Gotcha, so it’s just a matter of whether or not you wanna lose such an expensive item.
Does a carrier autokill a transport?
Having a debate with another player, he has moved an empty carrier into a SZ where I have a transport to claim an autokill. However, because a carrier has no attack value, combat cannot occur, right? Therefore the empty carrier alone cannot kill my transport?
You are correct. A carrier can’t hit any unit on attack, only on defence.
Keep in mind that this is dependent on whether the carrier has an attack power or not, which in different versions of AxA it may (42.2 = 14/1/2/2, one hit point). The carrier attacks at zero in Global (only?).
I posted this question a few years ago under the title “Ramming speed”. But alas… my proposal was rejected!
Keep in mind that this is dependent on whether the carrier has an attack power or not, which in different versions of AxA it may (42.2 = 14/1/2/2, one hit point). The carrier attacks at zero in Global (only?).
The question was posed in the Global 1940 forum so I assume that’s what he was playing.
Roger, just wanted to remind that G40 ruleset is the exception here, to all other versions IIRC.