Sired's Map project - Updated- 4/16 - files available see first post

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer

    I like all of those in different ways, so any one you choose sounds great. Have you tried the lettering in front of the Val? It would obscure the wheel a bit, but not entirely. Just wondering which layer in front is best.

  • '19 '18 '17


    I like all of those in different ways, so any one you choose sounds great. Have you tried the lettering in front of the Val? It would obscure the wheel a bit, but not entirely. Just wondering which layer in front is best.

    This sounds like a good idea.

    I like the first one the most.

  • combination of 1 and 4 is my choice

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer


    combination of 1 and 4 is my choice

    Sooo… Number 2 with a Val?

    Sired is there any reason you prefer to use a Val over a Zero (I assume that’s a Zero in No. 2)?

  • Sponsor

    Can we perhaps abandon the Japanese characters and have it just say KAMIKAZE like the CONVOY symbol

  • '17 '16 Customizer

    Thanks for all the feedback!

    Why I prefer the Val over the zero is, it has a bigger cockpit glass section, which I think will look better in the print.

    It looks like im not alone with 1, so ill do a few more edits/options for 1. Wheels in front/back of the Kami, and with Kamikaze label. Ill have that up later today, now im off to make my first vid, so lets hope I don’t goof it up lol.

    Thanks again for all the help.

    Oh, as for painting the terrain goes, all ive gotten done if references kinda lined up. What ive been messing with is mountains, ive never had to paint mountains from a top down before, usually I made them in 3d, then textured them with color/normal/spec maps and the engine takes care of the rest haha.

  • '17 '16 Customizer

    I added in the pic the convoy, and the convoy from YG’s map, just to show I stayed in the same size range.

    I personally still like the val with the wheels in front, with the symbols. You cant even really tell with Kamikaze, wheels in front/back due to the placemant of the silhouette, kinda worked out.

  • Personally I actually like the lettered, with wheels behind. but I’m odd!

  • Sponsor

    I’m probably gonna be in the minority on this, but I like the KAMIKAZE word in the same font as CONVOY like you’ve done above… but I would go with a Zero silhouette without the wheels encroaching on the KAMIKAZE characters the way the ship silhouette does not encroach on the CONVOY characters. That’s just me.

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer

    Honestly doesn’t matter to me. Anything you pick is an improvement over what is normally there.

  • '19 '18 '17

    I like upper left the most.

    But as LHoffman said everything would be an improvement.

  • '17 '16 Customizer

    Thanks again everyone, im on it! Well get some land pics up this week!

  • '17 '16 Customizer

    Oh another quick question(s).

    Also, as far as the silhouettes go, I have the final ones we all like, what ill do is set up areas with both types… kinda see them in action, then we can see what we all like. As I mentioned, this map is for everyone, without your input, your ideas wont be heard and observed, also, help in fixing crap I mess up on!.. So far been saved a few times, and thanks for that! Last thing we need is to print a map, and find out… oops…  :oops:

    As I mentioned, top down painting is new to me (im a 3d artist/UI artist for the most part, so I started in Australia, but my questions pertain to all territories.

    1. Rivers - Now personally I think that they will add a lot of character to the map, but naturally, at the maps view point, you wouldn’t actually see them, so the scale would be off, little lines of rivers, would actually be 10s of miles wide lol… but like I said, I think it would be nice.

    2. Capitals - Im thinking of maybe a Flag to represent the capitols, rather then just the basic roundel that’s on everything. If not a flag, maybe a larger roundel? Something to show its different. (even though we all know already, but still)

    3. Terrain land marks (with or without labels) such as the Ardennes. (there wont be many) Again, like the rivers, they wouldn’t be seen at the maps view point, but might make a more cool map… and maybe not.

    Thanks all it got for now, thanks.

  • '18 '17 '16

    It might be kind of cool to draw mountains on the map instead of just having a shaded area that says Impassable.
    This is an example of what I mean on this game although I think you could do a better job;

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer


    1. Rivers - Now personally I think that they will add a lot of character to the map, but naturally, at the maps view point, you wouldn’t actually see them, so the scale would be off, little lines of rivers, would actually be 10s of miles wide lol… but like I said, I think it would be nice.

    Rivers do not matter all that much to me. They may add cool landmark recognition, but I am not sure what else. Do you plan on showing major rivers where victory cities are located? Or if a river was a focal point of an important battle? Or will you use rivers as partial borders of territories? There are a lot of potential rivers to include, even in neutral countries, if any of those reasons are used. How large does the river have to be for inclusion?


    1. Capitals - Im thinking of maybe a Flag to represent the capitols, rather then just the basic roundel that’s on everything. If not a flag, maybe a larger roundel? Something to show its different. (even though we all know already, but still)

    Something to make them stand out more would be nice. I always like the original Europe and Pacific that had larger roundels for the capitals (however those were also the only roundels on the board). I am not entirely sure if it would go with your theme for the board, but I have always thought it would be cool to do a riff on the larger roundel idea which would involve making it sort of fade out at the extents. I am not sure how to describe this accurately, though it would definitely look best with Japan’s rising sun emblem.


    1. Terrain land marks (with or without labels) such as the Ardennes. (there wont be many) Again, like the rivers, they wouldn’t be seen at the maps view point, but might make a more cool map…. and maybe not.

    My stance here is similar to rivers above, but a little more skeptical. What would qualify? Can you give any examples beyond the Ardennes? I just see landmarks, particularly if they are unlabeled and/or have no significance attached to them to be clutter on the map and potentially confusing for some people. Again, that’s my opinion, but I would reconsider if there was a little more definition on what may be involved.

  • '19 '18 '17

    I have to say, that I’m all for little details/gimmicks like rivers, mountain ranges, rainforests, deserts and stuff.

    But it has to be subtle. It shouldn’t interfere with the game you are playing. There should be an emphasis on the borders (the most important task of the map), the original control markers and the ipc values. In short the three things that are used during actual gameplay.

    The other things should only come to your mind when you are looking closely. This would give some kind of novelty on the territory you just conquered/looking at.

    I don’t know about the size you have in mind, but I think even on the standard map size rivers like the nile, amazonas or even the rhine and elbe wouldn’t look out of place/dimensions. Everyone knows this is not a satellite image.

    Some kind of additional inspiration from the global war game. I think they did quite a good job with rivers and mountains (and they even got antartica ;) ):

    I don’t have any idea about victory cities.

  • not to totally bandwagon, but I actually love the terrain features of the Global '36 map. as far as the victory cities go, I know traditionally they are simply starred or bullet pointed, if you really like an artsy feel, maybe do a silhouette of a major landmark behind the name on the map?

  • '17 '16 Customizer

    Im not planning on using territory features, rivers/mountains to symbolize territory lines. I want lines, to be lines across the map, not line here, river here etc. I was just thinking for art purposes, none to pertain to the gameplay. Australia has a few, ill show you guys what I had in mind. In addition, ill add some sort of capitol thing, see how that goes…… if we keep it normal, that’s fine too. Don’t hurt to try something out.

  • Sponsor

    As much as I love the graphics on the HBG 36 map, I would like Siredblood to make his different…. and if that means no terrain features, than I’m more than fine with that. However… Siredblood should accept the challenge of making a map in his own style no matter how different… that will look just as good as the HBG style of the 36 map, and if it looks better… than how lucky would we all be.

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer


    As much as I love the graphics on the HBG 36 map, I would like Siredblood to make his different…. and if that means no terrain features, than I’m more than fine with that. However… Siredblood should accept the challenge of making a map in his own style no matter how different… that will look just as good as the HBG style of the 36 map, and if it looks better… than how lucky would we all be.


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