WTF!!! This topic is FUBAR!!! Mods, please lock this topic, its suppose to be about a fricken crab, and now its about gravity!!!???
This is a typical Falk style where he has no take on the topic, and hijacks it because hes too lazy to do anything but go into semantics about sentence structure and debate to veracity of the material with his own sources.
Question to Falk: Why do you turn anything allways into a personal attack? Do you hate yourself that much? You hate Christmas?
Their are many questions from many members so i cant answer everything completely but here goes again:
The earth is slowly getting larger and its moving very slowly farther away from the sun. … In the past millions of years the rotation of the earth around the sun has actually took longer and as short a time frame as one billion years ago, one year was composed of 496 to 536 days in 12.4 to 13.4 months, 40 days in each month
I am saying that the earths rotation is moving more slowly and the earth is moving farther from the sun. I didn’t say the year was getting shorter ( in fact i didn’t say anything at all about the year except that in the past it took longer for the earth to complete its revolution around the sun. However what may have confused you was the word rotation. I should have used revolution around the sun
in this case i am talking about two different things: the rotation taking longer and the revolution around the sun taking longer both facts during Earths early age.
If you look at the sites i posted it will explain why the earth 1) has different gravity zones depending on where you are 2) why the earth is larger at the equator 3) Why the earth is slowly moving further out.
I dont want to comment on damm Hippos, because they have little to do with giant crabs. make a new topic for your damm hippos and have fun with that.