Its not that the media doesn’t tell us things, if I wanted to know about the war in Afghanistan I would check. The truth is if it doesn’t affect me I usually don’t hear about it for a while. I am well aware of the fact that we kill more of our troops than the enemy does in conflicts these days, but that is more of a reflection of how well we protect our selves. I used to go to annual exercises at the national training center for the US military. In two to three weeks it was not uncommon for one or more soldiers to be killed in accidents. If you throw in live ammunition you can compound this. It is not the training that is the problem. War is a dangerous business and as long as humans are involved there will me mistakes made. When I make a mistake typing a letter on my computer I can backspace and fix it, when your controlling explosives and ammunition, somebody dies.
I’m not trying to down play your tragedy. However, it is important to realize that this is an unfortunate part of armed conflict.
“most americans are rednecks, espcecially following september 11th, we think we are the most important nation on the earth….but still, there are some that are down to earth and trying to be open-minded.”
The problem I have with this statement is that you seem to be inferring that Redneck is the opposite of “down to earth and open minded”
As a Redneck, let me explain to you what that means. A redneck is some one who wants to go about having a simple happy life, without having some self-righteous busy body telling them what they should be doing. We think that people should fix things in there own backyard before they start looking in ours. A Redneck can be a farmer of a doctor. A Redneck can be ignorant or a genius. Redneck is a state of mind that says mind your own business and I’ll keep minding mine.