Nice video. Ya when u crunch the numbers it’s not really a good idea to SBR in certain times. For me the bomber in g40 is to strong.
Also the dam rule for the major factory needs to be modified for SBR to be worth it for sending 2 or 3 bombers.
Try doing this. Stg. Bomber SBR dam 1d6 +3.
How to Play Amerika *Video*
I made a 2 part video series that I just finished uploading tonight. The videos are a tutorial on how to play the board game Amerika. If you are interested in this game or you have already purchased it and want to see what expansion sets I’m using and what they’re about then feel free to check it out.
How to play Amerika Part 1 to play Amerika Part 2 a Happy New Year everyone!
Thanks GHG for making these videos. When I get the time, I will be sure to check them out. Thanks again! :-D