Can you add the Italian Maiale submarines and the British Long Range Desert Group LRDG to the game? I originally proposed a World War II game with Maiale submarines from the Decima MAS flotilla with my hand-drawn map of World War II, but since I found out about Doug Friend’s map, I decided to add my ideas to it. I would like to see the Special Air Service (SAS) in the game, too. I think that Italy should have the Maiale submarines and have a bonus point against any Allied surface warships in the Mediterranean. The Maiale submarines will only be allowed to operate in the Mediterranean and they will have bonus points and warships will not get to roll against them. It will sort of be like the Italian equivalent of the Japanese kamikaze tokens. The Italian player will of course be limited as to how many Maiale submarines that they will get to roll per turn. The Maiale will be any Italian submarine and the infantry aboard the submarine will attack the Allied surface warship in the Med.
I am not sure how to even make it work within the game. I was proposing a game with Maiale submarines against any ANZAC, French or British surface warships in the Mediterranean.
I also propose adding the Ariete Division for Italian elite units and the Folgore Parachute Division as Italian elite units. The Italians also had volunteers from India and the Middle East in their armies. I have a book on Italian elite units of World War II from 1940-1943.
Italy not only had Bersaglieri, they also had the Ariete Division and the Folgore Division. You could add paratroopers to the Italian player.
You could also add torpedo bombers to the Italians. The Italians used the Savoia Marchetti SM. 79 as a torpedo bomber in the Mediterranean. You could also add torpedo bombers to the Germany, United Kingdom, and the Soviet Union. Japan and the United States weren’t the only nations to have torpedo bombers.
I have another suggestion.
You could also add a Bearn class aircraft carrier to France. France’s only aircraft carrier in World War II was the Bearn class aircraft carrier.
The Bearn was out in the Atlantic when France surrendered in 1940. You could add torpedo bombers to the Soviet Union, too. The Soviet Union had torpedo bombers in the Baltic and Black Seas.
You could also add a plastic P-40 painted in China’s paint color to simulate the Flying Tigers. There is so much that you could add there.
[/quoteSee, everyone! It’s not so bad. There’s Historical Board Gaming for that.–US-Exp--P-47-Thunderbolt-Fighter-x5_p_2090.html anyone’s interested.
Commandos attack at 3+1? or 2+1?
There was a debate in a recent game about Commando’s.
The card reads
Commandos - Attack 3* Defense 4.
With rules - “During amphibious assaults, or airborne drops, commandos get +1 attack”.
The commonwealth player took that as his units attacked at 3 all the time, and 4 when doing amphibious assaults or airborne drops.
The axis player took that as the commando’s only attacked at 2; and 3 when during amphibious assualts or airborne drops.
Our commandos always attack on a 3 and get the bonus for 4.
U.S. Marines and Airborne cost 5 each. The commando is a combination of the two. For a cost of 5, this would mean that the Commando is more powerful than a U.S. marine? I believe the intent was that all special forces attack like regular infantry until they perform their specialty (either a naval assault, or a parachute drop). Then they obtain a +1.
Looking at the setup cards:
-German paratroopers attack at 2*.
-British Commando’s attack at 3*The * meaning = during an amphibious assault, or airborne drop the unit gets +1 to the base.
I think that’s cut and dry?
As the alternative to this logic is that german paratroopers attack at 1.
It should also be noted that the Axis get a TON of advantages, 5 dollar tanks and subs for example. The commando is the only decent British unit for the value…
U.S. Marines and Airborne cost 5 each. The commando is a combination of the two. For a cost of 5, this would mean that the Commando is more powerful than a U.S. marine? I believe the intent was that all special forces attack like regular infantry until they perform their specialty (either a naval assault, or a parachute drop). Then they obtain a +1.
In fairness… I would prefer to have tanks that attack at 6 defend at 6 and move 2 for the $5 like the Germans do.
That’s what’s really overpowered in global 39 IMO.
Commandoes are Attack: 3 all the time; 4 during amphib assault or air drop.
And if you join a commando, a marine or a japanese SNLF with an artillery during amphibious assaults you can attack with 5 or less?!
Is that right?
And if you join a commando, a marine or a japanese SNLF with an artillery during amphibious assaults you can attack with 5 or less?!
Is that right?
Correct. Remember, in terms of D6 equivalents, it’s still just a 2.5.
Can that same SNLF artillery supported troop also Bonzai?
Can that same SNLF artillery supported troop also Bonzai?
This is a double “NO”. First, SNLF are not allowed to Banzai attack. Rules are explicit on this. Also, under the Banzai rules, it is explicit about Banzai infantry NOT being supported by artillery.