Orccon, strategicon, gamex question

  • For anyone who has every played in the AnA tournaments listed in the title:

    I heard at strategicon this year that all subsequent tournaments would not be using Europe 40 / Pacific 40 or Global as the final, but another edition. Does anyone know which AnA they’ve switched to for the tournaments now?

  • No, but the smorey swamp has all the tournament rules we use at Origins and Gencon.  Using the G40 start some people (YG) have homebrewed tournament rules but the G42 version is preferred for timed games @ around  7 hours until winning conditions are checked.


    should contain worksheets for WW1, G42, D-Day, Classic, AA50, AxA naval minis to be played in an “official tournament” timed format.

  • @AcesWild5049:

    For anyone who has every played in the AnA tournaments listed in the title:

    I heard at strategicon this year that all subsequent tournaments would not be using Europe 40 / Pacific 40 or Global as the final, but another edition. Does anyone know which AnA they’ve switched to for the tournaments now?

    Hey Aces! The idea was to switch over to Anniversary edition (since it is shorter to get more rounds in) and that was tried at Gamex when we had like 20 or so people. It had a mediocre reception (I personally didn’t enjoy it at all). The organizer was trying to get the event sponsored, but never got any response from WOTC. At Gateway, there were only 5 of us, so we only played one game of global for all the marbles (which was an absolute blast :)). I’m not sure what the plan is for next year, but I’m hoping we switch back to 1940.

  • @BobbaRossa:


    For anyone who has every played in the AnA tournaments listed in the title:

    I heard at strategicon this year that all subsequent tournaments would not be using Europe 40 / Pacific 40 or Global as the final, but another edition. Does anyone know which AnA they’ve switched to for the tournaments now?

    Hey Aces! The idea was to switch over to Anniversary edition (since it is shorter to get more rounds in) and that was tried at Gamex when we had like 20 or so people. It had a mediocre reception (I personally didn’t enjoy it at all). The organizer was trying to get the event sponsored, but never got any response from WOTC. At Gateway, there were only 5 of us, so we only played one game of global for all the marbles (which was an absolute blast :)). I’m not sure what the plan is for next year, but I’m hoping we switch back to 1940.

    Hey thanks!  I remember him saying he was going to try to get WotC to turn over a 1st edition copy of anniversary as a give-away. Sorry to hear about the low turn out. If it helps, I plan on attending all three events next year =)

    I’ll pick up anniversary just in case and bring all three games.

  • Planning to come for OrcCon in Feb

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