Thank you all for the replies! I was the USSR and France in an Allied Victory. The Axis player waited to attack all of the major powers until round three and by that time we were too built up for him to push very far into one area.
LH G42 question/comment
So i started a game of global today, using LH 1942 setup.
The first thing i noticed (to my great annoyance), was the placement of 2 German subs in sz107. These 2 subs represent the entire German presence in the Atlantic at the start of the game. Yet USA can attack them turn 1 with up to a destroyer, fighter and 2 strat bmbers. Pretty much auto death for the German subs lol.
Mindless. What is even the point of having them there at all lol, there isnt even a thought process for the USA player and the only risk is losing the destroyer 1 out of 3 times after sinking both subs.
I will be house ruling one of the German subs in 107 to 108. (edit: 103 is better as 108 is within 2 spaces of the UK BB and TN)
One more thing, there are not enough German tanks OOB for the setup (need one more)
Not a problem for me i just go to my bottomless stash of extra units, but for others this could be a nuisance…Thoughts from anyone else? I cant be the only one…
Well, if the bombers are committed elsewhere(dealing with the japanese), those subs do have a chance at making it out of there if they hit the destroyer. The US is virtually forced to kill the subs and not do other things I guess.
well the fighter and 1 strat on E US dont have a whole lot else to do lol, whether or not to send the 2nd strat (from W US) is the only thinking required
its a 63-67% chance of sinking both subs AND not lose the DD, around 1/6 chance that one sub surviveslike i said, mindless, pointless…
SZ 103 however is better than 108…editing OP
Or just get rid of the subs…