• Posted for review and comment:

    Assumption is that Russia moved into West Russia at a minimum, possibly Belorussia as well creating a strong stack in Central Europe to threaten multiple territories and block any initial German advance.

    G1 Build:
    1 AC, 8 INF.

    Combat Moves:
    Abandon Norway.  Germany cannot hold it against even a modest Allied player and it can be easily flanked with transports into Karelia and Archangel, so no reason to waste effort there.  Attack Karelia using Norway land forces, and additional FIGS as needed.

    Kill UK Destroyer:
    Using Ukraine and Balkan FIGS, take out the UK destroyer off Egypt.

    Kill UK BB at Gibraltar:
    Use North Atlantic sub, Southern BB and tranny, and 1 FIG (probably Western).  Land INF in Gibraltar to prevent use as a UK LZ.

    SBR of UK:
    You do UK rather than USSR for 2 reasons.  First, the only place Russia can be bombed in G1 is Caucuses, and you do a maximum 4 IPC’s damage while in UK you can do up to 6 IPC’s.  Also, your opening moves are designed to challenge in the Atlantic as long as possible, thus the object is to slow UK’s build down as much as possible.

    Non-Combat moves:
    Create 2 hard-points against Russia in Eastern and Ukraine.  Use maximum available INF to create these hard points.  Avoid reinforcing with ARM except as needed in Ukraine due to distance from Germany, and keep FIGS from landing in either zone as much as possible.  Stage ARM in Balkans to the greatest extent possible, others in Germany.  Swap Western ARM for German INF.  Land as many figs as possible in Western (save 2 that will be landing on the new AC to be placed in the Baltic).

    AC in Baltic with 2 existing figs.
    INF placed 6 in Germany 2 in Southern.

    Rationale for these moves:
    It leaves Germany down an average of 2 IPC’s, 5 after Norway falls, so initially does not appear to be a good move.  Also leaves the Suez open to UK incursion and takes no IPC’s from UK other than SBR damage.
    First and foremost, you now have the ability to challenge the Atlantic for a few rounds.  Assuming the loss of the sub in Gibraltar, you have both German fleets able to converge in a position off France to defens almost all of Germany’s territory in G2.  The fleet is subject to attack by UK figs, but with a loaded AC AND with a BB in the fleet, losses will be minimal IF ANY until UK spends at least a round building air force.
    Second, it nullifies that Russian stack in West Russia.  By creating twin hard points, each able to attack/retake the other if it should fall, then Russia is just sitting there with massed forces that can’t do anything.  Russia builds it’s 9 INF a round, but takes nothing else from Germany, and can’t afford to divert forces elsewhere.  The minute he does, Germany pounces.
    Third, it is a G1 build that equals Russia for land forces at 8 INF while also blocking any UK support to Russia (except perhaps FIGS if UK wants to let that German fleet live).
    Fourth it also stalls the US from landings in Africa on US1 (unless they want to sacrifice the tranny) and forces the US to either move or build Capital ships in the Atlantic instead of just building trannies.

    With this as an opening move, Germany follows up with another INF build in G2, this time INFwith 1 fig.  Each round of INF builds is moved toward Russia on the following round.  Germany feeds forces into Karelia, and builds up in Eastern and Ukraine.  On G3, Germany should have enough forces to do the first “push” against Russian positions.  This will probably be in Belorussia (but if Caucuses is weak, strike there).

    Once you secure Belorussia, you shift your hard-points to Karelia/Bel/Ukraine and defend/build up as before with INF in those front line territories and your ARM backing them up from 1 territory behind.

    On the Naval front, UK and US should be getting ready to make their move against you.  Remember that you cannot replace naval units, but you can fly more figs to the carrier.  Wound your BB, then take tranny losses, then if the battle is nearly won by Germany lose FIGs, otherwise lose subs.  The idea being that you maintain your consolidated German fleet in or near SZ7 as long as possible.  Sacrificing 2 German FIGs in order to keep the US and Uk from landing in Europe another round is worth the trade, especially if you are continuing to build 1 FIG a turn to help replace losses.  Basically, FEED THE FLEET your air force to keep it alive.  And of course, when either UK or US move to striking range, HIT THEM HARD!  Use land based aircraft in support, even if you have to delay a Russian strike to do so.  Take out the Allied navy as hard as possible, in one strike if you can.  That keeps your fleet alive to attack the NEXT allied fleet.

    Sometime around G4 (G5 if you are lucky) the German fleet is gone.  Preserve any remaining aircraft in Western for defense and as a threat to those trannies.  If a tranny gets isolated or left unprotected, KILL it.  Don;t waste your AF against BB’s, subs and destroyers.  Once your fleet is gone, those ships can;t really hurt you (1 BB shot a round, deal with it).  The trannies though, THAT is your risk, so you strike them as you can.

    You should now have pushed Russia to where there is a weak spot in their Archangel/West Russia/Caucuses front.  Wherever that weak spot is, EXPLOIT it.  Move in hard, fast, and with everything you can muster.  Take it and HOLD it.  This is your base for your strikes on Russia itself.  Take ONE of them with your massed forces.  Be sure to leave screening INF in any territory adjacent to a Russian force stack.  Don;t let Russia blitz.  And be sure to keep your supply line secure to keep flowing forces forward.  West Russia is the easiest forward position to defend.  Caucuses has the advantage of the IC.  Archangel blocks UK land forces from reaching Russia, but leaves you vulnerable to amphibious.  Weigh your options and MOVE.

    Now you are back to waiting and building.  Japan needs to be bringing pressure to bear by this time, most likely through either the central or northern Asia channel.  Once Japan has forces in Novo in force, prepare for the 1-2-3 strike.  Germany should lead off with a heavy hit.  Germany is best able to gather forces for a second strike, Japan is much slower to get forces to the Russian front.  Germany hits Russia and weakens it dramatically.  Japan further pounds the snot out of Russia.  Russia gets a small build, then Germnay hammers again.

    If you have been feeding INF to the front, with some ART mixed in, and have been preserving your ARM, you should be able to drop Russia with that strike around G6-7.

    If you can;t sack Russia by then, you are in deep doo.  Those US and UK ships are going to be hitting you with too many trannied forces for you to stay at Russia, time to run back toward Germany to keep the allied landings at bay and hope like hell Japan pulls off a miracle.

  • I have some questions:

    1. Why not use some more fighters to take care of the BB in Gibraltar? You almost really shouldn’t be losing anything to it if you brought in 1 BB/sub/trans + 2 fighters. More fighters helps it out even more. The Norway and Eastern Europe one can be brought in since they’re not doing anything else.

    2. Why risk 2 fighters to that destroyer? I wouldn’t like to lose figs just to a destroyer.

    3. Why not take try to take Anglo-Egypt? I would send 1 inf 1 tank from Libya + fighters from Ukraine and Balkans + bomber from Germany. You average above 2 kills on your roll, while the UK averages right between 1 and 2. You may have to sacrifice 1 fig or possibly two (hopefully not) but you should be able to claim Egypt pretty easily. This shuts down the canal for one and also denies the UK an extra fighter.

    4. How do you create a hardpoint in Ukraine early on? It borders the West Russian stack as well as Caucasus where fresh troops are being mobilized every turn. It takes a couple turns for fresh infantry to reach Ukraine….and why assume that Russia is building just 8-9 inf every turn? I like to build artillery with the spare cash to get some offense going.

    5. I would be a bit more conservative in your estimate of the survivability of the German fleet. I doubt it should take more than Round 3 to knock it out if the UK/US are focused on it. If the Allies aren’t able to drop troops on Round 4 at the latest they’re in humongous trouble.

    Overall excellent insight though! Linking the German fleets is an awesome delaying tactic.

  • Well wes, to answer your questions…

    1.  You may need some of those northern figs for Karelia.  I am not sure if EVERYONE leaves it wide open on R1 like you do :-P
    2.  You kill the Egypt Destroyer to make sure it is not a problem for you.  Let it live and it can either work across the med and link up to strike with the UK against the consolidated German Navy, or provide screening protection for US and/or UK trannies.  The other thing, it can slip through the Suez (if it remains open) and link up with the other UK navy to harass Japan’s expansion.  Or it is an additional unit with UK’s India fleet coming into the med, leaving Germany an ongoing headache in the Med that is too tough of a fleet to kill without a total German AF sacrifice.

    Just like with the Gibraltar BB, kill it while it is alone instead of letting it become a 50/50 hit roll each round with cannon fodder to keep it alive.  With 2 Figs, the odds are Germany will kill it on strike 1, and only 50/50 chance of Germany losing 1 fig.

    3.  Initially, Karelia is not a hard point.  Eastern and Ukraine are your initial hard points.  On G2 you start flowing forces into Karelia to make it your 3rd hard point, then drive into Belorussia around G3-4 to make THAT a replacement hard point for Eastern which then becomes a staging area to support the INF hard points.

    4.  If you take out the Detroyer with Figs, you cannot also use them in Egypt.  That leaves you with 1 4, 1 3 and 1 1 against 1 2, 1 3 and 1 4.  The odds are then strongly in favor of UK retaining possession and Germany is out of forces in Africa, and probably down a bomber.  Instead, with the German fleet screening the Atlantic in the early rounds, evacuate Algeria to Libya and pool forces for a G2 strike on Egypt is UK does not reinforce (now with your German figs available for this round).  And if UK does reinforce Egypt, they are much weaker against Japan.  Win/Win for the Axis.

    5.  A consolidated German fleet should be 3 subs, 2 trannies, 1 BB, 1 Destroyer, 1 AC and 2 FIGS.  That means in UK1 and UK 2, UK has to give SOME thought to homeland defense.  If Germany uses total AF, plus the support shot, plus 4 ground units, UK MAY fall to an amphib assault unless UK builds defensive units; at least air power.  Also, US then has to build/move some capital ships in the early rounds also to take out that German fleet.  Anything less than near total destruction of the fleet in ONE strike by the Allies (or a 1-2 punch with UK leading off and US following up).  If Germany gets a breather after 1 strike, the BB is repaired and new figs fly out to reinforce the fleet.  Germany sacrifices FIGS before losing the BB and the Carrier.  If those 2 ships survive, then the next attack will be on a re-fortified German fleet with 3 4’s and a 3 at a minimum, with a free hit against the BB to start.  YOU HAVE TO SCORE 10 HITS against the German navy before you can sink either the AC or the BB.  Meanwhile, Germany is initially countering your attack with 3 sneaks of 2 (because the UK Destroyer was sank off Egypt, unless they spent 12 IPC’s for a new one…), 2 1’s, 2 3’s, and 4 4’s.  Total defense strength of that fleet is 26, an average of 4.33 kills by the Germans, 1 of which does not even get to fire its first shot.  The same 4.33 hits against the German fleet leaves them STILL having a defense roll of 22, 4 more Allied attacker dead, and you still have not even gotten through my subs to my heavy hitters.

    And again, so long as the Graf Zeppelin lives, Germany still has a fleet of 3 units with a defense roll of 2 4’s and a 3, average 2 hits on defense.

    If US and UK coordinate well, and plan well, the German fleet CAN be sunk by the end of US3.  That leaves Allied turn 4 for some initial landings, and turn 5 before it gets serious.  It MIGHT be slower than that, if the US and UK do not coordinate perfectly, if Germany rolls a slight bit above average, or if either nation has to replace some screening ships for those trannies to pretect them from the German AF.

    Not a perfect answer.  You can’t hold the Atlantic as Germany against a combined 72 IPC’s.  But for 4 rounds…  Breathing room and the ability to pour forces toward Russia…

  • I’m still confused how you make Ukraine a hard point early on. I’d destroy it as Russia…

  • @trihero:

    I’m still confused how you make Ukraine a hard point early on. I’d destroy it as Russia…

    We’ll use your end of R1 position from our game as a reference:
    Russia’s force distribution after R1 is the 5th post down.

    Germany buys 1 AC, 8 INF.

    Combat is taking Karelia, sinking the med destroyer and BB, SBR of UK.  I MAY even run a tank to Archangel just to be annoying.

    2 INF from Balkans to Ukraine
    2 INF from Eastern to Ukraine
    3 INF existing in Ukraine

    3 INF from Germany to Eastern
    2 INF from Western to Eastern (via tranny)

    2 INF from Southern to Balkans
    1 ART from Southern to Balkans

    ALL ARM consolidates in Eastern
    2 ARM from Germany
    2 ARM from Western
    1 ARM from Southern
    1 Existing in Eastern
    1 ARM from Ukraine
    1 ARM from Balkans

    1 INF and 1 ART from Algeria to Libya

    2 FIGS (from Balkans and Ukraine) land in Balkans
    Norway and Eastern FIGS land on new AC
    Western and German Figs in Western
    Bomber lands in Germany
    Mobilize 8 INF in Germany

    That gives me a force distribution of:
    Ukraine:  7 INF
    Eastern:  5 INF, 8 ARM
    Western:  2 FIGS
    Germany:  8 INF, 1 BOM
    Karelia:  3 INF
    Balkans:  2 INF, 1 ART, 2 FIG.

    That makes your attack in R2 on Ukraine being a maximum of:
    14 INF, 2 ART, 4 ARM, 2 FIG.

    That EMPTIES West Russia and Caucuses.

    Your initial attack kills 6.33 units.
    Defense roll is 2.33 units.
    You TAKE Ukraine with your MAXIMUM available force and hold it with 12 INF, 2 ART, and 4 ARM.

    Let’s finish off Russia with a hypotentical non-combat and build.
    Russia sends 1 INF from Moscow to Archangel to prevent a walk-through.
    Now Russia has to decide where to send remaining 3 infantry, 3 artillery, because that is ALL they have left prior to their build placement with everything in Ukraine for maximum offense/protection.
    Assume they play it safe, 1 INF to West Russia to prevent a walk-through.
    Place a build of 8 INF and 1 ART: 3 INF and 1 ART in Caucuses, 4 INF in Russia (staying Offensive)

    Germany builds 5 ARM, 1 INF (not a wise move, but go with it).

    Germany counters in Ukraine:
    7 INF, 1 ART, 8 ARM, 4 FIGS (2 from AC, 2 from Balkans), 1 BOM
    Initial Attack kills 8.33
    Initial Defense kills 6.67
    We’ll round off  8 dead Russian INF, 7 dead German INF.

    Round 2:
    Germany kills 7
    Russia kills 4

    The last 5 Russia INF die as do the 2 ART.
    Germany loses their ART and 3 tanks.

    Round 3:
    Germany kills 5.16
    Russia kills 2

    That is overkill for Germany, losing 2 more tanks in the process.

    Germany occupies Ukraine with 3 ARM.  FIGS fly to AC and to Western, Bomber back to Germany.

    Also, 2 Western FIGS and 2 INF from Karelia invade either Belorussia or West Russia (we’ll say Belorussia), taking it with 1 INF.  Figs land in Eastern or Karelia.

    Germany non-combats 8 INF to Eastern.

    So let’s look at the board now:

    Germany forces:
    1 INF in Karelia
    1 INF in Belorussia
    8 INF in Eastern
    5 ARM, 1 INF in Germany
    3 ARM in Ukraine
    Fleet fully loaded in SZ7 to screen from landings
    2 FIGS in Western, just in case.
    2 FIGS in Eastern

    Russia Forces:
    3 INF and 1 ART in Caucuses
    6 INF, 3 ART, 2 FIG in Russia
    1 INF in Archangel
    1 INF in West Russia.

    Is this a practical, real world example?  No.  It is an extreme, designed to show that while Germany can;t PREVENT Russia from taking their Ukraine hard-point in R2, that doing so would cripple Russia.

    The idea behind the 2 initial hard-points:  Eastern and Ukraine, is to make either too darn expensive for Russia to try for, forcing them to work on minor territories like Bel and Karelia.

    Germany maintains a build rate of 38, Russia is building at 25 ish (depending on Japan)

    With the German FIGS available to provide a MASSIVE offensive punch, then go back to their defensive rolls, with Germany’s starting 8 ARM to provide staying power on a forward push, and with first 8, then 10-12 INF moving toward Russia each round… well, it is a winning strategy so long as the German fleet holds out.

    And since we have established that it will still exist on G3, that means Germany is hitting Bel with 8 INF, 6 figs, perhaps a bomber, and 8 ARM in G3.  Or sending the same forces to re-take Ukraine after destroying the Russian stack there, or pushing through Karelia into Archangel to threaten Russia directly.

    Germany is outbuilding Russia by 65% in Turn 2.  Russia can;t hold against that without help… Help that won’t arrive until Turn 4…

    And yes Wes, that is a direct challenge to ya for Game 3 :-)

  • I see I see. Now you just need to reveal your Japan strategy so I can think of counters to that  :lol:

  • Who said I was using THAT strategy!  That is simply ONE method of playing Germany… mostly based on your own strategies posted elsewhere on this board, with a little personalization :-P

    I may do something very different… like send the German tranny to Brazil for 3 IPC’s, to weaken US, and to allow Germany to build an IC there…

  • Wes, just remember 1 thing…

    I do rather well at fluid strategy.  You are very good at doing what works for YOU.

    If I can knock you out of your usual strategies, and do it early enough, I have the edge :-)

  • :x Is that yet another challenge for game 3? Damn, dude….

    I hope I’m more flexible than you’re giving me credit for. My strategies have changed greatly over time and even recently, though I haven’t posted them. I’m also primarily an Axis fan/player, so I may not be all that creative as the Allies…I really don’t like trying to fight Japan first because it’s harder and gives you less IPCs, plus the Germans unfettered would slaughter the Russians quickly…so go figure I throw everything I have at Germany…

  • Don’t get me wrong, I’ll be pretty glad if you do beat me. I’d love to see the Axis win no-bid, barring overly lucky dice  :wink:

  • @trihero:

    Don’t get me wrong, I’ll be pretty glad if you do beat me. I’d love to see the Axis win no-bid, barring overly lucky dice  :wink:

    I’m going to do my best to make that happen.

    Who knows, you may go KJF on me and blow away everything I am posting here (making it a totally differnt game from the 2 we fought already…

  • Hmm very strange tactic you have there, very strange.

    I don’t know what u think with russia 1st turn buy. But I have always thought that russia 1st turn buy is when you equip yourself for counterattack on german advance. Let me show u what i would do on my 1st turn.


    Combat moves
    6 inf 1art 2fig 1arm to west russia (Optional boost with 2 from karelia)
    3inf 1art 3arm to ukraine (You don’t want to conquer it, you just hit those infranty and maybe with luck 1art away from there, I have seen sometimes that only 1fig is left on ukraine. So hit-and-run tactic)
    Optional Combat move
    Karelia 3inf 1fig to belorussia (This is really risking, but if this succeeds and u knock out 3 german inf, you are in very good options then)

    The main points are taking west russia strongly and weakening ukraine stack. Optional pushing your 1st turn german inf kill tactic is to try to take belorussia.


    2inf to caucasus
    2inf to moscow
    1 is left to karelia to prevent bliz

    New troops
    Everything is placed to caucasus, so there should be 2-5 inf(How many u lost on attacking ukraine)2art 5arm 3fig, very strong defence if the germans think they will try to push, they will be really hard pressing trying to take caucasus down and it will cost them as much as you.

    West Russia u should have 6-8 (how many u lose taking it) 1art 1arm, quite strong, but this team might get attacked by germany, but with the amount of inf they have lost they will most likely get 3-4 inf 1art 3arm + planes they think they can spare. Ok they can kill you, but they will lose a lot of material on this attack + Germany always have better options for their planes and if they take planes against your stack they lose something from elsewhere.  Next turn u counterattack west russia very strongly and ukraine (with 1-2 inf  depending how many there are german troops + 1-2 planes)
    Now many think that u are pushing the soviets too hard with this, but this really buys 1 turn more, now germany is very weak in the amount of inf it has. It has options to attack caucasus or west russia, but at really great risk of failing their game. Germany can’t rush things.

    Next turn all inf or little balancing 1art or 1arm if u can.

    If u do these things i don’t know how with ncscswitch tactic would work. His 1st turn would decide his fate, try to end the game early by using his planes on russia and if it goes wrong germany would fall or do the normal plane moves and leave russia alone and consolidate his power on eastern front. Anyway these tactic usually leaves soviets in a very strong situation.

    Tip of the day. Try to keep frontier defence, on soviet turn 2, u should be able to take ukraine with same amount of inf as the germany has there and 2 planes if 1-2 only german inf there. Same is belorussia, but karelia is left to the germans, if he pushes far and takes archangel with a tank, 1-2 inf + 1 plane should take care of it.

    I don’t see any problems with soviets, but the first turn what you do is really important, that really decides the game. Don’t leave any german inf alive and u will have to worry about real german push from turn 3 at most.

    As for UK. Game end move if that tactic is used by the germans. 1AC+2figs 1Tran 1Dest move to mediterranean. This will gain u really strong navy there and if the germans don’t move back to block u, have the soft underbelly of germany to harass very freely. If I play germany I really won’t leave that option to UK. And Trans-Jordania would have the counterattack troops ready so 5inf 1arm. And turn 1 purchase for UK IS ALWAYS IC!!! To Africa, and if u really want to risk it, buying it to anglo-egypt might really make it hard for germany. 5inf 1arm 2fig defending it, will be really hard to take out, but with this tactic u won’t move your navy to mediterraen on 1st turn and because of that i really don’t recommend this germany would come 3inf 1art 2arm + planes to take u out.

    As for combining the german navy? WTF? Why would Allies allow that? UK 1IC 1Dest 1inf, IC is placed to South Africa to hold germany and japan away from there and keeping their income alive. U keep your navy alive beside Greenland so 1bb 1dest 2trans.
    Soviet sub will block the baltic german navy, and USA 2 options block with 1 dest, the mediterraenan navy to bottle it up. (Trans are too important to lose at this time) USA Purchase 1AC 2Dest and place them to USA Coast, this navy will be enough to hold the germany at bay. The most important thing for allies, NEVER EVER ALLOW THE GERMAN FLEET TO COMBINE, that is the most idiotic thing that u can do, use all your power to no let them combine on turn 2 and on turn 2 of UK and USA u destroy one or the other navy, leave baltic navy alone if it stays put, but if tries to break away Hit it with everything u got, German fleet 1tran, 2sub, 1dest, 1AC 2figs 7 HITS, U will attack with 1BB 1Dest 2Trans 2figs 1Bomb. 8 HITS (Count the BB soaking ability) u have the advantage on better dices, but less amount max HITS u can inflict, but u must check the first round if it goes badly or u inflict very bad damage, don’t necessarily lose your BB or figs, bomber isn’t that important to UK fighters are. Retreat and boost the navy with new fleets. Now if the German navy is totally crippled try finishing it with USA 1fig 1Bomb from UK, should do the trick, but if it really is crippled only then sacrifice USA planes, USA Turn 2 will see 1AC+2figs 2Dest 2trans sitting on sea zone 8 and with the UK navy, germany don’t have any chance of taking it out. And they will have lost their navy totally now. This tactic is the easiest and sure win for allies against germany, if they will try to combine their navy. But 1 thing is sure, Germany can never combine their fleet on turn 2, allies have to play really badly if they let it happen.

    Ps. Sorry for long post, sometimes i just can’t understand these posts, when they are so easily blocked and in my gaming group that tactic is sure loss for germany. Germany needs to keep it strong and wait for japanese to push forward on soviets. U keep russia a neutral fighting for ukraine, west russia, archangel. Keep him losing losing inf and u move forward your meat wall and keep you going elsewhere. But for germany never ever allow UK to move to mediterraen and leaving it with 1AC+2figs, 1tran, 1dest. This fleet is living hell to take out with 1BB 1trans and planes. It will be death of german fleet on mediterraen and u might even lose important planes too. Never allow this to happen. 'Nuff said. -WW2 Tactician from Finland

  • Interesting thoughts…

    Some feedback…

    The only way that the Allies can prevent a link-up on G2 is to suicide the initial UK navy, plus some UK1 build navy, all of it moved to/placed in SZ6.  Without that block, the Baltic fleet sails to SZ7 unopposed.  Even if UK (or USSR) places 1 ship there to “block”, Germany takes it out with AF, and moves the Baltic fleet to SZ7 in non-combat move.  By the time UK or US is in a position to actually attack the German fleet with Allied navy, the link-up has already occurred.

    You could, theoretically, have Russia suicide their AF against the Baltic fleet to weaken it, then  use the UK navy to block, forcing Germany to use up some of THEIR AF.  You could also suicide the UK AF into the Baltic fleet (though in this case, the AC and 2 FIGS are present, making losses minimal, basically 1 round of hits before the RAF is gone).  This of course assumes that Germany did NOT Sea Lion in G2, in which case there is a 62% chance (including tech roll) of UK not building a darn thing, EVER.  But, if Germany does not Sea Lion, at least SOME of that Baltic fleet is going to end up in SZ7 with the sub, BB and tranny.  Not the strongest fleet, but with UK lacking a bomber and 2 figs, and with Russia being down a pair of figs also, and with UK also possibly being down their initial UK fleet plus some build material… well now that fleet isn;t looking too bad.  UK is not going to be attacking it again until UK3, and the US needs to get there first…

    As for the UK sailing their fleet into the Med…
    Balkan and Ukraine figs solve the problem of taking Egypt without the German med navy, sealing the canal to UK on UK1.

    And as for the South African IC…
    If UK did all it could to stop the fleet link-up, as you advocate, then UK can ill afford to spend half of their money on an IC in South Africa.  They are lacking an AF and a Navy, with Germany having a loaded carrier, a BB, and a tranny within striking distance of UK, plus the remainder of their massed AF (probably another 2 figs and a bomber, allowing for Egypt moves) within range of London.  That is a first round attack roll of 24 (4 kills) against a UK that no longer has any figs for defense and spent half their money in South Africa, and the rest blocking the German Baltic fleet.

    Your Russian strategy deserves a LOT of thought though.  Taking out the cannon fodder from any German attack is a hell of a viable concept.  It slows Germany more than you posted.  Germany will not have any G1 purchases of INF available before G3 for Ukraine or Bel.  It will be G4 before the surviving G1 purchased INF can reach Caucuses/West Russia.  And, with the Baltic AC build, THAT is only 8 INF in combat range on G4, less losses from strafing or from re-taking Ukraine or Belorussia.

    Germany CAN make some initial advances due to less-than-maximum stacking and spreading their forces, but they still maintain the ability to counter any German attack in R2, and wiping out the lion;s share of any German gain, as well as the potential for gains in the rounds to come, for quite some time.  It does create a bit more of a dead zone in mid Europe than would otherwise have occurred with a total R1 INF build, but the trade off appears viable on first review.

    DEFINITELY deserves further review.

  • I’m just curious.  I don’t know if this was posted above, but what happens if Russia takes the Ukraine, and then you take it back, but you only have, let’s say, 6 tanks plus 4 inf to take it back, and you lose 2 inf, so you’re down to 6 tanks and 2 inf; if you have more armour than inf, is it even a good idea to try and take back the Ukraine, considering that the guy has, for example, 4 infantry and 3 art, plus a couple tanks in Moscow?  Hope I’m being clear in my questioning.  I guess I just really want to know if creating one massive hardstack in UKraine is even a good idea if Russia has taken WR with 6 inf there and then 4 inf and 3 art in the Caucasus ready to massively counterattack.

  • If Russia has stacked hard on all sides of Ukraine…

    Stack Eastern, then when Russia moves on Ukraine, counter HARD from Eastern, using Med Fleet for additional INF and a support shot as well as available AF.  Kill hard and fast, to keep as many of your troops alive as possible.

    Instant hard point in Ukraine AFTER killing a lot of Russians.  AND you can still stack Eastern with your previous round German build just by moving it to Eastern…

  • 2007 AAR League

    My imediate reaction to your G2 linkup, is that (i atleast) as Russia allways put my sub in SZ6 to prevent that. (and often it´s disregarded, or people send 1 Fig and i manages to submerge).

    I can´t really see why people keeps sending it to SZ2.

  • Yes, but even with the sub in SZ6, you force it to submerge with the FIG, and then sail through free and clear in non-combat phase.

    So the sub alone is NOT adequate protection against a G2 fleet link-up (if Germany decides to go that route)

  • @ncscswitch:

    If Russia has stacked hard on all sides of Ukraine…

    Stack Eastern, then when Russia moves on Ukraine, counter HARD from Eastern, using Med Fleet for additional INF and a support shot as well as available AF.  Kill hard and fast, to keep as many of your troops alive as possible.

    Instant hard point in Ukraine AFTER killing a lot of Russians.  AND you can still stack Eastern with your previous round German build just by moving it to Eastern…

    Yeah, but what if they’ve already taken Ukraine and West Russia?  Should I still counterattack Ukraine, even though he’s got more than enough guys the next round to kill my stack of men and destroy 8 or 9 of my guys?  Or I should I wait a round before moving in for the kill in the Ukraine with more guys?  I once counterattacked Ukraine, took it, put pretty much all my armour and inf there on the first round, and then the next round, had them all wiped out and from there I pretty much went on the defensive because I couldn’t keep any of my territories very well because I had to rebuild my forces.

  • If you want to play conservative as Germany… just turtle up from the get-go and wait for Japan… IF they can get to Moscow in time with Russia having lots of money and German offesnive against them…

    You have to take risks.

    The object is to make your moves smartly… and when in doubt, go HEAVY, so that you win easilly with few troops lost and your opponent takes maximum losses on the counter.

  • For every move their is a counter.

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