@barnee I tried! But the person I am playing against has been playing for many years and this is only my second year of playing so I am not always correct with the rules. I plan on attacking when we get back to it!
US 30 IPC bonus question
@aaron_the_warmonger said in US 30 IPC bonus question:
@shadowhawk My group played with 30 IPC bonus in global not understanding it was eliminated in global. The games with the 30 IPC deterrent were much better than without.
How so?
@squirecam It slowed the game down. Japan didn’t go all out because the first two times they declared war early, germany got smashed with that bonus. We probably weren’t as good as we are now, so maybe that is really the issue, but when you see germany get plowed twice, it makes you wary. Our games ended up with a lot of posturing and slow progress.
@mikemikemike said in US 30 IPC bonus question:
Here is a wrinkle: IF Japan declares war on UK/ANZAC, and the USA gets an immediate 30 point IPC ‘bonus’ at the very start of the next turn… what happens if the USA does NOT declare war on Japan the next turn or several turns afterwards and Japan likewise does not declare war on the USA… does the USA stay at the pre-war, non-bonus IPC levels? Even after they get the 30 point immediate bonus…
About the US 30 IPC bonus in Pacific 40 -only :Do I understand correctly that from the moment the US is at war, it gets 30 IPCs EACH TURN as its National objective bonus for “Major shift from peacetime to wartime economy” as long as it controls the Western US territory, ON TOP of the official FAQ/errata immediate one-time bonus of 30 IPCs following any unprovoked declaration of war by Japan ?
NB: I think I understood well that the immediate bonus is intended to provide immediate IPCs available for the US in phase 1 of the same turn as the JP declaration of war, whereas the national bonus will only boost the income in phase 6, to be spent in phase 1 of the next US turn.
Apologies for a probably obvious question, I am playing alone at the moment with a 2009 copy of AA Pacific, so I have to learn it all from scratch collecting the rules downloads and grasping here and there from the youtube tuto’s that many of you have posted
Grateful for all :pray: -
@Hakuin Yes, you understand correctly.
@Krieghund Hi, I’m still confused about this. The political situation for USA in Pacific 1940 says “…immediate one-time bonus”… and yet you confirmed back in August '23 that the 30 IPC bonus is for EVERY turn?
@Intrepid You are talking about two different things. There is both a one-time bonus and a bonus each turn. See Hakuin’s post above.
You seem to confuse the one-time bonus with the 30-IPC bonus, that is granted for the fulfillment of the respective National Objective (NO).
Of course the one-time bonus is granted only once - but the NO-bonus is granted round by round, as long as the NO is fulfilled.
They are based on different requirements. -
@Panther Ok, thank you.
@Krieghund Thank you!