L20 #1 trulpen (X) vs Amon-Sul (A+7) BM3

  • Analysis trulpen vs Amon-Sul #1

    Now I’ve looked through the game history quickly. I’ve started some analysis of dice, but am not sure I’ll finish that. I believe though that it can be shown how great impact a strong bias may have. It does however take a strong player to be able to take advantage of benifical occurrences.

    As a general aspect I can say that I played all my nations rather slentrianic during the opening. I was not impressed by your opening moves, especially with Russia, and I realized pretty late what poison it could carry. Therefore I didn’t put much thought into my moves during the early game, but just did what I more or less usually do. Did not yet understand what a strong player you are. That’s a very dangerous attitude, and I’ve learned that lesson also from chess.


    Germany was close to being able to sack Moscow already in G5. i should’ve probably focused on putting more pressure on Russia during G6-7, making a take-over a real threat. G early lost a lot more air than expected from bad dice (1 fig G1 and 3 fig, 2 tac G2 - of course expected to lose air in the G2-battle, but just not that many planes).

    The loss of air made a big impact in EU with G having to replenish the luftwaffe, which in reality is a lot less land units being produced. G also lost focus by helping out the italian navy. Still more focus and pressure of Russia was possible and I believe that was the route G should’ve taken instead of dabbling in the ME and Med.

    A big difference in our third game is that I prepare for a G3DOW there with the 2 inf, 6 art purchase. I believe that’s stronger in BM3 than the G1-purchase here of 1 ac, 2 mech, 1 tank. The idea is to G2DOW and being able to get a grip on E Poland immediately. It’s not necessary though, since G’s first step priority is to control Ukraine. Usually that is possible only in G4 anyway, whether G2- or G3DOW.

    In OOB I really like the G1-purchase of Graf Zepp (ac) along with 2 mech and a tank. The idea is to strafe sz111 and secure the dmg Bismarck, while at the same time securing an intrusion into E Poland G2. Actually I think that a G3DOW should be better in OOB as well, because of the possibility of I2DOW, allowing Germany to enter into Russia without DOW if Italy takes either E Poland or Bessarabia.

    I haven’t looked into it closely, but I think being occupied with Moscow and the ME and not really succeeding there, the allies were able to put very strong pressure and get control of several key positions on the western front. Especially Norway is a big blow for G.


    I definitely played J very much slentrian. I pursued a full expansion in China. The resources put into the west thinned out the power in the south. Also J was super-unlucky against C on many occasions, losing a lot more land units than what is expected. Eventually the japanese were overcome by the multinational pressure in the mainland, failing to get enough reinforcements into action. I’d say that especially here the dice made a huge difference regarding the situation around Anwhe and Yunnan.

    I also think I tried too much to get a hold on FIC and Malaya.

    The allied defense of Yunnan was super-strong, but so is J and it should be possible to atleast hold out defensively, keeping up the pressure. You definitely played very well with the allies in this area, creating threats and inconveniences.

    When J fell through I believe the game was more or less over. Well played by you, but unfortunately under-achieving opposition on my part. The dice-bias was only part of it. I’d say you out-played me mainly through strategy and tactics.

    In our third game I wasn’t sure that you’d go with the same strategy. I understand why you want to try it out. The element of surprise is gone and J focus much more on putting pressure on Yunnan, while controlling Kwangtung. Malaya and FIC are much less important and are second priority. As is Korea, despite the big annoyance of having a US stronghold there with support of a huge russian stack.

  • @trulpen

    Yes, first of all i am playing the same strategy again, just to see how it works against an excellent player, but without elements of surprise.
    On the other hand I now see in our third game, what could i improve (especially with Russia and in some way UK).

    I also realize allies need a bigger bid.

    As for Russia, i should buy more art , less inf, to put more pressure on Germany not to allow it to stack near Russia for as much possible. The tac and bomber purchase can be transformed into artillery and inf purchase, and i could send a little less units to yunnan, or to retreat them earlier, especially tanks

  • As for the axis, I think that Germany should take either Moscow, either Cairo, either Calcutta. Germany has made much threat to all of them, but taken none. It proved fatal.

    Germany on the other hand bother the allies pretty much on the sea.

    Italy was much weaker then in our 3rd game.

    So, Ur (much) better position in 3rd game, then in game 1, is better and efficient German and Italian play, for Japan i do not see many differences, but for the European powers i definitely doo.

  • @Amon-Sul said in L20 #1 trulpen (X) vs Amon-Sul (A+7) BM3:

    for Japan i do not see many differences

    True, it’s basically the same opening, but with a few tweaks. Haven’t tried to reach west so much in China, but focused south. An early mIC in Kwangtung is a big difference. And like I said earlier not so much focus, but still a bit, on Malaya and FIC.

  • @Amon-Sul said in L20 #1 trulpen (X) vs Amon-Sul (A+7) BM3:

    As for Russia, i should buy more art , less inf

    I used to believe that, but actually after playing with axis-dominion (a game in progress) I’d say that the opposite is true.

    He bought only inf the first 4 rounds. Only started to buy art in R8.

    Very solid play. Then again he is a master. The exact purchases were so far:

    1 - 12 inf,
    2 - 12 inf
    3 - 13 inf
    4 - 11 inf, 2 mech
    5 - 5 inf, 2 fig
    6 - repair ab x4 (6 dmg by tac), 1 inf, 6 mech, 1 tank
    7 - repair MIC x3 (lost 1 sb and only did 3 dmg in G6, very bad SBR indeed), 10 inf
    8 - 3 inf, 5 art
    9 - 7 art
    10 - 9 inf
    11 - 7 inf, 1 art
    12 - 8 inf, 1 art
    13 - 8 inf, 1 art
    14 - 8 inf, 1 art

  • but how did he saved himself from u taking Caucasus, Kazahstan and Siberia with Germany?

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