• '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Actually, I’d just hit the American fleet in it’s infancy (at least knock out that BB) and then return to Japan with the remnants.  After all, you don’t actually need 1 AC and 2 BBs for Japan once you’ve decimated the American navy.  You might even want to consider sacrificing the ships against the British fleet and follow it up with a luftwaffe attack to resink the British fleet.

    Japan’s in the best position to rebuild a navy anyway.  It’ll take America 3 rounds to attack her by sea. (1 round to build, 2 rounds to move) and there’s no way they’re going to do it in two rounds anyway, since they absolutely must build enough to take Japan and, as Japan, you’ll have plenty of time to put a few subs in the water to stop that.

    So basically, the choice is, retreat into the Pac to support it and stop America from thinking about it or follow through after Pearl and try and hit the British fleet once.

    It’s almost a non-issue if you play 2H BBs since you’ll get 4 BB shots at the british fleet, more then enough to cripple it.  It’s a bigger question when you have to wonder if the Brits/Americans will sink them with their fighters before you get there.

  • Well Jennifer, you get to test your theory out against the maddog. It’s japans turn. What will you do? I’ll let you in on a military secret. I have no ambition whatsoever to send US resources to play with the jap navy. What I will do is gang up on the germans with a vengeance untill the germans cry for their mommy. What would you propose to do about that hypothetical situation? That would make them jap bb’s about worthless wouldn’t it?

  • The U.S. need not take Japan.  All they have to do is take the islands.  This created a large swing.  If the Japanese want to take them back they either have to split their navy or vacate the Japanese SZ.  If they vacate the Japanese SZ, they have lost their ability to transport infantry to the mainland and the Allies I.C. should finish off the Japanese.  The U.S. really only need 2-3 Subs, 1FIG, 1AC, 1BB, and 1 TP to cause serious problems for the Japanese in the Pacific.  The subs can often split off form the main fleet as Japan can rarely spare the sorties to try and sink them and doing so requires fully manning their AC which pulls FIGS from the mainland…

  • One question- while the U.S. is farting around in the pacific taking islands, where’s the pressure on germany??

  • The pressure in Germany comes form the fact the Russians alocate few or no resources at Japan.  The Brits man two TP.  The U.S. has multiple Tp in the Atlantic.  I don’t get your point.  You act as if the U.S. doesn’t buy 3 TP on turn 1 in the Atlantic on turn 1 they apply no pressure on Germany which is bunk.  Your first Tp are going to land in Africa nayways.  U1 1 TP lands.  U2 1TP lands.  U3 2 Tp lands.  u4 3TP lands.  At any point here you can combo your TPs also.  I don’t think investing 26 I.P.C. to completely neuter Japan is farting around.  While the U.S. is “farting aorund” the Japanes can’t land forces where they need to.  They have to devote TP’s to possible casualties meaning they can’t function at full capacity, etc.  I wouldn’t call keeping Russia’s rear secure “farting around”.  I wouldn’t call causing a 12-14 point IPC swing “farting around” …while keeping British held territories secure.  Can the Japanese move their ships west to attack inida and go into Africa and the middle east while there is a U.S. fleet?..no.  Can they swing down to hit Australia and NZ anytime they want?.. no

  • I still think it’s farting around  :-D


    I still think it’s farting around  :-D

    HAHAHA.  Touchee.

  • Wanna play me and test them goofy theories out?? TOUCHEE!  GOTCHA


    Wanna play me and test them goofy theories out?? TOUCHEE!  GOTCHA

    Wanna drive out to the middle of nowhere?  Touchee! :)

  • But seriously.  Where can I get the online version cheap?  Would love to play some online games.

  • We play by e-mail mostly. There are dice rolling sites that send the results via e-mail. They have map services available also, but I’m stubborn and prefer to use my physical board.

  • Okay.  sounds cool.  How do I do that?  Where do I get more info on how to do that?  You stubborn…wouldn’t have guessed. ;)

  • Try this site….aamcbunker.net/main/login.html      It will ask you for your e-mail address and your opponents e-mail address. Then it will want to know which country is up, what round it is, your purchases, combat moves,etc. Just keep following the instructions.

  • Moderator

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Ya know, I’m really warming to the idea of ICs for Japan while it’s fleet gathers its infantry off their island bases and completes the conquest of the Pacific/Madagascar.

    I always leaned more towards the flexibility of the transports instead of ICs, resulting to ICs only once I needed armor to assist in the destruction of Moscow…

  • This isn’t so crazy but I think it would work best in lieu of fleet purchases and not with them.  I’d say one should either commit almost completely to a naval approach to supplying guys or an IC approach, and one can start building ICs on Japan1.  If for example Japan builds an IC in Manchuria on turn 1 they are no worse off than if they bought 2transports and 3inf since on turn 2 Japan will have moved a total of 10inf arm to Asia or will have moved and built 11inf into Asia.  Turn 2 you can build a factory in FIC or Manch depending on where you built one on turn1 and turn 3 in India.  From there you would want to probably wait and a little and build some in either Sinkiang, Yakut or China as a less desirable option.  Japan should be able to crank out 13+inf which is where they normally would be, but also don’t have to worry about the lag between Tokyo and the front and don’t have to invest 40ipcs in boats.  While 4 factories would cost 60ipcs it should be remembered that 7trns don’t actually achieve full mobilization which is very hard for Japan to do with a naval approach.

    Downsides of this are as follows…First since India becomes necessary to produce and will build guys it also becomes a nice target and its not too hard for the allies to slip guys into Persia so this with armor in Syria/Cauc can threaten to take it or strafe it, and since you’ve invested heavily in India you can’t afford either.  Secondly, as alluded to it does cost a little more, but this comes with the gain of quicker mobilization.  Also this approach necessitates that you leave these factories vulnerable to SBRs since you are building so many that it will be cost prohibative to cover all with AA guns.  On the flip side the free SBRs will be tempting for the Allies and will reduce pressure on Germany which is what most say a good Japan strat will do.

    Upsides as follows…Quicker mobilization=more pressure on Russia, as well as double stacking infantry and armor.  Usually with Japan under such aproach I only build infantry for a few turns say up until turn 4 and then switch to all armor.  This means units build on turn 4 would move to pressure Novo on the front while the build is placed into FIC/Manch,India.  If you have factories in Yakut or Sink they can build guys and depending on how many transports Japan has you can dump 2-3 armor from Tokyo.  In otherwords this allows you to take and hold Novo while creating and maintaining longterm pressure on Russia, even without a lot of fresh infantry purchases.  Ultimately with this approach the game can be forced into a battle over Karelia/Russia, and the Allies must keep all their troops here while still risking getting hit too hard in a strafe of either.  Should one happen then the Axis can take Moscow whether it is by Germany or Japan.

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