@Argothair SZ 94 1 UK fig on 1 US CV
L20 #1 trulpen (X) vs Amon-Sul (A+7) BM3
i wait for ur confirmation that subs fight. then i ll proceed with the battle
Yes, subs are in.
OOL depends on hits.
(subs don’t have first strike)
(well, jap subs do)
I don’t know how triplea handles it, but I believe that the 3 japanese subs should hit first. I guess like in that previous battle against Germany.
yes the jap subs are first
we ll go round by round dont worry
japanese subs missed
American ones scored 3 hits
do u want me to roll the bomber manually for u to know how much hits i ve got totally?
U have 3 hits taken that had to be taken on ur ships
i see Ur off .
i am going to take breackfast and do some stuff i have to do.
i ll come back later
You can actually just take anything and then if I want anything different the battle has to be restarted. Don’t roll the bomber manually, because it will roll after picking these causalties anyway. I’ll look.
o u re here
i wait a little bit more then
i ll take u then ac bit, and 2 subs
I think there are only one rational choice here.
- dmg ac
- 2 subs
my point exactly
2 more shots from bombers for U to take
luck finally visits USA navy
- 1 sub
- 1 des