• That is what I meant  :-)

  • '22 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16

    While I would like to have one more mission for the Empire that can reduce Rebel reputation (just Carbon Freezing and Lure of the Dark Side but only with Luke) I feel the game is balanced enough.

    Then again in my experience the Rebel player typically moves the base once at most, so losing a reputation isn’t a big deal. But I’ve had victories come down to the wire for both sides, so even a one reputation swing is crucial.

  • Skipped ahead to post but and say this is a frelling awesome game. Last game I played I thought once again (with some considerable frustration) the Rebels were going to slip through my fingers but they hadn’t in fact moved the base. I sent Boba Fett to capture Luke, turned him to the dark side with Vader and The Emperor and then sent Luke to lead the final assault on the Rebel base. At that point I didn’t actually care if I’d win the battle as the whole thing was just crazy cool.

    This is a pretty balanced game really but it is certainly more difficult for the Imperials as they have many more things to juggle and balance. The main concerns are the probe deck and getting enough material moving through enough systems.

    Many of the games come down to a big battle for the win.

    I especially like the alternating nature of doing missions and activating systems in a turn between the sides instead of Rebels do their thing/Imperials do their thing. It makes for many interesting decisions.

    And all of my games have been, “Whoa, wait, It’s WHAT time?” Long games but they fly by.

    I highly recommend this game for any A&A fan.

    Ohhh and these are pricey but look perfect… https://www.topshelfgamer.com/collections/featured-products/products/zen-bins-rebellion-custom-trays

  • Okay so caught the whole thread and I’d agree that IF this game needs house rules it certainly would be in the area of some sort of penalty to the Rebels moving the base. Maybe that lost rep point, maybe some sort of free move for the Imperials.

    Alternately some sort of way to not draw the probe card for a system I’m currently standing on as the Imperials would be terrific although the Rebels remaining hidden despite the Empire being around is pretty flavorful. Or on those lines some other intel mission or intel leader maybe.

    That and the Rebels can get too many big capitol ships too quickly and make up their material deficit early on pretty much amount to my only complaints with the game. And they aren’t big complaints or really “broken” things.

    This game is terrific.

  • '22 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16

    i agree frimmel, I love the game and time flies whenever my group plays.

    You can set your clock to a Utapau Build Alliance opener, the only case I could make for getting a different system would be starting with Mon Calamari and not having the Empire next door at Saleucami. If possible the Rebels could go after Geonosis or Mygeeto if available and get an early structure to keep in the queue. But even then the Rebel player will just double down and get the Mon Cal Cruiser and Corvette from Utapau.

    The dilemma of drawing probe cards for occupied systems is addressed by Intercept Transmission, but this card is controversial amongst players since since it plays right into the Rebel player’s hands right before a move by taking Imperial occupied planets out of the deck ensuring a smooth relocation. But if done before a move it’s great for compiling probe cards.

    For the Empire, the best aces in the hole are Planetary Conquest (either preceding or following a base invasion), Scouting Mission (the Rebels can still survive by keeping space units in the base) and Catch Them By Surprise (attack them before they launch a pre-emptive strike).

  • Sponsor

    I was thinking that all these great game mechanics in Star Wars Rebellion would also make for a pretty awesome Walking Dead game.

  • The best Walking Dead game so far is Dead of Winter!  Have you played that?

  • Sponsor


    The best Walking Dead game so far is Dead of Winter!�  Have you played that?

    I have and it’s good… I’m just not a fan of cooperative games. All I’m saying is, there are more than enough characters in the Walking Dead series to fill the Rebellion mold, and instead of systems, you could have locations like the farm house, the prison, the hospital, the church, Terminus, Woodbury, Alexandria, the quarry…etc.

  • I just don’t see the Rebellion engine working with Walking Dead.  That theme is more semi-coop that wargame.  But you could sway me!  Could you give me more details as to what you are thinking?

  • Sponsor


    I just don’t see the Rebellion engine working with Walking Dead. That theme is more semi-coop that wargame. But you could sway me! Could you give me more details as to what you are thinking?

    So you would have your core leaders of good guys from the series…


    And to a lesser extent…


    Also, all the villains…

    The Governor
    The Prisoner
    Daryl’s brother
    The Terminus Leader
    The rednecks in the Saloon

    and anyone they can turn against Rick’s group, like…


    The miniatures would be Zombies (5 types) and maybe some vehicles.

    The spaces on the board would be all the locations and shelters in the series.

    The bad guys have to find where Rick’s group is held up… leaders can do missions, Leaders would have skill icons, Zombies could be distracted to head in certain directions… 10 or more zombies in one location are considered a heard which would get better attack values.

    I could go on and on…

  • I’m still just not seeing it  :-(

    For me, Dead of Winter (especially with the raiders expansion module) captures the Walking Dead theme for me, in terms of people being the real threat.

  • Sponsor


    I’m still just not seeing it  :-(

    For me, Dead of Winter (especially with the raiders expansion module) captures the Walking Dead theme for me, in terms of people being the real threat.

    But the Dead of Winter doesn’t use the Characters from the Walking Dead TV series, the game objectives are similar for the needs during a zombie apocalypse… but it doesn’t tell the story of Rick Grimes and his group.

  • Sponsor


    I’m still just not seeing it  :-(

    For me, Dead of Winter (especially with the raiders expansion module) captures the Walking Dead theme for me, in terms of people being the real threat.

    Haven’t heard of that expansion, maybe it will help me like that game more… it’s definitely cool and I love the art work, but I wasn’t hooked the way I am with Star Wars Rebellion  :-D

  • They don’t have the rights for TWD.  So it’s basically a knock off them :)

  • Sponsor

    Back to Rebellion, just scheduled another game for this Sunday… looking to understand more rules better.

  • Try just rereading them.  Things will pop out more now that you’ve played a few games.

  • Sponsor


    Try just rereading them.  Things will pop out more now that you’ve played a few games.

    I find that there’s better clarifications coming from the reference manual.

  • Sponsor

    How often do you use the Empire intel starting mission that lets you draw probe cards for 4 or more units on the rebel base?, should it be used as often as the build alliance mission for the Rebels?

  • '22 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16

    Rebel players will often leave seven units max at the start of the game to allow that mission to draw one card only, which is not efficient enough for the Empire at that juncture. The Empire should make one move minimum and possibly two the first turn, on top of any R&D, diplomacy or capture missions.

    If the Rebel player begins to turtle the base then it’s a good idea to drain the deck along with Intercept Transmission and Probe Droid Initiative.

  • To me it depends if you are doing a strategy that, at its core, is all about running down the probe deck.  If I am, then I will use that mission as long as there are at least 8 units on the Rebel Base space.  If not, then I think moving ships around is better.

    I think all Imperial strategies fall into one of two camps: Search & Destroy or Highly Targeted Sweeps.  That mission supports the latter of those strategies.

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