@ kid This was in POS2 it might work
placement values: places units at beginning of combat movement phase. first in list is territory to be placed it, then list of units, then count. “placement” will be affected by “each” in a condition statement.
(example: value=“Moscow:artillery:infantry” count=“2” [if count is missing, defaults to 1])
removeUnits values: removes up to that number of the desired unit, at the beginning of the combat move phase. “removeUnits” will be affected by “each” in a condition statement.
I think this “each” thing might be the key to what I want to do–namely, make so that when a French territory turns Vichy, all of the French units in that territory turn Vichy as well. What I can’t figure out is where the “each” should go. No matter where I put it, the game gives me some kind of syntax error.
Below is the coding I’ve done so far (trying to get it to work for just Morocco). Haven’t decided yet the exact conditions for the Vichy trigger, or when it will be activated (i.e., might make it so that only 2/3 of France need be under Axis control, with the trigger occurring at the end of the Axis player’s turn). But, for now, it occurs as soon as Axis takes all of France.
<attatchment name=“conditionAttachment_French_Territory_May_Turn_Vichy_Switch” attatchto=“Germans” javaclass=“games.strategy.triplea.attatchments.RulesAttachment” type=“player”></attatchment>
<attatchment name=“conditionAttachment_Axis_Conquer_All_France” attatchto=“Germans” javaclass=“games.strategy.triplea.attatchments.RulesAttachment” type=“player”></attatchment>
<attatchment name=“conditionAttachment_Morocco_Can_Turn_Vichy” attatchto=“British” javaclass=“games.strategy.triplea.attatchments.RulesAttachment” type=“player”></attatchment>
Note: This makes it so that if there are any British units present in the French territory at the time the trigger is activated, the French territory will remain ‘Free French’. Will eventually extend this to American/Anzac/Russian units as well.
<attatchment name=“conditionAttachment_Morocco_Can_Turn_Vichy_Infantry” attatchto=“French” javaclass=“games.strategy.triplea.attatchments.RulesAttachment” type=“player”></attatchment>
<attatchment name=“triggerAttachment_Axis_Conquer_All_France_Morocco_Territory_Change” attatchto=“Germans” javaclass=“games.strategy.triplea.attatchments.TriggerAttachment” type=“player”></attatchment>
<attatchment name=“triggerAttachment_Axis_Conquer_All_France_Morocco_Infantry_Place” attatchto=“Neutral_Axis” javaclass=“games.strategy.triplea.attatchments.TriggerAttachment” type=“player”></attatchment>
<attatchment name=“triggerAttachment_Axis_Conquer_All_France_Morocco_Infantry_Remove” attatchto=“French” javaclass=“games.strategy.triplea.attatchments.TriggerAttachment” type=“player”></attatchment>
<attatchment name=“triggerAttachment_Axis_Conquer_All_France_Morocco” attatchto=“Germans” javaclass=“games.strategy.triplea.attatchments.TriggerAttachment” type=“player”></attatchment>
Note: The coding above only results in one French infantry changing to Neutral Axis. But if I put two or more French infantry in the territory before running the test, only one of them turns Vichy, with the rest remaining French. Any thoughts on how to fix this?