Hmm very strange tactic you have there, very strange.
I don’t know what u think with russia 1st turn buy. But I have always thought that russia 1st turn buy is when you equip yourself for counterattack on german advance. Let me show u what i would do on my 1st turn.
Combat moves
6 inf 1art 2fig 1arm to west russia (Optional boost with 2 from karelia)
3inf 1art 3arm to ukraine (You don’t want to conquer it, you just hit those infranty and maybe with luck 1art away from there, I have seen sometimes that only 1fig is left on ukraine. So hit-and-run tactic)
Optional Combat move
Karelia 3inf 1fig to belorussia (This is really risking, but if this succeeds and u knock out 3 german inf, you are in very good options then)
The main points are taking west russia strongly and weakening ukraine stack. Optional pushing your 1st turn german inf kill tactic is to try to take belorussia.
2inf to caucasus
2inf to moscow
1 is left to karelia to prevent bliz
New troops
Everything is placed to caucasus, so there should be 2-5 inf(How many u lost on attacking ukraine)2art 5arm 3fig, very strong defence if the germans think they will try to push, they will be really hard pressing trying to take caucasus down and it will cost them as much as you.
West Russia u should have 6-8 (how many u lose taking it) 1art 1arm, quite strong, but this team might get attacked by germany, but with the amount of inf they have lost they will most likely get 3-4 inf 1art 3arm + planes they think they can spare. Ok they can kill you, but they will lose a lot of material on this attack + Germany always have better options for their planes and if they take planes against your stack they lose something from elsewhere. Next turn u counterattack west russia very strongly and ukraine (with 1-2 inf depending how many there are german troops + 1-2 planes)
Now many think that u are pushing the soviets too hard with this, but this really buys 1 turn more, now germany is very weak in the amount of inf it has. It has options to attack caucasus or west russia, but at really great risk of failing their game. Germany can’t rush things.
Next turn all inf or little balancing 1art or 1arm if u can.
If u do these things i don’t know how with ncscswitch tactic would work. His 1st turn would decide his fate, try to end the game early by using his planes on russia and if it goes wrong germany would fall or do the normal plane moves and leave russia alone and consolidate his power on eastern front. Anyway these tactic usually leaves soviets in a very strong situation.
Tip of the day. Try to keep frontier defence, on soviet turn 2, u should be able to take ukraine with same amount of inf as the germany has there and 2 planes if 1-2 only german inf there. Same is belorussia, but karelia is left to the germans, if he pushes far and takes archangel with a tank, 1-2 inf + 1 plane should take care of it.
I don’t see any problems with soviets, but the first turn what you do is really important, that really decides the game. Don’t leave any german inf alive and u will have to worry about real german push from turn 3 at most.
As for UK. Game end move if that tactic is used by the germans. 1AC+2figs 1Tran 1Dest move to mediterranean. This will gain u really strong navy there and if the germans don’t move back to block u, have the soft underbelly of germany to harass very freely. If I play germany I really won’t leave that option to UK. And Trans-Jordania would have the counterattack troops ready so 5inf 1arm. And turn 1 purchase for UK IS ALWAYS IC!!! To Africa, and if u really want to risk it, buying it to anglo-egypt might really make it hard for germany. 5inf 1arm 2fig defending it, will be really hard to take out, but with this tactic u won’t move your navy to mediterraen on 1st turn and because of that i really don’t recommend this germany would come 3inf 1art 2arm + planes to take u out.
As for combining the german navy? WTF? Why would Allies allow that? UK 1IC 1Dest 1inf, IC is placed to South Africa to hold germany and japan away from there and keeping their income alive. U keep your navy alive beside Greenland so 1bb 1dest 2trans.
Soviet sub will block the baltic german navy, and USA 2 options block with 1 dest, the mediterraenan navy to bottle it up. (Trans are too important to lose at this time) USA Purchase 1AC 2Dest and place them to USA Coast, this navy will be enough to hold the germany at bay. The most important thing for allies, NEVER EVER ALLOW THE GERMAN FLEET TO COMBINE, that is the most idiotic thing that u can do, use all your power to no let them combine on turn 2 and on turn 2 of UK and USA u destroy one or the other navy, leave baltic navy alone if it stays put, but if tries to break away Hit it with everything u got, German fleet 1tran, 2sub, 1dest, 1AC 2figs 7 HITS, U will attack with 1BB 1Dest 2Trans 2figs 1Bomb. 8 HITS (Count the BB soaking ability) u have the advantage on better dices, but less amount max HITS u can inflict, but u must check the first round if it goes badly or u inflict very bad damage, don’t necessarily lose your BB or figs, bomber isn’t that important to UK fighters are. Retreat and boost the navy with new fleets. Now if the German navy is totally crippled try finishing it with USA 1fig 1Bomb from UK, should do the trick, but if it really is crippled only then sacrifice USA planes, USA Turn 2 will see 1AC+2figs 2Dest 2trans sitting on sea zone 8 and with the UK navy, germany don’t have any chance of taking it out. And they will have lost their navy totally now. This tactic is the easiest and sure win for allies against germany, if they will try to combine their navy. But 1 thing is sure, Germany can never combine their fleet on turn 2, allies have to play really badly if they let it happen.
Ps. Sorry for long post, sometimes i just can’t understand these posts, when they are so easily blocked and in my gaming group that tactic is sure loss for germany. Germany needs to keep it strong and wait for japanese to push forward on soviets. U keep russia a neutral fighting for ukraine, west russia, archangel. Keep him losing losing inf and u move forward your meat wall and keep you going elsewhere. But for germany never ever allow UK to move to mediterraen and leaving it with 1AC+2figs, 1tran, 1dest. This fleet is living hell to take out with 1BB 1trans and planes. It will be death of german fleet on mediterraen and u might even lose important planes too. Never allow this to happen. 'Nuff said. -WW2 Tactician from Finland