Great Thank you
Axis & Allies Global 1940 House Rules Expansion
We can work on the text together - let me know what text you want - and I might be able to fix it with pictures and stuff :-)
Send it to :-)
@the-captain right on
yea was just thinking using the already badass stuff Keld did. Basically make it look like what you have, just rearranged in time order. -
G2 think I’ll buy some landmines. Take a while to get to the coast. Spaced and sent all the ss boys to France, so no Ober. Gotta remember to save 1 next time. Scored a couple Pancer Generals though :)
This is too fun. Gotta remeber to buy enough dudes for the Army or Corps tho. I’m thinking a couple mechs and a tank for the commisar. They can all move two then.
Anyway good action. Gonna fix the extra Army group. Only need the active one.
Gonna auto spawn a wolfpack in 113 every turn too. Don’t have to buy and place that way. Might turn it off rd 8 or so ? Idk we’ll see
Yea this is a must do. Game is way different. Thought I’d steamroll the Philippines as usual but hello, couple fighters and Roosevelt actually fortified the islands lol had to bring an extra Carrier. Used the two Fighters from Truk but still, no Guam or Borneo. I always like to whack Singapore tho.
Highly recommended
Spaced paratrooper tech so air transports don’t work. Rommel was just getting ready to land in Africa lol. I’ll do that and the other fixes. Probably sometime later today
Remember, US National Guard is activated in case Japan unprovoked attacks Allied units:+1: -
@the-captain yea it took a moment to realize where all the extra dudes came from after Tojo and the boys sneak attacked lol
Yea just have to remove with edit in the unlikely event USA attacks japan first
@The-Captain can Commisars be air transported ?
Landmines ? -
Update to 5.6
Change Log:
Fix Air Transports.
Went ahead and made landmines air transportable. Easier to player enforce than edit. Can switch it back if needed. No biggie.
Commiesars are not. Just went with the Oberst rules for them. Didn’t do any other adjustments. Edit will work for those. I’ll do it later. Wanna get back to playing the game lol
This post is deleted! -
Correction: Air Transport can only transport 1 landbased combat unit. And, no - Commissar cannot be transportyed by sea or air. But a Commissar can be moved by Strategic Rail Movement. -
@the-captain so 1 landmine by air ?
Hm - good question…
I suggest that mines are not transportable by air.
I have never seen anybody transport mines by air, since the capacaty of air transports are too valuable for that kind of transportation.
I’ll correct it in the upcomming rules clarification.
Thanks :muscle:
@the-captain yea it’d be better to transport a dude but if u could do 3 at a time or even 2 maybe a decision.
I guess the Brits don’t get any mines in N Africa then. Anyway just trying to make it as rule compliant as triplea possible.
Getting ready for another test game :)
You’re right - it should be 3 mines if any mines at all. Otherwise the transportation cost would simply be to high. I’ll discuss it with our veterans this Sunday, when we enter the final stages of play testing for our new Global 1940 project.
In case of UK/Allied mines in Africa - or anywhere else for that matter - always consider, that friendly Nations might have to pass through your minefield - with possible losses as a consequence.This is one reason why mines must be placed with special attention to future rounds.
@the-captain ah yea… need the IFF’s for sure : ) Hate getting blown up by your friends. Or supposedly ones lol
@The-Captain Hmm…UK Paras can be a bit problematic if the Reich doesn’t honor the threat lol. At least the waffen boys defend at 4 and move 2. I need some more fodder lol
Sorry forgot I wasn’t gonna game comment just leave this for rules. My bad -
Rail movement question. If I conquer a TTY , can I ncm to the conquered TTY ?Example
China conquers Yunnan turn 1, can I RR a AA gun and Inf from Manchuria to Yunnan that turn ?Thanks
Hmmm…I’m thinking probably not, as it wasn’t friendly at the start of the turn.From the rulebook “…provided that the player can
trace a line through friendly held land areas from
the start of that turn…”so yea that’ll have to be a player enforced if so. no biggie
Can I fortify same turn I take control ?Example
Can ANZAC fortify DNG and or Java turn 1 ?