I’ve started work on some low cost customization for Europe 1940 2nd edition (and will include pacific 1940 2nd edition when I get it). I was able to get some player aids from https://www.axisandallies.org/forums/topic/21752/game-aids-a-a-1940-global-2nd-edition. I’m also going to implement a resource system into the game, that will introduce resource costs for units (such as steel to buy tanks). Also, there will be an upkeep cost for units, eg: Each tank you have mobilized will cost a certain amount of oil per turn. This is to make the game more realistic, and to discourage unit spamming. I also plan to add more units to the game. That’s all for now
Custom Game Table
Hi, I wanted to share the table I built for my A&A 1940 2nd Edition game board. I also built the model airplanes. The two pictures are my grandfathers in WW2, one was an airplane mechanic stationed in England and the other was a tank commander in the 3rd Armored Division Spearhead. Those are their flags adjacent to their photos.