He thinks China is the real killer for Japan and it can be however I don’t like the idea of using USSR to keep China alive because of how fragile USSR will be against Germany.
Japan parks ships outside of India
Hi, I was wondering whether I could not declare war on the allies with Japan and park my Japanese navy with transports in the SZ next to Calcutta. Is that allowed? If so, is the only way to counter it to declare war with the UK and set up blockers?
Hi Window
Welcome to the site. You could do that. Idk if that’s the only counter though. I’m not a real good global player but there are a lot here who are. Sure you’ll get a few replies. Just wanted to say hello :) -
There is no way to hold India if Japan plays a capture Calcutta at all cost opening strategy. It will fall and Japan will get a bit more income. Meanwhile, they will not be able to control China and will be missing out on big income from Pacific islands. Celebrate if they are putting a huge fleet in SZ39 because ANZAC + China will have huge income for the foreseeable future.
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