IMO, it’s not great UI to hide it down there. :wink:
Updated South Texas Global '40 House rules
We playtested our first versions and found that the system needed to be standardized to match the odds on the dice. IE : a roll of 2 is something bad and 12 is very good. I posted these rules a while back but a lot of people took a crap on them. That is fine, we tweaked after playtesting and “arguing”. We created them to give some invariability to the game and change up the way the game is played. We also created our own technology rules as well if a player was willing to invest. We feel these rules are really fun and make for a much more playable game because they change the ebb and flow of a strategy that a player may be attempting to develop. In addition, they sometimes have no affect at all on a specific round of play. Any way, if interested PM me and I’ll send over. I would like some preliminary review and possibly a true playtest. I know we had fun. Sean…
Or you can just post them again here, who cares if people crap on them… some of my ideas are covered in it.
Here they are. Events are rolled then Espionage.
5-9 no events
2 – Hitler assassinated Germany worth 8 IPC
Generals now direct the war efforts.
3 – Western Germany worth 10 IPC
Industrial output from the Ruhr region increased for war production
4 – Finland quits the war and declares complete neutrality.
All German or Allied units must now leave Finland. No resources are to be traded with either side. Neither side may enter Finland during the rest of the game.
10 – Franco joins the Axis powers.
Spain can no longer remain neutral due to increasing pressure from Hitler.
Place German units consisting of 4 INF, 1 armor, 1 mobile infantry, 1 artillery, 1 fighter, 1 naval base, 1 airbase, 1 Minor Industrial complex in Spain. Place 1 Italian transport and 1 Italian destroyer in SZ 92. Morocco place 1 Italian INF
11 – French revolt.
French partisans are disrupting supplies from France. While Germans occupy France value is reduced to 1 IPC
12 – “Total War” mobilization of homeland army.
Infantry cost 2 IPC’s this turn.
5-9 No events
2 – Stalin purges the army.
No combat movement can be conducted this turn. An immediate roll by the Russian player of 5 or 6 will negate this effect and allow the generals to conduct combat.
3 – Mongolian uprising.
Mongolia has agreed to join the Japanese. Japan player roll one die for each Mongolian territory with marked standing armies. For a roll of 2 or less place that many troops in each territory.4 – Peasant resistance forces disrupt German supply.
Germany cannot conduct non-combat movement in any Russian territory due to rail and partisan disruption damage. Only land units are disrupted. Air units are not affected.10 – Extra reinforcements from the East
Place 4 free infantry in Novosibirsk.
11 - Allied supply lines open. At collect income phase of Russian turn any Allied units in Russian territories may become Russian units. Sea units not eligible.
12 – “Total War” mobilization of homeland army.
Infantry cost 2 IPC’s this turn.
5-9 No events
2 – Increased resource extraction. Japan worth 14 IPC
Mining and factory development optimized in Korea and mainland Japan.
3 – Port and airbase maintenance needed. 1 damage applied to each port and airbase under Japanese control.
Japan has neglected the naval and air bases and they now require repair.
4 – Chinese supply disruptions. No combat movement in China
Chinese partisans attack supply lines. Air units not affected.
10 - Advanced naval engineering and cargo ships. Japan value increased by +4 IPC
Deeper ports and larger transports allow for larger cargos to be delivered to industrial zones.
11 – Mongolian treaty. Mongolians join Japan.
By virtue of bribing the tribes of Mongolia with promised riches and the “promise” of ability to self-govern, the Mongolian tribes have agreed to join the Japanese. All neutral Mongolian territories are converted to Japanese rule. Place printed number of troops in each territory. No dice roll needed.
12 – “Total War” mobilization of army.
Infantry cost 2 IPC’s this turn.USA
5-9 No events
2 – No combat movement this turn. Collect half income. Negated by a roll of 5 or 6. Applies only if USA is at war.
Anti-war sentiment has turned Congress, the Senate, and a new president is elected. Peace movement takes hold developing in social unrest. Protests against the war erupt everywhere in the country. Labor strikes nationwide cripple industrial centers and racial equality is demanded by minorities.
3 – If USA is at war, collect only half income this turn.
Anti-war sentiment is growing. Members of Congress and Senate begin to question America’s involvement in the war. The American citizens are tired of rationing. US government diverts resources to civilian population to dissolve social unrest among homeland.
4 – Increased industrial production Eastern United States worth 25 IPC.
10 – Naval reallocation. One free destroyer placed adjacent to any mainland USA industrial complex of USA player’s choosing.
Naval yards convert civilian workboats to destroyers this turn.
11 – Increased resource contributions from South and Central America. USA receives +5 IPC this turn only.
12 – “Total War” mobilization of army. USA does not need to be at war for this event to apply.
Infantry cost 2 IPC’s this turn.
5-9 No events
2 – Churchill has been toppled. No combat movement across the empire. Collect only half of total income from African and Asian territories. Negated by a roll of 5 or 6
Anti-war sentiment increases across the empire and chaos erupts in Parliament. Mainland England begins to question the war, and the colonies, including Indian territories, temporarily disavow loyalty to the crown resulting in half the total income derived from African and Asian territories.
3 – Indian mobilization.
Indian people mobilize for defense of capital. Place 4 free infantry in India. Ceases/reverses effects of Event 4 if currently in revolt.
4 – India revolts.
Gandhi and anti-war sentiment swells within the masses in India. Due to increased desertion by conscripted troops, India is now worth 1 IPC
10 - India +5 IPC’s
Increased industrial output for war production
11 – England +5 IPC’s
Increased industrial output for war production
12 – “Total War” mobilization of army.
Infantry cost 2 IPC’s this turn.
5-9 No events
2 – Mussolini toppled. No combat movement. Negated by 5 or 6.
Italian people tire of war and question their involvement in a particularly German affair.
3 – Industrial technology is implemented. Factory in Southern Italy is upgraded to a major facility at no cost.
4 – British special forces disrupt Italian ports with sabotage and increased mining of waters by submarine crews.
On this turn, African supplies are cut off due to increased mining of the Mediterranean. Half of African income is collected this turn. Half of any other European territories without a rail line (continuous friendly land route to Rome) is also denied.
10 – Increased African support.
On this turn, Ethiopian tribes enlist to help Italy. Place 2 infantry in Ethiopia. If under enemy control, units must engage any occupiers. If no enemy units present, Ethiopia is returned to Italian control
11 – Increased war production. Southern Italy +8 IPC’s
12 – “Total War” mobilization of army.
Infantry cost 2 IPC’s this turn.Australia
5-9 No events
2 – Massive typhoon strikes Australia
100 year storm devastates Australia. Flooding and destruction unprecedented. Half money returned to bank to repair damage sustained from storm. Factories, ports and airbases in New Zealand and New South Wales sustain 1 damage each. (Can happen more than once in a game.)
3 – Prime minister toppled. No combat movement this turn. Negated by roll of 5 or 6.
Anti-war sentiment grows. Civilian population is tired of rationing. Social unrest increasing among Aboriginal tribes.
4 – British supply arrives. 6 extra IPC’s this turn.
England sends supplies.
10 - Aircraft conversion.
Civilian seaplanes converted to coastal military patrol craft. Place one free fighter on each undamaged Australian controlled airbase, one per base.
11 – Increased war production New South Wales +6 IPC’s
12 – “Total War” mobilization of army.
Infantry cost 2 IPC’s this turn.Espionage order - Germany USSR Japan USA England Italy Australia (China cannot conduct espionage but is subject to adverse effects from the Axis.)
5-9 No espionage. If a power is not yet at war, this phase is not conducted for that power.2 –Military leader assassinations.
Result is limited combat movement. Combat can be conducted in only 2 zones of power’s choice. After a 2 is rolled (successful placement of assassin behind enemy lines) target (country) of assassination attempt is determined, assassin will roll 2nd dice to determine attempt success. Successful hit on a 3 or less. Defender has chance to negate (thwart attempt) by roll of 5 or 6
Germany – 1/2 USSR, 3/4 United Kingdom – England only, 5/6 USA
Japan – 1/2 USSR, 3/4 United Kingdom – India only, 5/6 USA
Italy – 1/2 USSR, 3/4 United Kingdom – England only, 5/6 USA
USSR – If at war with both Germany and Japan, even roll is targeted at Germany and odd roll is at Japan.
England – If at war with both Germany and Japan, even roll is targeted at Germany and odd roll is at Japan.
Australia – Japan only.
USA – 1/2 Germany, 3/4 Italy, 5/6 Japan
3 – Technical espionage. Technology succeeds on a 5 or 6 this turn. Spy networks infiltrate and send back secrets about enemy weapons programs currently being developed.
4 – Deception – Negates movement detected. All enemy units defend at -1 this turn for the first round of combat. Does not apply to AAA or AA guns.
10 – Movement detected – negates deception. All units defend at +1 for the first round of combat. Does not apply to AAA or AA guns.
11 – Spy networks sabotage industrial facilities and rail lines. Roll one die of industrial attack for the next two turns
Germany – 1/2 USSR, 3/4 United Kingdom – England only, 5/6 USA
Japan – 1/2 USSR, 3/4 United Kingdom – India only, 5/6 USA
Italy – 1/2 USSR, 3/4 United Kingdom – England only, 5/6 USA
USSR – If at war with both Germany and Japan, even roll is targeted at Germany and odd roll is at Japan.
England – If at war with both Germany and Japan, even roll is targeted at Germany and odd roll is at Japan.
Australia – Japan only.
USA – 1/2 Germany, 3/4 Italy, 5/6 Japan
12 – Counter espionage. Negates all adverse espionage from any enemy spy network.Germany
2 – The jet age begins and the ME-262 takes to the skies. Fighters defend at a 5 during ground attacks and scrambles and defend at 3 during strategic and tactical bombing.
3 – King Tiger tank is developed and rolls off the assembly line. Armor now attacks on a 4.
4 – Type IX U-boat is unleashed upon the Atlantic. Submarines attack at 3 and defend at 2.
5 – Nebelwerfer rocket packs delivered to the front. All artillery can support 2 infantry or mechanized infantry.
6 – Waffen SS divisions now attached to regular army divisions. “4+1” For every 5 infantry in a combat or defense. One attacks and defends at +1. With an attached artillery the attack value is increased to 3.
7 – V-2 Rocket is developed. Airbases may now conduct one industrial attack on a zone within 4 spaces. One die of damage is rolled per base.
8 – Long range aircraft. All aircraft flight range is increased by 1 movement.
9 – Advanced radar. AA guns hit at 2 during strategic and tactical bombing raids.
10 – Improved mechanized infantry. All mechanized infantry attacks at a 2. Artillery do not boost.
11 - Improved aviation engineering and manufacturing. Fighters now cost 8 IPC.12 – Atomic weapons. A new age of terror begins as the Nazis harness the power of the atom.
Atomic bombs cost 24 IPC to build. Only two may be built per turn. May not be built on same turn as breakthrough turn.
Move as infantry by land or sea. If loaded on a strategic bomber, it can move the current range of the bomber
Due to a lack of trained technicians and engineers, a nation may possess no more than 2 weapons at one time.
Due to the size and nature of the airburst associated with the nuclear warhead, no attack roll is required to score a successful hit.
No air defense, such as fighter scramble, is allowed due to the altitude of the strike plane and surprise of the attack. Only upgraded fighters may intercept. Long range aircraft or jet power technology must have been researched.
An atomic weapon is treated as an AAA gun if the territory in which it is stored is attacked.
No AAA guns are to be fired due to the altitude of the strike plane and surprise of the attack only normal AA gun with factory can fire. Airbase and naval base do not fire AA.
Any industrial complex is attacked with 4 dice disabled to maximum value of 20 for major and 2 dice disabled to maximum value of 6 for minor complexes.
Any airbases or naval bases are attacked by one dice of value.
One dice is rolled and that number of units of defenders choice eliminated. AAA guns may be chosen.If used on a naval assault:
The nuclear strike cannot be combined with surface vessels.
Due to the altitude of the strike plane and surprise of the strike, aircraft on carriers and loaded troops on transports are considered to be cargo and provide no defense. The 5 hits are assessed and the attacking bomber returns to base. No 2nd attack is permitted.
Transports chosen last.USSR
1 – IL-2 Sturmovik rolls off the line. All fighters now attack at 4.
2 – T-36 rolls off the line. Tanks now attack at 4.
3 – Katyusha rocket packs to the front. Artillery can support 2 infantry.
4 – Russian home guard. “4+1”, for every 5 infantry on defense one defends at 3.
5 – 6 Roll again
1 – Kaiten submarine is unleashed upon the Pacific. Submarines attack at 3 and defend at 2.
2 – Improved ship building. Battleships cost 17 and carriers cost 13.
3 – Ship radar. Battleships now hit and defend at 5.
4 – Improved capital ship design. Battleships and carriers now require 3 hits to destroy.
5 – Long range aircraft. All aircraft flight range is increased by 1 movement.
6 – Improved aviation engineering and manufacturing. Fighters now cost 8 IPCUSA is not permitted to develop weapons until they are in a state of war.
2 – B-29 is developed by Boeing. Roll 2 dice for each strategic bomber in a combat or strategic raid. Range is increased to 8.
3 – Improved factories and manufacturing methods. Cost of all units except infantry, reduced by 1 IPC.
4 – Ship radar. Battleships now hit and defend at 5.
5 – Improved capital ship design. Battleships and carriers now require 3 hits to destroy.
6 – Improved ship building. Battleships cost 17 and carriers cost 13.
7 – P-51 Mustang rolls off line. Fighters now have a range of 6
8 – Rocket barges developed. Destroyers may now conduct shore bombardment at a 2.
9 – Improved mechanized infantry. All mechanized infantry attacks at a 2. Artillery do not boost.
10 – Long range aircraft. All aircraft flight range is increased by 1 movement. P-51 is not increased.
11 – Jet power developed. Fighters defend at 5 during defense and scramble and 3 during strategic and tactical bombing raids.
12 – Atomic weapons. See German section.United Kingdom
1 – Sterling bombers developed. Roll 2 dice for each strategic bomber in a combat or strategic raid.
2 – Ship radar. Battleships now hit and defend at 5.
3 – Improved capital ship design. Battleships and carriers now require 3 hits to destroy.
4 – SAS Commandos. On first round only, of an amphibious assault infantry hit on a 2. Matching artillery boost to a 3.
5 – Anti-aircraft radar improvements. AA guns hit on 2 during strategic and tactical bombing.
6 – Spitfire III rolls off the line. Fighters now defend at 5 during defense and scrambles and 2 during strategic and tactical bombing raids.Italy
1 – Long range aircraft. All aircraft flight range is increased by 1 movement.
2 - Improved aviation engineering and manufacturing. Fighters now cost 8 IPC
3 – Improved mechanized infantry. All mechanized infantry attacks at a 2. Artillery do not boost.
4 – Mobile artillery. Artillery may now move 2.
5 – Frogmen commandos. On the first round of combat only, 2 extra dice are rolled prior to a naval attack. A roll of 2 or less is a hit. Hits are assessed prior to the main attack.
6 – Roll again.
Australia – due to lack of industry and supplies are limited to naval improvements only
1 – Improved ship building.
Cost table
Battleship 17
Aircraft Carrier 13
Cruiser 9
Destroyer 7
Transport 6
Submarine 5
2 – Ship radar. Battleships now hit and defend at 5.
3 – Improved capital ship design. Battleships and carriers now require 3 hits to destroy.
4 – 6 – Roll again. -
WOW, this seems like a complete redesign… there are game mechanics and political situations in there that I haven’t seen in any A&A edition. I’ll have to read it again and see if I can keep up.
Do you like it YG? We worked on this for about 4 months and then playtested for about 6. Made some tweaks due to some things being too strong or causing major imbalance. The peace movement in the US pretty much gave the germans some serious breathing room and caused the game to last another 3 rounds when it happened. Try it out and if you have any questions or need clarification on the system let me know. It’s pretty fun and yes I think we did redesign the game. We found the game got too linear for us and tried to find something that would mesh with OOB 2nd edition. We don’t like the bid system because we believe if your good enough you can find a way to make it happen. Often our games come down to one or two simple screwups and then the opponent exploits it. If you ever get down to Texas, shoot me an email and we can make a weekend of it. We usually start on Thursday night and finish Saturday night. Much beer is consumed and a steak dinner cooked on Saturday is usually the “last meal” before somebody is deemed “executed by firing squad” off the board (victory achieved).
Please add any comments we would like to hear what people think
We have made some updates to these rules for balance and playability since we’ve had some time to playtest. Not sure if anyone cares but if you do here you go.
Events are rolled first. Then espionage is rolled. These rolls are conducted at the beginning of the turn before the German player begins.
Technology is rolled during Purchase Units phase of course. 5 IPC per die roll.Events - Event 2 can only happen one time for each power in a game whether negated or not.
5-9 no events
2 – Hitler assassinated Germany worth +5 IPC. Power struggle between the SS and the Wehrmacht ensues throughout Germany. No combat movement.
SS succeeds General staff in war direction (event negated) by a roll of 3 or less. +5 applies no matter outcome3 – Finland quits the war and declares complete neutrality.
All German or Allied units must now leave Finland. No resources are to be traded with either side. Neither side may enter Finland.
4 – Industrial output from the Ruhr region increased for war production. Western Germany +5 IPC
10 – French revolt. French partisans are disrupting supplies from France. While Germans occupy France value is reduced to 1 IPC
11 – Franco joins the Axis powers. Spain can no longer remain neutral due to increasing pressure from Hitler.
Place German units consisting of 4 INF, 1 armor, 1 mobile infantry, 1 artillery, 1 fighter, 1 naval base, 1 airbase, 1 Minor Industrial complex in Spain. Place 1 Italian transport and 1 Italian destroyer in SZ 92. Morocco place 1 Italian INF (This event is negated if Spain is under Allied control.)
12 – “Total War” mobilization of homeland army. Infantry cost 2 IPC’s this turn.USSR
5-9 No events
2 – Stalin dies. USSR worth +5 IPC. Power struggle between Red Army and Communist Party ensues throughout USSR. No combat movement. USSR does not have to be at war for this event to occur. If not at war USSR is awarded +5 IPC only.
Generals establish military government (event negated) by a roll of 3 or less. +5 applies no matter outcome3 – Mongolian uprising. Mongolia has agreed to join the Japanese. Japan player roll one die for each Mongolian territory with standing armies. For a roll of 2 or less indicated number of troops printed in each territory. (This event is negated if Mongolia is under Allied control)
4 – Peasant resistance forces disrupt German supply.
Germany cannot conduct non-combat movement in any Russian territory due to rail disruption damage. Only land units are disrupted. Air units are not affected.10 – Extra reinforcements from the East Place 4 free infantry in Novosibirsk. Can happen more than once.
11 - Allied supply lines open. At collect income phase of Russian turn any Allied units in Russian territories may become Russian units. Sea units not eligible.
12 – “Total War” mobilization of homeland army. Infantry cost 2 IPC’s this turn.Japan
5-9 No events
2 – Japan runs out of resources.
If not at war with USA, UK, Dutch, French and ANZAC, The oil embargo has finally affected the home island and the war with China. No combat movement.
Negotiations with USA, UK, Dutch, French and ANZAC can continue (event negated) by a roll of 3 or less.
If currently in a state of war with USA, UK, Dutch, French and/or ANZAC,
POW’s and Chinese peasants put to work in slave labor camps in all of Asia (event negated) with a roll of 3 or less.3 – Expert construction crews landed. Immediately place one free airbase on any territory that is currently occupied by at least one infantry unit.
4 – Chinese partisans attack supply lines. No combat movement in China only. Air units not affected. Can happen more than once.
10 - Naval reallocation. One free destroyer immediately placed adjacent to any coastal Japanese industrial complex. Naval yards convert civilian workboats to destroyers this turn.
11 – Deeper ports and larger transports allow for larger cargos to be delivered to industrial zones. Japan value increased by +10 IPC (one time only per game).
12 – “Total War” mobilization of army. Infantry cost 2 IPC’s this turn.
5-9 No events
2 – If USA is at war: Anti-war movement has turned over Congress, the Senate, and a new president is elected. Peace movement begins takes hold. Social unrest and protests against the war erupt everywhere in the country. Racial equality is demanded by blacks and other minorities. No combat movement.
Riots can be quelled/suppressed and marshal law established (event negated) by a roll of 3 or less.3 – If USA is at war: Roll 2 dice and total is the number of IPC’s immediately returned to the bank.
Anti-war sentiment is growing. Members of Congress and Senate begin to question America’s involvement in the war. Labor strikes nationwide cripple industrial centers The American citizens are tired of rationing. US government diverts resources to civilian population to dissolve social unrest among homeland.
4 – Increased resource contributions from South and Central America. USA receives +5 IPC immediately. Can happen more than once.
10 – Naval reallocation. One free destroyer immediately placed adjacent to any coastal USA industrial complex. Naval yards convert civilian workboats to destroyers this turn.
11 – Increased industrial production, Eastern United States +5 IPC.
12 – “Total War” mobilization of army. Infantry cost 2 IPC’s this turn. USA does not need to be at war for this event to apply.England
5-9 No events
2 – Churchill has been toppled. No combat movement. Anti-war sentiment increases across the empire and chaos erupts in Parliament. Mainland England begins to question the war, and the colonies, including Indian territories, temporarily disavow loyalty to the crown.
Riots can be quelled/suppressed and marshal law established (event negated) by a roll of 3 or less.3 – India revolts.
Gandhi and anti-war sentiment swells within the masses in India. Due to increased desertion by conscripted troops, India is now worth 1 IPC
4 – Indian mobilization.
Indian people mobilize for defense of capital. Place 4 free infantry in India. Negates event 3 if currently in revolt. Can happen more than once.
10 - India +5 IPC’s
Increased industrial output for war production
11 – England +5 IPC’s
Increased industrial output for war production
12 – “Total War” mobilization of army. Infantry cost 2 IPC’s this turn.Italy
5-9 No events
2 – Mussolini toppled. Italian people tire of war and question their involvement in a particularly German affair. No combat movement.
Riots can be quelled/suppressed and marshal law established (event negated) by a roll of 3 or less.3 – Industrial technology is implemented. Factory in Southern Italy is upgraded to a major facility at no cost.
4 – British special forces disrupt Italian ports with sabotage and increased mining of waters by submarine crews.
On this turn, African supplies are cut off due to increased mining of the Mediterranean. Half of African income is collected this turn. Half of any other European territories without a rail line (continuous friendly land route to Rome) is also denied. Can happen more than once.
10 – Increased African support.
On this turn, Ethiopian tribes enlist to help Italy. Place 2 infantry in Ethiopia. Can happen more than once.
11 – Increased war production. Southern Italy +5 IPC’s
12 – “Total War” mobilization of army. Infantry cost 2 IPC’s this turn.Australia
5-9 No events
2 – Prime minister toppled. No combat movement. Anti-war sentiment grows. Civilian population is tired of rationing. Social unrest increasing among Aboriginal tribes.
Riots can be quelled/suppressed (event negated) by a roll of 3 or less.3 – Massive typhoon strikes Australia
100 year storm devastates Australia. Flooding and destruction unprecedented. Half money returned to bank to repair damage sustained from storm. Factories, ports and airbases in New Zealand and New South Wales sustain 1 damage each. (Can happen more than once)
4 – British supply arrives. Australia receives +8 IPC’s immediately. (Can happen more than once.)
10 - Aircraft conversion.
Civilian seaplanes converted to coastal military patrol craft. Place one free fighter on each undamaged Australian controlled airbase.
11 – Increased war production New South Wales +6 IPC’s
12 – “Total War” mobilization of army.
Infantry cost 2 IPC’s this turn.Germany USSR Japan USA England Italy Australia
5-9 No espionage. If a power is not at war, this phase is not conducted for that power.
2 –Military leader assassinations.
Result is limited combat movement. Combat can be conducted in only 2 zones. Roll 2nd dice for a successful assassination attempt on a 3 or less. Negated by roll of 5 or 6
Germany – 1/2 USSR, 3/4 United Kingdom – England only, 5/6 USA
Japan – 1/2 USSR, 3/4 United Kingdom – India only, 5/6 USA
Italy – 1/2 USSR, 3/4 United Kingdom – England only, 5/6 USA
USSR – If at war with both Germany and Japan, even roll is targeted at Germany and odd roll is at Japan.
England – If at war with both Germany and Japan, even roll is targeted at Germany and odd roll is at Japan.
Australia – Japan only.
USA – 1/2 Germany, 3/4 Italy, 5/6 Japan
3 – Technical espionage. Technology succeeds on a 5 or 6 this turn. Spy networks infiltrate and send back secrets about enemy weapons programs currently being developed.
4 – Deception – Negates movement detected. All enemy units defend at -1 this turn for the first round of combat. Does not apply to AAA or AA guns.
10 – Movement detected – negates deception. All units defend at +1 for the first round of combat. Does not apply to AAA or AA guns.
11 – Spy networks sabotage industrial facilities and rail lines. Roll one die of industrial attack for the next two turns
Germany – 1/2 USSR, 3/4 United Kingdom – England only, 5/6 USA
Japan – 1/2 USSR, 3/4 United Kingdom – India only, 5/6 USA
Italy – 1/2 USSR, 3/4 United Kingdom – England only, 5/6 USA
USSR – If at war with both Germany and Japan, even roll is targeted at Germany and odd roll is at Japan.
England – If at war with both Germany and Japan, even roll is targeted at Germany and odd roll is at Japan.
Australia – Japan only.
USA – 1/2 Germany, 3/4 Italy, 5/6 Japan
12 – Counter espionage. Negates all adverse espionage from any enemy spy network.Germany
2 – The jet age begins and the ME-262 takes to the skies. Fighters defend at a 5 during ground attacks and scrambles and defend at 3 during strategic and tactical bombing.
3 – King Tiger tank is developed and rolls off the assembly line. Armor now attacks on a 4.
4 – Type IX U-boat is unleashed upon the Atlantic. Submarines attack at 3 and defend at 2.
5 – Nebelwerfer rocket packs delivered to the front. All artillery can support 2 infantry or mechanized infantry.
6 – Waffen SS divisions now attached to regular army divisions. “4+1” For every 5 infantry in a combat or defense. One attacks and defends at +1. With an attached artillery the attack value is increased to 3.
7 – V-2 Rocket is developed. Airbases may now conduct one industrial attack on a zone within 4 spaces. One die of damage is rolled per base.
8 – Long range aircraft. All aircraft flight range is increased by 1 movement.
9 – Advanced radar. AA guns hit at 2 during strategic and tactical bombing raids.
10 – Improved mechanized infantry. All mechanized infantry attacks at a 2. Artillery do not boost.
11 - Improved aviation engineering and manufacturing. Fighters now cost 8 IPC.12 – Atomic weapons. A new age of terror begins as the Nazis harness the power of the atom.
Atomic bombs cost 24 IPC to build. Only two may be built per turn. May not be built on same turn as breakthrough turn.
Move as infantry by land or sea. If loaded on a strategic bomber, it can move the current range of the bomber
Due to a lack of trained technicians and engineers, a nation may possess no more than 2 weapons at one time.
Due to the size and nature of the airburst associated with the nuclear warhead, no attack roll is required to score a successful hit.
No air defense, such as fighter scramble, is allowed due to the altitude of the strike plane and surprise of the attack. Only upgraded fighters may intercept. Long range aircraft or jet power technology must have been researched.
An atomic weapon is treated as an AAA gun if the territory in which it is stored is attacked.
No AAA guns are to be fired due to the altitude of the strike plane and surprise of the attack only normal AA gun with factory can fire. Airbase and naval base do not fire AA.
Any industrial complex is attacked with 4 dice disabled to maximum value of 20 for major and 2 dice disabled to maximum value of 6 for minor complexes.
Any airbases or naval bases are attacked by one dice of value.
One dice is rolled and that number of units of defenders choice eliminated. AAA guns may be chosen.If used on a naval assault:
The nuclear strike cannot be combined with surface vessels.
Due to the altitude of the strike plane and surprise of the strike, aircraft on carriers and loaded troops on transports are considered to be cargo and provide no defense. The 5 hits are assessed and the attacking bomber returns to base. No 2nd attack is permitted.
Transports chosen last.USSR
1 – IL-2 Sturmovik rolls off the line. All fighters now attack at 4.
2 – T-36 rolls off the line. Tanks now attack at 4.
3 – Katyusha rocket packs to the front. Artillery can support 2 infantry.
4 – Russian home guard. “4+1”, for every 5 infantry on defense one defends at 3.
5 – 6 Roll againJapan
1 – Kaiten submarine is unleashed upon the Pacific. Submarines attack at 3 and defend at 2.
2 – Improved ship building. Battleships cost 17 and carriers cost 13.
3 – Ship radar. Battleships now hit and defend at 5.
4 – Improved capital ship design. Battleships and carriers now require 3 hits to destroy.
5 – Long range aircraft. All aircraft flight range is increased by 1 movement.
6 – Improved aviation engineering and manufacturing. Fighters now cost 8 IPCUSA is not permitted to develop weapons until they are in a state of war.
2 – B-29 is developed by Boeing. Roll 2 dice for each strategic bomber in a combat or strategic raid. Range is increased to 8.
3 – Improved factories and manufacturing methods. Cost of all units except infantry, reduced by 1 IPC.
4 – Ship radar. Battleships now hit and defend at 5.
5 – Improved capital ship design. Battleships and carriers now require 3 hits to destroy.
6 – Improved ship building. Battleships cost 17 and carriers cost 13.
7 – P-51 Mustang rolls off line. Fighters now have a range of 6
8 – Rocket barges developed. Destroyers may now conduct shore bombardment at a 2.
9 – Improved mechanized infantry. All mechanized infantry attacks at a 2. Artillery do not boost.
10 – Long range aircraft. All aircraft flight range is increased by 1 movement. P-51 is not increased.
11 – Jet power developed. Fighters defend at 5 during defense and scramble and 3 during strategic and tactical bombing raids.
12 – Atomic weapons. See German section.United Kingdom
1 – Sterling bombers developed. Roll 2 dice for each strategic bomber in a combat or strategic raid.
2 – Ship radar. Battleships now hit and defend at 5.
3 – Improved capital ship design. Battleships and carriers now require 3 hits to destroy.
4 – SAS Commandos. On first round only, of an amphibious assault infantry hit on a 2. Matching artillery boost to a 3.
5 – Anti-aircraft radar improvements. AA guns hit on 2 during strategic and tactical bombing.
6 – Spitfire III rolls off the line. Fighters now defend at 5 during defense and scrambles and 2 during strategic and tactical bombing raids.Italy
1 – Long range aircraft. All aircraft flight range is increased by 1 movement.
2 - Improved aviation engineering and manufacturing. Fighters now cost 8 IPC
3 – Improved mechanized infantry. All mechanized infantry attacks at a 2. Artillery do not boost.
4 – Mobile artillery. Artillery may now move 2.
5 – Frogmen commandos. On the first round of combat only, 2 extra dice are rolled prior to a naval attack. A roll of 2 or less is a hit. Hits are assessed prior to the main attack.
6 – Roll again.Australia – due to lack of industry and supplies are limited to naval improvements only
1 – Improved ship building.
Cost table
Battleship 17
Aircraft Carrier 13
Cruiser 9
Destroyer 7
Transport 6
Submarine 5
2 – Ship radar. Battleships now hit and defend at 5.
3 – Improved capital ship design. Battleships and carriers now require 3 hits to destroy.
4 – 6 – Roll again. -
Some very interesting ideas and a new twist. Thanks for posting all your work.
I read you first post on these house rules awhile back and kind of borrowed your idea with a few changes. Hope you don’t mind.
1. Kept the technology rule/charts that you can buy for 5 ipc at the beginning of your turn.
2. Roll for events before German turn on odd numbered rounds.
3. Roll for espionage & technology before German turn on even numbered rounds.Your “Events” are almost word for word on what you posted.
The change is combining espionage with technology. Basically, used most of the espionage and sprinkled in some technology that would have been deployed by certain nations. Germany has a chance for the V rockets, USA for long range aircraft or the A bomb, etc. And also nations like USA & Germany have a slightly better chance for technology by adding a couple extra because they were the nations behind most of the tech in WWII.
The reason for the “every other turn” change is that in 10 rounds of gameplay you would have only 5 chances (slim chances) at gaining a free Tech. Ten chances seemed like too many.
Also, really like that you added the element of every dice outcome has the opportunity for nothing to happen, good or bad things can happen!
We have used this house rule in one full game, made some adjustments and will try it on the next game.
Thanks again for the creativity! That’s one of the reasons why I like Global 1940 so much is its versatility. You can be creative on some rules or units and the game still plays very well.
Main differences in Events were applying a no combat type event for each country. Also granting ability to negate the event of no combating. We decided to give it a 50/50 chance. We decided that the worst event for any power would be a 1/36 chance and then apply a 50/50 chance to stop it.
This ability to negate it really balances. We also change the atomic weapons a bit due to the one game they were developed they were just too powerful.
Try espionage on every turn. I think you will like it.
In our games tech costs 5 IPC per roll. One and done. You miss, too bad.
Been one year since we started this project. Made revisions and decided to make some additions and some other revisions again. If you would like to review or critique I will send you the file via email. Thanks guys.
I’d be interested in taking a look at your revisions.
@seancb Read all of it, very nice :) I always wanted to make “events” for A&A games but it makes the games much more complicated. I will have to reformat everything and print it neatly so everyone can understand the rules and what they roll :grin:
Very old thread but hopefully more people can read it once I comment :)