@leemorrison You’re being polite. Yes I got my bomber and some air shot down during the first two turns but I overextended very badly with Japan, mostly because I underestimated the value the tanks would give you in terms of exploiting openings in my positions.
1 vs 1 tournament: A&A Anniversary 1941 (2022)
Hi all,
It’s been some time since there was a tournament for Anniversary 1941, so I’d like to start one.
If you are interested in participating, let me know by posting in this thread.
If you have any questions, let me know.
@ozymandiac I’m in.
Sounds like fun! I am in.
I’m in :)
For those looking for extra info: I just posted the tournament rules.
I wanna join
I am interested in joining.
My only issue is that I do use a MacBook Pro which does not allow me to post directly to the Forum. I can post manually though.
Not being able to play via the TripleA-forum-connection shouldn’t be a problem. You can play via Email, or perhaps enter your savegames manually as attachments into a forum thread.
There are 7 participants at the moment. I would like to give people 2 more weeks the sign up. After that, I’ll close registration and make the bracket.
Cool initiative. I am interested. I can be number 8 :)
@lederhosenmachtfrei Nice!
And we’re off! 9 people signed up, and it’s time to start.
You can check out the bracket over here. I shuffled the seeds so your opponents are randomized.
To start a game, the player with the lowest seed begins the bidding process. The seed should be visible in front of your name on the bracket (if not, let me know).
@ozymandiac @LederhosenMachtFrei @VictoryFirst are any of you having trouble posting to these forums? VictoryFirst and I are both getting a Java script error when we try to post both on the tournament game we are trying to start and our ongoing game.
Anyone else experiencing this?
@the_good_captain I haven’t tried posting anything yet. Still in a firece bidding war with my opponent.
Perhaps it is related to this https://www.axisandallies.org/forums/topic/37967/triplea-posting-to-forum-currently-does-not-work . It’s worth monitoring this.
Hansworst and I are having the same problem in our game. I thought I maybe messed up the settings, but it seems we’re not the only one.
We started playing via Email in the mean time.
I think the forum is back up and running again as I just posted a turn in another tournament. However, in my other tournament a general message was sent out to the players that the forum was down yesterday.
@iron_stitch I’m still unable to post. It says something about not being logged in. I am though so… huh.
@the_good_captain Did you put the forum on the correct one?
I still get the boolean error when I try to post, so it doesn’t seem fixed for me.
Well, I do post manually. I have a MacBook and have never been able to post directly from Triple A. So perhaps that is the difference and or issue. Maybe Triple A (at the moment) is the issue and not A&A.org.
@hansworst yes, its the correct website. my opponent in a current ongoing game cannot get it to fire up either. I tried starting a new thread for this game and no luck still