British middle eastern mIC’s are a tough thing to discuss, because they depend greatly on what the axis are up to.
To build an IC in Egypt on UK1, I’d have to see, at a minimum, this:
-No legitimate Sealion threat.
-Taranto has a near-certain chance to resolve favorably for the British.
-The German and Italian players are inexperienced, or are, or soon will be, drunk.
Even then, there is the very real (and probable) risk that Italy, with the help of German planes, takes Egypt, and you’ve given the enemy a free minor IC. If the US is not going to be pushing on gibraltar soonish, this means Italy is going to be a monster.
I prefer, again, depending on the results of G1 and J1, to take Iraq UK1, then build an IC there on 2. Again, this depends greatly on what Germany and Japan have done, but I do prefer “abandoning” India over losing the middle east, which seems to be a popular sentiment for most people.
The Iraq mIC is two spaces away from the med, making it very difficult for Italy to take. It is two spaces from Egypt, allowing you to buy slow then fast units to lead up to a retaking of Egypt (or just to drive mechs into fortify it). It is as close to Russia as anything else. Naval-wise, it’s no further from a rampaging Japanese transport fleet, but if they’re going that far west, that’s probably not the most effective thing it could be doing in the Pacific, so good. Terrestrially, it’s further from India to protect from a mid or late-game Japanese encroaching invasion.
If Britain is doing exceptionally well, say because of a G1 or G2 declaration on Russia and going all-in for a land battle, then I might build a mIC in Persia in addition to the one in Iraq, or, rarely, Egypt. At this point it’s UK3 or 4 and the game is far too advanced to discuss strategy without a long list of assumptions spelled out beforehand.