PS: she is violating my nation’s constitution by saying **part of the genocide did not happen.
B) I didn’t say the genocide didn’t happen. I said it focused on the Jews and Gypsies.
Stop putting words in my mouth.
Or start to read
Or start to think … but that would hurt your head too much, wouldn’t it?
F_alk claimed that Germans were way more oppressed under Hitler then Americans ever were.
CC made the connection to the german people.
I said that’s not entirely true, that was the Jews and Gypsies primarily.
You said that NOONE apart from Jews and Gypsies suffered in the Holocaust. You didn’t use “focused” or “primarily”, you said ONLY these two groups died inthe camps. You said germans did not suffer and were not persecuted by Nazis.
He said that I didn’t know what I was talking about and it was all Germans, because his grandfather said so.
You have no idea about my grandfather.
I said that the German people, other then Jews and Gypsies who were stripped of their citizenship and thus, technically, not Germans anymore, were hardly more oppressed then black slaves, Japanese in American concentration camps, Jews and Gypsies in the Nazi death camps, etc.
YOU did not say any of that ….
and do you even think before you type ? You just said
“German people …were hardly more oppressed then …Jews and Gypsies in the Nazi death camps” …
Apart from that YOU NEVER SAID THIS, how can anybody be more oppressed than in a Nazi death camp ?
Just leave … let me have 17 nice weeks.
He started claiming I called his grandfather a liar.
You said that the germans were not persecuted by the Nazi regime. With that you call my grand-dad a liar.
later, in a different arguement, I said that there was German resistance to the occupation after WWII. He said there was absolutely none, zero, no resistance what-so-ever to the occupation.
non-sequitor … and
We gave you links to allied forces official records. The resistance was absolutely negligible.
I pointed out that my family was there and they were under orders to capture nazis. These nazis in return fired upon them, stole, set timed charges in “secure” areas and generally conducted themselves as local terrorists much in the same manner as the French Resistance Cells did in WWII France and a few terrorists do in Iraq.
He again called my family liars.
First, you talked of the OVERALL ALLIED occupation. Suddenly, you mean only the soviet one. …
I did not call your family liars. “Negligible” means that an incident as you have described can happen. But it did not happen on a daily and widespread basis as it does in Iraq today. That comparison was what was attacked and still doesn’t hold. I never said though that your family did not encounter criminals.
They were petty criminals (“black loot, whites look for food”) and not Nazis.
However, I happen to have an actual bullet pulled from a soldier who died capturing a suspected Nazi as he was shot at and killed in 1947. I have other stories written down in journals and told by word of mouth showing that the German resistance in the late 40’s early 50’s was quite a nuissance, but yet he still claims that I lied and he is nothing but a pure and innocent boy who speaks nothing but the truth.
1949: GDR and FRG are founded. Government is taken over fully by germans again.
No, you don’t lie. You believe what you say. But you are plain stupid. You would lose chess against a slice of bread.
Next is that you claim the insurgency in the GDR on the 17th June 1953 against the DIVIDE OF GERMANY and against the POOR ECONOMIC PERFORMANCE and policy of the GDR was actually a revolt of Nazis.
There was resistance against the soviets: Yes
Last: you said i claimed your family lied. I did not do so.
I do believe that you lie, and frequently. The reasoning for that i gave before the virus hit and i am not eager to repeat it.
I did not discredit your family though.
Perhaps your sources are bad? …
I can help you, if you want. There’s plenty of books …
Maybe, just maybe, then you’ll understand what real persecution by the state is and what really happened in your country after the war.
I take it you hate the germans not because me, but because of what we did in the war. If not, then you are about the sickest mind i can fathom:
You then don’t care about all the atrocities to real human beings, but about
one person who happens to dislike a concept that you hold in high esteem.
That would be disgusting.
Do you think it was an accident that Russians hated you so much that they’d rather machine gun your citizens in the streets then capture them? Do you, maybe, understand why they had to be stopped by the British and Americans (and Canadians, Australians, etc, etc, etc) from doing just that?
And you say my history books were re-written ???
Alone technically what you stated above is quite impossible. How many western-allied soldiers fought on the eastern front and could stop soviet soldiers from revenging (by committing the same arocities that were commited against their people first?)
And i still wonder why “shot in the streets” is more oppression than “starved to death in a camp”.
Jen … go away. Please.
And don’t come back.
Find yourself a new MORPG and stay there.**************