I’m not a very experienced player myself, but I’ll address a few of your questions anyway and hope that I make some sense in doing so. Mind you, there are all sorts of advanced German strategies that I’m not delving into right now - if you’re interested, check out Cow’s excellent work on summarizing some of them. But for now, I’m assuming that the basic idea would be to kill Russia in the east while keeping the UK and the US at bay in the west, which is standard and quite sound. So let’s have a look at things from that perspective….
after a fairly average battle for Paris which resulted in me keeping my stack of tanks, I forgot to implement taking the french treasury (we normally forget this step anyways and i was supposed to implement it this game) which was my first big hiccup.
Ehhhr…. well, what can I say… next time, take the money. Germany really needs it. :-)
My first dice problem (and by far the worst in the game) was my assault on the Royal Navy. I followed my typical strategy of sending the Bismark, one sub, fighter and tac to sink the British BB, cruiser, and destroyer off of Scotland. two subs to sink the destroyer and TT off of ireland, and 2 (or 3, I forget) subs, fighter and tac to assault the main stack in the English channel. I also decided to press up the attack, as my unbeatable friend was playing UK, and send two bombers accompanied by all remaining fighters to hit London’s IC. attack off Scotland succeeded, but every other attack failed with no British losses. surprisingly enough we had never strategically bombed an IC and have the defender scramble intercept fighters, so it was much to my surprise when I found out all aircraft roll at a 1 but still saw my opponent rolling snake eyes every time and i kept getting five’s. this brings about my first question, given my units that i appropriated to sink Royal navy (in case of English channel I just send as much to draw scrambling fighters as much as actually trying to sink ships) did i not send enough? or did i just get screwed by the dice and the situation was nothing i could have prevented? and in the case of the SBR, is that a smart thing to do G1?
There are many options when attacking the Royal Navy G1, too many for me to discuss here. But I’ll give you a few things to consider.
First, one thing the British may want to do on their turn, is to attack the Italian fleet in SZ 97, the so-called “Taranto raid”. It has its ups and downs in each case, and on G1, Germany can try to make it less attractive to the British if they want to. One thing that you may want to do as Germany, is to send two subs after the UK cruiser is SZ 91. That cruiser can’t attack SZ 97 itself, but because the British normally also want to sink the SZ 96 Italian fleet, sinking the cruiser may induce them to divert forces away from SZ 97 to make sure to sink SZ 96 anyway.
Now I’m not saying that attacking SZ 91 is a necessity (opinions differ on that), but it’s something to be considered. As an alternative, you may want to use those subs in the north, to assist in killing the RN in SZ 110 and 111. That should certainly work - for example, one sub, the battleship and a bunch of planes to 110, and two subs plus some planes to 111. Sink the RN, lose the German ships as well, but keep most of the planes and you should be fine. Make sure to bring enough to SZ 110 to deter the UK from scrambling (two British and one French fighter available - the scramble in SZ 111 is not a big deal because there’s only the fighter from Scotland).
Which brings me to my next point: I’m not a big fan of attacking SZ 109 with two subs. The British may scramble all four fighters, so if you don’t kill the destroyer immediately, you’re probably losing your subs for nothing. Instead, I’d send those subs after SZ 106: no scramble, and if you sink the Canadian ships, the Canadians will stay home for now. If the UK retaliates by sending the SZ 109 destroyer and a few planes over - well, that’s just fine, because those planes will need to land in Canada, so no Taranto for them.
The G1 SBR…. not a good idea if you ask me. Those two bombers, attacking at 4, could have made all the difference in your unfortunate naval battles.
and if i were to modify the values aircraft were given in the air battle prior to SBR what would you recommend changing it to because personally i hate rolling for 1’s.
I don’t know… that would be a house rule.
I did not allocate forces to take Normandy and instead sent them all to Paris, this coupled with my Naval/Air fiasco allowed Normandy to stay in the hands of the allies the entire game with Britain (U.S. went all in Japan and was absent from Europe) constantly shipping forces over to counter my constant raids from France (my tank stack that survived battle of Paris killed all but one fighter in Normandy G2 which is why the constant skirmishes developed).
I think it’s OK not to take Normandy G1 and minimize potential losses by focusing on Paris. There’s even a strategy based on not taking Normandy at all, because if the Allies recapture it, they can build right there, which they can’t if it stays French. Especially with the RN surviving and with the early British threats, I don’t think you would have been happy with a UK owned factory in Normandy. So I don’t see a problem here.
This was just the Western Front. In the south and East the Axis attempt was disappointing. G1 I took Finland, Yugo, and Bulgaria putting a minor IC in Romania moving all forces not allocated to west or Yugo onto the Russian border.
Some people favor building a complex in Romania, but I don’t think it makes for a good business case. It sits right next to the Russian border of course, but those 12 IPC’s could have been spent on building fast units in Germany - mechs instead of inf. G1 minor IC in Romania + 3 inf built there G2 = 3 German inf in Bessarabia or Eastern Poland G3, at a cost of 21. G1 building 5 mechs in Germany = 5 mechs in Eastern Poland G2 or in Bessarabia G3, at a cost of 20.
As for Yugoslavia, there’s the nice little tactic of sending in the inf + art from Southern Germany plus one inf from Romania and a plane or two, fight one round to kill most Yugoslavians, and the retreat everything back into Romania, thus quickly moving the slow units that were in Southern Germany, to Romania. This leaves a now poorly defended Yugoslavia for Italy. Planes that fought in Yug, may land in Southern Italy to scramble against a UK Taranto attack.
My plan was against a medium skilled Russian player and involved a southern root to the Caucasus with 6 inf covering flank in Poland and Finland while keeping distance from Leningrad.
Why leave inf in Poland? If Russia should move in, which they typically can’t afford to do anyway, you can easily build a big force in Germany and kick them right out again. Also, “keeping distance from Leningrad”… that doesn’t seem to be necessary because if your attack on Moscow is going somewhat well, Russia needs to pull the Leningrad forces back anyway to try and keep their capital.
However due to a surprise takeover of Tobruk and a weak Italian response I made a ill decision to build a factory in Yugo and start shipping inf to Libya. North Africa’s fate was sealed before i could send my Afrikacorps and cost me 29 IPC’s for the minor, transport, 2inf and art.
Like you said: not a good decision. Even if Africa could have been kept, it would not have been worth such a massive German investment. On top of the costs you mention, you’d also need protection for the transports to effectively use them. In general terms, if you want to put German ships in the Mediterranean, capture Southern France with Germany.
other than the questions i already asked as to what caused my downfall, how was my decision of Barbarossa strategy? Romanian/Yugo factory? I would love to know and would love just one win for global that didn’t involve my nemesis on my team
I think I addressed most points…. there’s nothing wrong with Barbarossa as such, but you need to pour in troops from Germany’s existing major complexes. The big German stack will crush Russia.
Hope this helps… and maybe, more experienced players will comment on it. Good luck next time! :-)