more info
(I only had time to proof read half of it sorry)
tech die
it hits on 1 or 2
“hits on a 2” is just trying to be inline with original game terminology “defends on a 2”
Allies submarines wolfpack
yes wolfpack just requires friendly submarines
US/UK AP transport each others units
yep you no longer have to wait a turn in between
ships in “middle of repair”
the current wording lets you defend and repair at the same thing
feedback/comments required
building mistakes
this is not specified
so it follows the standard OOB rule of being lost
though it mostly shouldn’t happen in the first place, in AARHE infantry cost depends on where you deploy so you have to sort it out before then
“must be offloaded in combat phase”
this originated from the clarification made by LHTR
you can still load troops in non-combat though and leave them at the sea
it’ll cost you IPC though (explained in phase 1)
DAS when under attack?
yes air units can perform DAS even if its own territory is under conventional attack
only way to stop enemy from declaring DAS with air units at Germany is to use a sufficient number of CA units to perform CA on Germany
note air units defending from a CA still defending normally (in the same territory), and air missions are resolved before normal combat
CA stopping DAS
yes CA stops defending air units from performing DAS, though you need X CA units to stop X defending air units from performing DAS
note DAS is declared after enemy declared all combat moves and air missions
IL: CA prohibits the defender from allocating his planes that hes defending with against your counter air mission. So he cannot use DAS to support battles.
not exactly sure what you mean
neutral ship
when neutral ships come into play they are placed in adjacent sea zones, this is intended to be done by the new owner
(I’ll add a word or two to that section)
ID killed attacking air units, air supermacy?
your interpretation is correct
no air supermacy unless no hostile air units at start of combat cycle
its like this currently to be simpler, wanted to allow air units to preempt land combat when there is air supermacy
So, the question is: When does air fire once Air Superiority is achieved?
air units always fire in opening-fire, in land combat
It seems to be a semantic issue over cycle, phase, and round
I was trying to use combat “cycle”, game “phase” and game “round”
Air Supermacy and opening-fire
the idea is for air units to preempt land units
by the way it is dogfighting that we wanted to be longer and happen in parallel to land units fighting on the ground but functionally its close enough to have air units fire in opening-fire, to be simpler
IL: You cannot CA a territory your already attacking. CA is for territories that your NOT attacking with ground units and ONLY by air.
actually we don’t that restriction
also CA is an air mission henf resolved before normal combat, one cycle aerial combat and then goes home
If this were the case, then I’d just send in CA to tie up FTRs so there could be no Air Supremacy and I wouldn’t have to worry about bad odds with my FTRs (e.g., Dogfight ATK 2 vs. 3 DEF)
CA ties down only the same number of defending air units
and during the CA defending air units still have better odds
IL:Yes all defending planes defend for air superiority, however, bombers do not perform DAS mission. that is to say they don’t fly over to assist with defending territories.
no this is not in the rules
if you want to revise tell me which of the full list of air units can and cannot perform DAS
we weren’t doing the ID search roles and were just rolling straight kill shots.
yes we wanted to remove the MEGA Anti-air from OOB
OOB Anti-air is so scary people are afraid to use air units, which is not quite realistic
Just to clarify this – ground units that are killed by air units don’t get to fire this round and are removed from play before “Main-round” of combat.
yep, the combat sequence specificed when do you remove casualties
I’m still a bit unsure on this one. Do combat dice actually get rolled during a CA missions on a 1-1 basis (e.g., 1 round of combat), or does this just tie up FTRs in virtual maneuver?
all air units roll
but the part stopping defending air units in the territory from performing DAS is 1-to-1 basis
not sure what you mean by relating “1-1 basis” and “1 round of combat”
The only time planes roll first is during air superiority combat which is only to provide a separate sequence for air combat.
the combat sequence specifically says that air units fire in opening-fire
it is that way to be simpler and functionally the same
if there is something I overlooked then tell me