but i only plan on sending one fighter
plus the other one fighter is all that i need to accomplish my R1 moves,
This Is my regular R1 tell me what you think:
Buy 4inf, 3art
Attack Bellorussia; 1ftr, 3inf(from Karellia SSR) +1ftr if i dont send to Egypt
Attack W.Russia; 6inf, 2art, 4arm (all from Moscow “Coos-coos”, Archangel with 1 if left on archangel and 2 on the “Coos”)
1 inf from Arch. to Karellia
2 inf from Kaz to coos
2 inf from Nov to Mos
2 inf from Eva to Mos
2 inf from Yak to Nov
1 inf from SFE to Yak
1 sub to join the uk fleet
1 AA gun from Mos to Wrussia(dont worry bmbr cant get to mos)
2 ftrs to the coos
4 inf on “The Coos”
3 art on Mos
taking bellorussia shields your tanks from a counter as the only german territory adjacent is ukrane which means they can muster a max of 3 inf and 3 tanks, the aagun should deter ftrs so an attck on west russia would be foolish as you will have 4 tanks 2 art and between 3-6 inf, coos-coos is safe with 2ftrs 8 inf(they may go for it but at huge costs!, and you can easily take it back, may lose ftrs but they lose more), also they will undoubtetly take karelia but dont worry, let them…… it’s a trap.
Any questions/comments? feel free to ask 8)
-me and my friends refer to Caucus as Coos-Coos(pronounced like “moose”)