From your posting I can guess that you are talking about Beamdog’s ‘A&A1942 Online’?
I have moved your topic to the respective category for now.
@JuliusBorisovBeamdog might be able to help.
You don’t follow the transport instructions exactly, you might find your units “stuck” on the transport.
To “fix” this.
To reproduce the “stuck” condition
If for some reason you want to leave 1 unit on the transport, it appears that you’re out of luck.
I like all the hard work put into the game but I’m having some issues especially around transports.
Thanks for the feedback! We’ll surely look for ways to further polish the experience.
Warning: TL;DR Post with a lot of Programming Mumbo-Jumbo
If I can provide a recommendation, why not try having units move into SZs containing Transports, rather than having Transports need to click units to load them.
Implementing the logic would be a bit trickier, sure, but it’d probably go something like (pseudo-coded out the wazoo):
if(destinationTile.type() == “Sea”){
//Prompt the player to select a Transport to be loaded.
//Prevent the unit from moving.
And, in a separate area that handles the logic for individual tiles on the map:
seaTile extends Tile{
canLoad(LandUnit unit){
result = false;
List<Units> units = this.getUnits();
for(i = 0; i < units.size(); i++){
if(units.get(i).getType() == “Transport”){
if(((transport) units.get(i)).canLoad(unit)){
result = true;
return result;
And later, in the area that handles the Transport:
Transport extends NavalUnit{
canLoad(LandUnit unit){
if(unit.getType() == “Infantry”){
if(this.getCargo.size() < 2){
return true;
return false;
//Unit attempting to be loaded is ART/TANK/AA Gun
if(this.getCargo.size() < 2 && !(this.getCargo().contains(“ART”) || this.getCargo().contains(“TANK”) || this.getCargo().contains(“AA Gun”))){
return true;
return false;
Wow, the formatting is terrible for code-blocks on here. I guess the forum software likes cutting leading spaces.
@djensen I can’t make it work correctly especially for later game Allied moves when I have 10+ transports
Question about transport loading/unloading
I’m playing test games to get accustomed to the interface. I want to load 1 inf from India onto trn in sz35 then move trn to sz34, load inf from Persia and drop both inf into Egypt. I can’t figure out how to make that happen. The rules allow this as long as trn has enough movement points… Help?
Left-click the transport then it’s all right-clicks. If you left-click again, it’s best to just start over from scratch. I’ve been doing this a lot lately with transports.
I think there is a “bug” if you have a stack of transports and a stack on infantry. They get loaded like this
2 transport and 4 infantry
transport a <- 1st inf
transport b <- 2nd inf
transport a <- 3rd inf
transport b <- 4th inf
It’s a convenience for some situations but inconvenient for most others.
@djensen @rem400 Left-click transport. Right-click the infantry. Right-click the SZ34. Right-click the infantry in Persia. Right-click Egypt.
If you have a stack of transports and a stack on infantry, keep right-clicking infantry, they’ll load. You can also open the dossier and pick each transport individually to be able to see what is loaded where.
@JuliusBorisovBeamdog It works but the dossier can get a little fidgety. I still have not gotten the hang of it. For me, if I accidentally left-click along the way, I just start from scratch. Sometimes I’ll reset an entire region of the board just to see what is happening.
Also, this is a tough one. I wish I had some suggestions for making it better. Generally speaking I like the new way but I keep making mistakes (esp with transports). At least the reset is super quick now. Shift-Right-Click for the win!