I’m looking to join a league or just play one on one with anyone who has the full board game version of axis and allies 50 anniversary edition…or flexible and will buy different version as well
Looking for opponent: Anniversary, 1942 setup, no NOs, 6-7 rounds
I need some practice for Gen Con so I’m looking for opponents for Anniversary Edition via TripleA, of course.
Hi Dave,
Just got back from camping and I can play you a game or two before Gencon. I have downloaded TripleA and checked and updated my email for the dice server. Took me a bit to find the right map… Question? How do I set it so that it doesn’t count NO’s? I know that is how it is played at Gencon but how do you set it up in TripleA? I havent played a pbem game in a year or with the new forum so bear with me but I can get a couple of turns in-in a day.