this busines of you fking self righteous aholes decide to insult our country with your ignorance. Saying it was bad timing and unforunate is all well and good. Too bad for you, that you have proved yourselves as hypocratic bastards in the past. Lets just take Semptember 11 as a perfect example. The destruction of the two towers was an unfortunate incident and your anger for what has been done is understanable. But you meddling sh*ts have been doing the same thing to them for decades. So dont get all indignant when the tables are turned for a change. fk you, Canada rules!

  • That made it past the censor???

  • Holy, someone has to settle down a bit. i remember going to "Jet’ games :sad: back in the day and when they played a Anerican teams the fans always boo the American Anthem. Its all part of the Atmosphere.

    By the way, the states was right behind the Canadian figure stakes, when the gold metal crap happen……

  • (i hope this doesn’t count as spam . . . ).
    I think that it’s obvious that we don’t all share “Annonymous’” point of view, and using 9/11 this way is tasteless and brings no dignity to anyone. Although American foreign policy has many obvious flaws, we’re all on the same side, and Canadians, Germans etc. all lost loved ones in that trageday (not “incident”!). Saying “f**k you” is not going to do anything to awaken American sensibilities, but rather denegrades Canadian ones. We have a place in this world as peacekeepers and influence brokers, not anti-american propaganda machines. Although i am not American, we do need to build bridges with them, and if we truly are “enlightened”, then that will be noted.
    (ok, no more posts from me on this. i promise)
    p.s. America does need to drop its tariffs on softwood lumber, but that’s only the “free trade/NAFTA guy” in me.

  • The US seems to be imposing some tariffs on foreign competition at the pressure of domestic businesses. The lumber tariff with our neighbors to the north seems the most disheartening. Americans don’t care, they buy what they want no matter who manufactors the item in question. There’s been alot of “Buy American Made” over the past years but again people buy from whomever the want - hey, it’s a free society…

  • Back after a long weekend at West Point (great Boy Scout event).

    Mini, the Canadian Soldiers were killed because of poor communications on both sides.

    What is the attidude about it in your country? No one in the USA really cares, to tell you the truth. It was out of the news in a week.

  • Yanny…you said that it was caused by poor communications on both sides? Which 2 sides are you referring to? I understood that american planes flew over a canadian training exercise in afghanistan, heard gunfire, and assumed they were under attack. I’m pretty sure they have to first lase the targets, and request permission and see if the ‘target’ IS actually a target. But instead of doing this the american just dropped the bomb…is this correct?

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