UPDATE 2/16/2017
Card deck is now available! Download the PDF and go. There are 3 videos going over the deck, what in it, whats not, how to print.
Vid 1 - intro, most cards gone over
Vid 2 - New cards added
Vid 3 - Crap I forgot in vid 2 lol
Total cards 118
I do have 2 empty slots, if you have any ideas, please post here or on the youtube channel. Also, if you find errors, same thing, here/there and ill take care of it.
Ive worked hard on this deck, and I hope it works well for you! Now with this behind me, its map 100%!
Card PDF https://www.dropbox.com/s/s3ukuqhk7ikyk7f/SiredbloodAAADeck.pdf?dl=0
Video 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=267lX2jsqMM&t=340s
Video 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Gu0jwYes2k&feature=youtu.be
Video 3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kBIP1oCO0Hk&feature=youtu.be
Original Post:
Now that my Battle Boxes are coming to an end, finally had time and something to base the theme off of. Being old looking boxes to match my old looking game table, wanted old looking cards lol, and not so generic. You can see in the pic, the old card, just generic in color/theme.
Its a pretty huge deck, about 100 or so cards, never counted but that’s a good estimate (some are duplicates, example, every country has its own Combined Arms, Turn sequence, Research, subs, bombing raids, convoy, unit profiles, etc, etc.) on top of the national objective for Pacific, Europe, G40, and will have G42 if any are needed (haven’t looked).
I know by now you guys must wonder, wtf, does this guy have a life? …. uh, nope… I don’t :P
EDIT 1/13 -here is the vid, if interested in this deck post here or there.