I can see regularkids point, it’s probably fruitful to distinguish between a house rule and a modification that uses a series of house rules strung together.
Looking back over all the threads I’ve posted and trying to draft some cliff notes out of them, I’ve started to realize more and more, just how hard it is to navigate this section… where threads are sent to die or get lost in the maze.
Perhaps this is too ambitious, but it would be really nice if there was a master thread that listed a bunch of common/popular house rules.
I’m talking about the sort of rules that can be described in a few lines each, broken down based on different criterion such as, how long they’ve been around, or which A&A maps they can be used on, or how easy they are to implement, or what sort of gameplay effects they are meant to achieve.
Moving from the more general to the more specific. Obviously there would be a lot of these, so one way to kick it off might be to look back in time and give a brief history of HRs that have existed since Classic. Two that come immediately to mind would be…
Bidding/pre-placement set up changes: the most long standing house rule, developed for use in Classic and adopted by pretty much everyone for all the A&A games to come out since. Players “bid” to play the side deemed to be at a disadvantage, awarding them extra ipcs that can be spent on units before the game begins. Usually some restrictions apply as to where the units are allowed to go, such as only in territories or sea zones that already have a unit from that nation in them, and limited to one extra unit per territory/sz which fits that description. Used as a way to correct perceived imbalances in the boxed set up, or to manage disparities in skill level between players.
Restricted opening: again first developed in Classic, specifically as a way to deal with the Allied advantage on that board, by limiting what the Russian player could do on their first turn. Skip combat phase for the nation that goes first in the turn order sequence, in their opening turn.
Then you have things like altered unit abilities, most of which were adopted into the Revised game or as part of the tournament rules, such as battleship repair (at specific times) or landing fighters on newly purchased carriers. Also things like delayed tech, or heavy bombers rolling best out of 2 etc. And then special events or one time advantages like a joint anglo american D-Day move, or a Russian winter. The sort of things which started out as HRs but were eventually adopted into the game.
I’m not sure how much exposition is required here, but might be cool just to mention this stuff as a primer to showcase the kind of House Rules that were popular for the original game, and which in some instances actually became official rules as time went on.
Then, after setting the stage with the brief game-history digression, commence with just a big ass list of different HRs, that could be used in the current games. Broken down by category, so it’s easier for players to find ideas that might be useful to them. I’m not saying it needs to be exhaustively comprehensive, or that it wouldn’t be somewhat redundant if we just had a decent search function. But “search” being what it is at a&a.org, a simple reference list with a lot of bullet points would be very helpful I think.
I don’t know, maybe this is pie in the sky stuff, but I think it’d be nice to have something like this that at least covered the boards still currently in print.
1942 second edition
1940 global
If only to give people a place to start, since clearly it’s a totally open ended subject and would be impossible to cover everything.