Hola Amigos! It’s been awhile since I’ve rapped with y’all.
I’ve been spending time abroad thinking about things and trying to get into the Red Army, special infantry – SPETSNAZ mother fuck*rs! Bad ass killers of Chechen bandits!
But the review board kept rejecting me. I tried three times, but each time I’d get to the physical and they’d reject me! Totally unreal! A f’ing joke!
Here I am at my last physical:

They’d take a peek at my junk, the lady would faint, and the board would grumble at me in as few words: “You cannot join. You will put other men to shame. Depress morale. You should work in naked film industry…” And they’d pack me up and deport my sad ass back to Bellingham…
What can I say!? Total downer…
Now I am back home, my gym is shut down, and I don’t know what I am going do to do next…