G40 Enhanced begins. All are welcome.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    I don’t have anything against the pricing you are advocating, what I am really looking for is Anti-Aircraft defense for fleets.  Technically, AA guns fit best on Aircraft Carriers, but if we make carriers 2 hit warships that carry two fighters AND they have AA Guns I think we’d have to raise the price of each carrier to 24 IPC or risk almost nothing but fleets of carriers on the board!

    However, we do have a piece that is under utilized for fleet warfare and that’s the cruiser.  So if we take AA Guns and move them to the cruiser (and leave the price alone on the cruiser) I think we’d have a piece more readily purchased that fleshes out the fleet.  Really it would only take 3 or 4 cruisers to defend a fleet from air only attacks, but then, you usually only have 2 or 3 battleships so that’s realistic in terms of game play.

    As for the change to AA, it’s interesting, but I am not sure what impact it will have on the over all game.

    (also, were we not talking about staged technology levels where you had trees and you built off lower echelons of technology before moving on to better things?  I have a partial list, just not happy enough with it to post it, but it’s got 6 trees of technologies and 3 levels within those trees so level 1 is a slight improvement, level 2 is significant and level 3 is 1960s level of technology - or so the thought went for level 3.)

  • '17 '16

    Hi Cmdr Jen,
    just to let you know about my weird HR on cruiser (it works very well when you don’t want that the cruisers in the initial set-up become too dangerous vs planes, since it was OOB design without any AA capacity):


    6. Enhance naval units.
    a) Cruisers do not require a naval base to move 3 spaces in either combat or noncombat move. They cannot however, move 4 spaces under any circumstances.

    I like it M3 is good for Global. Cruiser A3D3M3C12, offshore bombard 1@3
    I’m just sad you didn’t add an AA capacity.
    Just a small one like 1 preemptive @1 vs 1 plane?
    You seems to develop much more aerial dogfight and AAA phase inside.
    Could the cruiser be a part of this change?

    The last version I played is:
    A3D3M2C11, offshore bombard 1@3,
    gives 1@1AA preemptive when paired with CV or BB,
    gives 2@1AA preemptive when paired with both CV and BB.
    But no AA when alone or with other CA.

    Lower cost help but the real incentive is still the psychological impact of getting a naval AA gun.


    I don’t have anything against the pricing you are advocating, what I am really looking for is Anti-Aircraft defense for fleets. Technically, AA guns fit best on Aircraft Carriers, but if we make carriers 2 hit warships that carry two fighters AND they have AA Guns I think we’d have to raise the price of each carrier to 24 IPC or risk almost nothing but fleets of carriers on the board!

    However, we do have a piece that is under utilized for fleet warfare and that’s the cruiser.   So if we take AA Guns and move them to the cruiser (and leave the price alone on the cruiser) I think we’d have a piece more readily purchased that fleshes out the fleet.  Really it would only take 3 or 4 cruisers to defend a fleet from air only attacks, but then, you usually only have 2 or 3 battleships so that’s realistic in terms of game play.

    As for the change to AA, it’s interesting, but I am not sure what impact it will have on the over all game.

    I think that a basic cruiser A3D3M2, bombard @3 which cost 10 IPCs will be buy more often to protect any fleet with 1 better @3 for 10 IPCs than just DD @2 for 8 IPCs and it will be almost an even match vs planes scrambled from an AB: TcB @3 and Fg @4/ 10 IPCs. But it can move with other ship, planes cannot without an additional 16 IPCs carrier.

    This basic cruiser is not as an interesting unit (tactically and strategically speaking) than a boosted
    cruiser A3D3M3C11 which could fire 1 preemptive @1 AA and bombard @3,
    but it will be a real competitive units (optimized purchase) amongst other warships.

  • what I am really looking for is Anti-Aircraft defense for fleets.

    Just curious as to why you want this?
    It doesnt seem to fit with a grand strategic game? (Would fit with a smaller/tactical level game?)

    A good bit of the time air units die first in naval combat anyhow?

    Boats cannot hide, thus all aircraft see and know exactly where they are at, and know how many there are. No surprise when the shooting starts.
    However on land antiaircraft guns can be hidden god knows where, who even knows how many there are. When the planes fly over many get shot down without even knowing what hit them, however once the battle is underway, after some time the aircraft will know where the AA pockets are and better avoid them.
    AA taking out planes on land before combat begins (1 round of AA) represents this factor very well, and it simply does not exist on sea.

    Not to mention giving fleets AA could have the nasty consequence of planes very produced much less often.

  • '17 '16

    Naval & Aviation Technology (5 IPCs per token)
    -Super Submarines: Defending submarines hit on a 2 or less.

    Probably the Tech everyone will pray to don’t get.
    “After all IPCs I invest in Naval &Aviation, I was full of hope and now, I missed those IPCs”

    Subs are more an offensive weapon, even as a fodder for saving planes vs naval units.
    Don’t you think?
    The original OOB Tech isn’t Subs A3?

  • Heres the technology rules:

    Technology rules:
    -Each nation will receive tech tokens, based on their current production value at the beginning of their respective turns.
    -Additional tokens may not be purchased.
    -Only nations at war will receive tokens.
    -National Objective income does not count towards tech rolls, neither does IPCs saved.
    -China’s will never receive tokens.
    0-24IPCs = 0 Rolls
    25-49IPCs = 1 Roll
    50-99IPCs = 2 Rolls
    100+IPCs = 3 Rolls
    Each turn each nation rolls for each token in all categories it has a token in. A 6 is a breakthrough, a 1 is a token lost. If a breakthrough is achieved roll to see what technology you receive. Once you get a breakthrough within a category, all other tokens within that category are removed. Other categories are not effected by success/failure in another categories. Unsuccessful tokens not lost, remain until that powers next turn.
    Tech categories:
    Army Doctrine
    (1-2)Paratroopers: From Airbases. OOB, Consult Rulebook.
    (3-4)Adv Artillery: Can pair 2 infantry units with 1 artillery.
    (5-6)Improved Mech: Mech can blitz alone. Mech can pair with a tank for +1 attack (1:1) A Mech cannot pair with both a tank and an artillery.
    Naval & Aviation Technology
    (1-2)Super Submarines: Attacking submarines hit on a 3 or less.
    (3-4)Rockets: Rockets from airbases. One rocket attack per airbase. Range 4. Damage 1D6. Airbase must be operational. Rockets are susceptible to AA.
    (5-6)Radar: AA rolls hit on a 2 or less.
    (1-2)Increased Factory Production: Minor IC produces at 4, Major IC produces at 12. Repair 2 damage for each 1 IPC. Maximum damage not increase.
    (3-4)Improved Shipyards: Shipyards may produce non capital naval units as a minor IC. Treat the base as both a naval base and a minor IC. It may produce transports, submarines, destroyers and cruisers only.
    (5-6)War Bonds: Collect an additional 1D6 IPCs during the collect income phase.
    Combat Aviation
    (1-2)Jet Fighters: Attacking fighters defend on a 5 or less. Become a A3D5 unit. Jet fighters intercept SBR at a 2 or less.
    (3-4)Long Range Aircraft: +1 to range of all aircraft. Stacks with airbase bonus to +3.
    (5-6)Heavy Bombers: Strategic bombers roll 2 dice when attacking or strategic bombing. Select the best result (dice does not add). LL roll = 5. (LHTR)

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Because aircraft played a huge part in naval warfare in World War II, and because many planes were shot down by anti-aircraft gun fire by warships, it feels like such an important function that just is not represented at all.

    Also, it seems kind of silly to see a few dozen aircraft attack a fleet of ships, sink them leaving nothing but the submarines behind and limp home causing the enemy severe losses (typically something Japan does to the entire allied fleet.)  With one or two cruisers, with AA Guns on them, that might not be risked as often.

    I do recognize that Baron has a good point.  Cruisers with AA Guns at the start of the game could be devastating to Germany and, to a lesser extent, England.  So why not tie it to Radar Technology?  AA Guns fire @2 on land, Cruisers gain AA Gun shots @1.

  • because many planes were shot down by anti-aircraft gun fire by warships

    many planes were shot down all sorts of ways

    If you send out an overwhelming force of air vs a small fleet of cruisers, and the cruisers are more than capable of hitting the enemy aircraft. You should win with minimal losses in this scenario.
    The opponent is the one who took a risk, leaving his fleet vulnerable.

    AAA guns on land represent a territory wide network of radar/AA
    And unlike on water, they can be hidden where its virtually impossible to know where they are at untill they start shooting. Thus many aircraft are shot down before they even know whats going on.
    But as the battle progresses, aircraft know where the heavy AA pockets are and can better avoid them.

    This is simulated very well at the strategic level.
    All units have AA ability, all units can shoot down aircraft, but AA simulates the above, the unknown.
    You cant hide a fleet of cruisers on the open water, and it is silly to think that only cruisers would be outfitted with AA anyhow

  • '17 '16


    because many planes were shot down by anti-aircraft gun fire by warships

    many planes were shot down all sorts of ways

    If you send out an overwhelming force of air vs a small fleet of cruisers, and the cruisers are more than capable of hitting the enemy aircraft. You should win with minimal losses in this scenario.
    The opponent is the one who took a risk, leaving his fleet vulnerable.

    AAA guns on land represent a territory wide network of radar/AA
    And unlike on water, they can be hidden where its virtually impossible to know where they are at untill they start shooting. Thus many aircraft are shot down before they even know whats going on.
    But as the battle progresses, aircraft know where the heavy AA pockets are and can better avoid them.

    This is simulated very well at the strategic level.
    All units have AA ability, all units can shoot down aircraft, but AA simulates the above, the unknown.
    You cant hide a fleet of cruisers on the open water, and it is silly to think that only cruisers would be outfitted with AA anyhow

    Your historical rationalization about ground AAA seems sound to me.
    And why G40e need a naval AAA after all, since cruiser are at 10 IPCs?

    Once said, all I can oppose to defend a naval kind of AA  is, first, a “strategical game perspective”: it adds another interesting variety of naval weaponry to counter directly a massive air fleet and bomber spam strategy.

    It  also adds a “psychological protective effect” to your fleet when someone launch subs+TcB against it: it adds a bit more uncertainty about casualties. The enemy may still get costlier air casualties instead of only loosing cheaper subs.

    And, last, there was an historical fleet formation (deploy by USA in PTO) which can provide a better protection against planes. You probably both read or view it, nonetheless here is the link, for any other viewer of this thread:

    Around 3min. 25 s.: they explain how a fleet defensive formation was organized.
    From outer circles, to the most inner circles: DDs, cruisers, BBs, fleet carriers.

    That’s why I have this special HR:
    for 1 Cruiser+ 1 BB or 1 CV get 1 first strike AA @1 and
    for 1 CA+ 1 BB+ 1 CV get 2 first strike AA @1.

    It adds a layer of complexity but it increase the thrill during the game when trying to put together the newly built cruiser to joint the remnants of an older fleet (of BB+CV) to get a better and maximized protection against Air attack and enemy’s carrier.

  • '17 '16

    Why don’t introduce a boosted transport as a naval technological development:
    A kind of AKA, attacking cargo ship A1D1C8-9, same number of carried units?

    Or at least can combat as the old transport A0D1C8, 1 hit.

  • @Baron:

    Why don’t introduce a boosted transport as a naval technological development:
    A kind of AKA, attacking cargo ship A1D1C8-9, same number of carried units?

    Or at least can combat as the old transport A0D1C8, 1 hit.

    Because then everyone spams them, like the old transport
    would have to limit it to carry one unit,

    but honestly this is not for G40e

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator


    Once said, all I can oppose to defend a naval kind of AA  is, first, a “strategical game perspective”: it adds another interesting variety of naval weaponry to counter directly a massive air fleet and bomber spam strategy.

    It  also adds a “psychological protective effect” to your fleet when someone launch subs+TcB against it: it adds a bit more uncertainty about casualties. The enemy may still get costlier air casualties instead of only loosing cheaper subs.

    I admit, I had not thought of that specific scenario, but I agree with it.

    Also, I was advocating leaving the Cruisers at 12 IPC and giving them AA Guns.  10 IPC + AA Guns would be too powerful I think.

    As for the transport, I’d rather have a technology make them even cheaper.  Say 4 IPC each with Improved Naval Facilities instead of any attack/defense ability.  Just call it better logistics perhaps?  (4 IPC is pretty cheap, but considering it can’t really do anything but transport units, it’s not too bad for a technology…better than war bonds, no where near as good as jet power currently.)

    Still working on a tiered tech development tree.  3 Tiers, 6 Categories.  Will post later for review and comment.  I work retail now and we have Black Friday coming so my time’s kind of being monopolized at work…

  • I couldnt possibly be more opposed to giving cruisers an AA ability.


    because many planes were shot down by anti-aircraft gun fire by warships

    many planes were shot down all sorts of ways

    If you send out an overwhelming force of air vs a small fleet of cruisers, and the cruisers are more than capable of hitting the enemy aircraft. You should win with minimal losses in this scenario.
    The opponent is the one who took a risk, leaving his fleet vulnerable.

    AAA guns on land represent a territory wide network of radar/AA
    And unlike on water, they can be hidden where its virtually impossible to know where they are at untill they start shooting. Thus many aircraft are shot down before they even know whats going on.
    But as the battle progresses, aircraft know where the heavy AA pockets are and can better avoid them.

    This is simulated very well at the strategic level.
    All units have AA ability, all units can shoot down aircraft, but AA simulates the above, the unknown.
    You cant hide a fleet of cruisers on the open water, and it is silly to think that only cruisers would be outfitted with AA anyhow

    And cmdr Jen, 10IPC cruisers works exceptionally well relative to the 8IPC destroyer. I do not understand your objectiveness to it.
    believe it or not destroyers still hold a slight edge in combat, and are still the best blocker and the best overall fodder unit on the sea
    subs at 7IPC are still the best offensive naval unit, still the best (by far) convoy raid unit, but now they are not a good defensive unit
    at 10 IPCs you will see many more cruisers on the board, adding historical realism and fresher naval combat
    Italy can purchase a cruiser round one, and in my test games does many times

    cruisers could be such a fun unit, but currently are overpriced and rarely/if ever purchased

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    I agree, they need to be purchased more often.  We just disagree on how to achieve that objective.  You want to reduce the price to 10 IPC each, I want to give them AA Gun abilities.

    You mention that there are shore and naval base AA Gun emplacements.  So why not reduce the cruiser to 10 IPC and let Naval Base AA Guns defend fleets in adjacent sea zones instead?  Would result in more bases being purchased as well, I wager.

  • @Cmdr:

    let Naval Base AA Guns defend fleets in adjacent sea zones instead?  Would result in more bases being purchased as well, I wager.

    i like this

  • @Uncrustable:


    let Naval Base AA Guns defend fleets in adjacent sea zones instead?  Would result in more bases being purchased as well, I wager.

    i like this

    would have to be limited
    3 AA rolls, or number of attacking planes, whichever is less
    defense only
    must be operational?

  • One idea i have been thinking about was when i was thinking about naval cost reduction (mostly for B-ship and Cruiser) and I was thinking that maybe with the cost changes we would be able to put in a whole other unit. What? another unit? is this guy crazy? and the answer is yes i am crazy however, i am thinking of putting in a Battle cruiser to be the halfway point between the B-ship and cruiser (which if implemented could call the light cruiser). The Battle cruiser was a real warship (The HMS Hood was a Battle cruiser) and was regarded as one step behind a Battleship. Now I would implement this unit with Uncrustable’s Naval prices (Trans=6,subs=7, DD=8, Cr=10, AC= 15, BB= 18) I have nothing worked for sure as this is just an idea, but i would probably make it 12-14 IPC and attack at a 4 while defending at a 3 (or attack at 3 defend at 4?… maybe even have it at 3 and 3 but taking 2 hits to sink?). To represent this unit on the board i was thinking of using original AandA Battleship as its size is conveniently between that of B-ship and cruiser in Global (to compensate for only being 5 nations in original i would make ANZAC use Russian ships and Italy use Japanese ships to avoid confusion on board). Maybe make light cruisers only able to do shore bombardment in presence of heavy cruiser and/or B-ship? What do you guys think?

  • There are almost too many ships now
    That’s the problem, battleships and cruisers are too similar
    Now you want to add a 3rd unit that is similar

    Too many units is bad, it waters down the game, and creates ‘afterthought units’

    Remember this is a grand strategic game, fifty different unit types would serve little purpose
    Light carriers
    Merchant carriers
    Fleet carriers
    Light cruisers
    Battle cruisers
    -More of a tactical game representation

    Also remember that we use 6 sided dice, and no unit aside from jets (a tech) rolls higher than 4
    That leaves just 4 spaces for units. We have,
    Sub using 1
    Destroyer using 2
    Cruiser using 3
    Battleship using 4

    Let’s say you were to implement a unit A4D4 1hit. (12IPCs) the cruiser would be better
    How about A3D3 2hit? (15IPCs) In that case it would outperform the battleship

    I know it sounds cool, but it would not serve much positive, if any, purpose in the game
    It would not add to the experience
    Not to mention not many wants to add outside prices to their game, or buy pieces just to play a new version
    This should be playable out of the box.

    The only unit that I think is perhaps needed (because of mech) is mobile artillery
    But if you were to create such a unit, say goodbye to tank purchases

  • Yeah i didn’t have high hopes for it actually working myself :( I seem to be a man of many faulty ideas. Maybe after another thousand tries ill get the lightbulb right

  • BluGerman you are just fine thinking that way. My 2 advance games have all the extra stuff plus ground troops. So the game takes alittle longer and it makes you think of more things you can try and also it doesn’t make the game get to boring after awhile. Plus also have events cards you pick for each country at the start of every turn.

  • Customizer


    Yeah i didn’t have high hopes for it actually working myself :( I seem to be a man of many faulty ideas. Maybe after another thousand tries ill get the lightbulb right

    @ BluGerman. G40e is a good project. However as uncrustable suggested, it’s not suited for additional types of units and is an attempt to enhance the OOB game.

    That said, there are plenty of other threads in the Variants section of the forum regarding topics related to HBG, FMG, and other “aftermarket” parts. There is also an article submitted about additional parts and accessories for Axis & Allies.

    There are quite a few of us here including myself who use non-OOB pieces for different uses and ideas.

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